Fanatec Driver 442 (Beta) for CSL, CSW and Podium WB (all wheels)



  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
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    Does it help to install a previous driver and then attempt to flash the firmware?

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
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    Can you provide logfiles from the settings page of the control panel please?

    Do you have a Podium DD? If yes and you are still on the new firmware, you can try the base firmware attached below. (motor firmware has to be already before flashing it.

    Does updating the wheel firmware still work with an earlier driver (which you know worked before). In case you have a Podium DD and want to downgrade the firmware to the earlier driver, make sure to first downgrade the motor firmware before the base firmware.

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  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
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    Sorry for the delayed response from my end if you mean that, there was a public holiday last week and a long weekend because of that.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
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    If the display still works, navigate to the system info screen and see which firmware versions are listed.

    If motor firmware 3.0.0 is shown -> install driver 442, turn off base, start base by holding power button for 10seconds for 10 seconds to perform a base firmware update

    If motor firmware 42 or lower is shown -> install a driver you had before, turn off base, start base by holding power button for 10 seconds to perform a base firmware update

  • Good morning everyone. I had installed the 442 beta drivers and everything was fine. This morning I updated the PC with the release of W11, I was with the 10 again. As soon as I started Fanalab the first problem, my DD2, Formula V2 and V3 pedal board was no longer seen. I had to uninstall Fanalab and the 442 drivers, I put the 439 back on, now Fanalb sees me all the peripherals, but he didn't do the engine calibration and I have the fan that goes 100%!!!!! I'm desperate!!!!!

    Does anyone have 442 drivers to email me please? I’d like to reinstall them! My email is:


  • edited June 2022
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    WHY did you downgraded the driver to 439?

    It is absolutely normal that after EVERY big Windows Update, especially when upgrading the whole OS from W10 to W11, you HAVE TO re-install the driver or even simpler run the driver repair function. So why did you installed 439 instead of 442 now?...

    With Driver 439 you can not run the Motor Calibration when you have Motor Firmware installed as only Driver 442 is able to calibrate that Motor Firmware.

    Best in your case would be to downgrade now first the Motor back to V42 and only after you downgraded the Motor then also downgrade the Base Firmware back to 691 and then upgrade again when Driver 442 got re-released.........

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    Hello!!! Because unfortunately I had cancelled the installation package of the 442!!!! So I didn't have it anymore!!! Why would you send it to me? I don't know how to downgrade the firmware unfortunately!!


  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
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    I'm sending you a PM in a minute. File is uploading.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
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    we are looking into it, thanks

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    How do you mean “contact support”?

  • edited June 2022
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    Contact the technical support Team through the "My Products" section in the webshop as they need to open a repair-RMA.

  • pcardosopcardoso Member
    edited June 2022


    When will the driver be available? I just did a fresh windows install and now I need the driver 442.

    Or if someone would give me a link to get it i would apreciate alot :)

  • edited June 2022
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    As Marcel said last week: "we are working towards next week but want to make sure rule out update issues as good as we can and don't want to rush things".

    So maybe this week, but maybe not.

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    So there is no way to get the "old" 442 driver? I forgot to say that I was using it already and everything updated with no problem but i backup the wrong driver version by mistake before reinstaling I guess I am stuck until they solve the issue?

  • was there anything actually wrong with the driver, or was it just people not following the correct steps? hasn't it always been the case that people can run into issues if they don't follow the instructions... again if anyone could please send me the driver I'd really appreciate it

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    I was wondering the same. The fact that they withdrew this driver but left all the others would suggest that this driver is uniquely problematic. Otherwise I fail to see the logic.

  • edited June 2022
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    The "unique Problem" with only this new driver is the Firmware re-write where the whole communication between Motor and Base was changed and the Firmware versioning was changed to semantic version. When a user downgrades to an old driver and now first downgrades the Base Firmware back to an old non-semantic version, then the communication between Motor and Base is not working properly anymore and fan Spins at 100% where most people then think it's broken. In fact, most of the "broken" bases could get recovered already with the proper instructions for a proper order. Only this driver 442 update changed the order and you have to update or downgrade the Motor Firmware first which was not properly explained and this is actually where all the update and downgrade issues for the Bases now come from.

