Podium Wheel Bases (and Racing Wheels) discussion

General discussion for topics related to the Podium Wheel Base DD1 (P WB DD1), Podium Wheel Base DD2 (P WB DD2), and Podium Racing Wheel F1® - officially licensed for PS4™ (P RW F1).
The first part of the axle where the rim slides on, the one before the rubber, is too small in Diameter. Easily a few tenths of microns, if not even a hundred.
Thanks guys
Thank you for trying but why so very condescending? troll, probably not, but who knows how old your mind is (see it's easy. lol).
I was asking to make sure one way or another, as there are no references to it in the manuals that I can see. If it is OK and works without duff shifts or missed gears due to EMI interference, then all is good with the standard cable. There would not be another reason to be 'safe'or 'sorry' behind using the standard cable, but there seems no option to purchase anything other than the standard cable: https://www.fanatec.com/eu-en/shifter-accessories/sp-pedals-shifter-cable-2-0m-rj12-rj12-eu.html and the Shifter SQ 1.5 is not listed as an accessory to the DD2 but the product page for the shifter states: "Compatible to all Fanatec Wheel Bases / Racing Wheels"
The ESS has a ferrite protected cable as do the pedals, both included so from all the above information one would assume 1 of 2 things:
1. The standard cable is just fine (as Joel confirms) and Fanatec saw no need to state otherwise.
2. Fanatec have overlooked the connectivity of the shifter SQ to the DD wheels.
Thank you for your fine answer, just what I was hoping for.