    On older drivers the update or downgrade order didnt really matter and in fact was the other way around, therefore only the 442 was taken down because only this driver has changed the whole upgrade and downgrade order and could cause issues because of a wrong update or downgrade order.

    There will be several measures in the re-released driver 442 where a downgrade option will be directly included in the driver so the user no longer has to downgrade to a completely different old driver and access to Recovery Tools and Recovery instructions will be directly implemented into the Driver so it wont be even possible to upgrade or downgrade in the wrong order anymore.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
    edited June 2022

    Most issues seem to be with the firmware getting flashed in the wrong order and luckily we could help those people out.

    The next driver UI will have the following changes to prevent the issue and help with recovering from them.

    • Implemented rule that it's not possible to do a manual update in the wrong order in case it would cause an issue for example when updating from previous 692 and 42 to and the base firmware update will be grayed out until the motor firmware update is done.
    • Changed order in the Firmware Manager with motor firmware now listed first to reflect the correct order of flashing also in the order things are listed in the UI.
    • Extended trouble shooting steps of "No device detected" screen which will link the PDF with recovery instructions.
    • Trouble shooting steps will be shown on the wheel page instead of just "No wheel detected" in case no wheel is detected, including access to recovery tools like the one which helped many to recover their BME.
    • Extra "Help" page in the driver UI below "Settings" which is always shown and summarizes all instructions/tools and is always visible also if currently everything seems detected by the UI.
    • There will also be a new Firmware "Downgrade" function of the Firmware Manager where you choose how far you want to downgrade your firmware and then the process is automatically done in the correct order like with the update. This is so people don't need to do the firmware downgrade to the old firmware manually with using an older driver where it could be done in the wrong order.

    While this covers a big part of the issues people were having where the hardware was recoverable we are also looking into why it seems like more wheel updates are failing than before. One base firmware I've already shared which might help but we also want to analyse hardware we get back through support to find out if it was an (by the driver) unavoidable hardware issue or if the latest firmware/driver played a negative role in some way. As similar update issues happened in the past we are unsure if the number really increased or if just more downloaded this new driver because of the big P DD improvements. So far we can't see a direct relation to the new driver or firmware.

    As the most problems where with firmware miss matches due to upgrading/downgrading in a wrong order either accidentally or due to an update not completing correctly only 442 was put online because the older drivers don't need the specific order of firmware update to work correctly. The cause is that the rework of the firmware is so extensive that old and new can't properly communicate if the firmware update is not done in the right order.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
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    I'll send you a PM with 442

  • Wow!!! the fidelity and feel is insane! it's like a whole new base. I have a DD2 and using Maurice's new Fanalab profiles....hats off to the team for the work they put into this, I know it took a long time to get here but it's sure worth it now...damn!!!

  • Andre CibaAndre Ciba Member
    edited June 2022

    Can I also use the Fanalab Profile on the Play Station? Everyone reports the improved driving experience and that everything is better. I had the 442 installed and didn't notice any difference. do i need to change a setting? My problem with the 442 is that the feedback from the car seems to arrive at the steering wheel later and you no longer have a chance to Correct it.


  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
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    FanaLab is not working on PlayStation. The tuning menu settings you adjust on the base with FanaLab will stay and work on console but the other functions like LED, display or vibration settings are only having an effect on PC while FanaLab is running, including saving/loading the profiles.

    You mean you have input lag on Playstation since updating to 442?

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    Thanks for the answer, no, I have a CSL DD Base with the Boost Kit 180.

    I was able to flash the Clubspot steering wheel Formula v2.5 x from v41 to v43 only the latest version does not work.

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  • I can't say if it's an input problem. The steering movements that I make on the steering wheel are very well damped. it feels so loose with the movement passed from the game to the base. like the cushioning and feedback is missing. I

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
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    Thank you, good to have the log files and to know it happened with a CSL DD. We are currently investigating the issue with high priority.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
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    I'm not sure if I read it the right way, with the successful update from 41 to 43 you mean in the past right? Or did you try again with a previous driver and updating from 41 to 43 there?

  • Hi there, is there a timeline on when 442 will be re-released?

  • Marcus FehnMarcus Fehn Member
    edited June 2022
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    Nope. The McLaren Wheel is recognized as PS4 wheel, with no Firmware available. Regardless of Drivers.

    I have two McLaren wheels down and one PBME. And now I need to send in the base. 😭

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