Fanatec Driver 463 - Previous Release



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    I was telling u that a few weeks ago after 462. Wheel doesn’t show 462/3 on start up etc. but as u say it’s just a visual glitch.

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    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    I installed 463 driver package and the problem is still there.

    I tried with 455, and issue is no longer present so I also vouch for this version being the last one stable. Anything after 455 seems to be broken.

    I have raised a ticket with support and I am waiting for a response. Until then, in case anyone has this problem, turn off the base from the red light state. On boot, it will go to red and you will be able to switch between the modes. Otherwise, if you turn off the base from a green light state, you are screwed and the base will freeze upon next boot.

  • hello, I have a problem with my Monte Carlo steering wheel, since update 462, it is recognized as a podium hub and it does not know the Monte Carlo hub so the buttons no longer work. I tried to go back to 455 but nothing works, even uninstalling everything but the same thing, if someone can help me please
    I posted a ticket, a response but no solution provided.
    help me

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    What about those buttons labelled "RSB" and "LSB"? Do they work as RSB and LSB?

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    If I go back to 455 and the related firmwares, is this compatible with the latest fanalab (for LMU).

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited November 2024

    if you report a issue tell at least what hardware you have, its hard to understand all different problems

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    Fanatec Driver 463 (Release Candidate) for CSL, CS and Podium (all wheels)

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    5.32 MB

    I'm on:

    Driver: 462

    Wheel Base:

    Seering Wheel Hub: 6

    Button Modul: 24

    Wireless QR:

    Fanalab: v2.01.54

    I have noticed i issue whit Combination DD+ | PODIUM HUB |BME | Fanalab

    if i enable the ITM on my BME in Fanalab, and press the settings Button on my BME de Joy makes strange things.

    If i disable the ITM then all Works fine.

    Sorry for my bad english

  • Good Morning, I'm waiting for an answere from support for the problem with version 463 on my DD+, i downgraded to version 455. Can someone tell me the firmware version that i need to have on each component? i have the base: CS DD+, Steering Wheel: Podium Porsche 911 gt3 ( podium Hub,Podium Button Module Endurance) , Pedals: V3. Thank you very much in Advance

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    That's a known Firmware issue to get fixed at some point in the future.

  • Hello, I have a question.

    Is the ClubSport Universal Hub V2 compatible with the

    ClubSport DD+ 15 Nm? There is nothing about it.

    Thanks in advance

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    Hi. I have exactly the same problem. In addition to the false inputs in funky switch. 3 presses only 1 change.

  • hi maurice please can u put me in the discussion the download OF 1.30 for the pedals v3 club sport???, I have many problems and I want to try with 1.30.

    i need the .hex file please ..

    many thanks to u and to anyone that can help me

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    If I remember correctly, it is in all the drivers. When updating the pedals, click on manual update and then on the three dots in the download bar. Select v1.30 and flash firmware. Make sure you don't have the pedals connected via the rf12 and the USB at the same time or you will fry the control unit.

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    I Made this, but with 4.63 when u click on three dots there’s no choice on file, please can u send me the hex of 1.30? In case here is difficult, I leave my mail …help me please

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited November 2024
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    you have the CS DD+ why 455?

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    Yes, i downgraded on the 455 because whit the 463 the base blocked while playing!

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    is-int the 462 the one where they release a disconnection issues fix for the PlayStation users?

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    For the CSP V3 v 1.30 FW is really far back like in Driver package 363 or 370 - so to use it you’d have to uninstall current driver and install one of those, then manual firmware update just the pedals connected using USB to the PC

  • Hello,

    i have had the DD+ since yesterday and am on driver 462.

    Is it a known issue with the APM?

    I can set min and max for throttle and brake in the pedals tab, but I can't do that for the clutch on the APM. I press the Min button but it doesn't take over. Now and then in the game there is an input of 1/2% and I can't set Min.

  • Joel ScherzerJoel Scherzer Member
    edited November 2024

    Gt dd pro, still on 4.39.. only original pedals and wheel

    Any recommendation what version I should update to? This or 4.55 or ?? Guessing I should update vs staying with that super old version..

    Ps5 gt7 and acc , some pc ... windows 10.. Haven't used it in a long time

    Thanks so very much for your time and information.

  • Dale GreenDale Green Member
    edited November 2024

    With the recent acquisition by Corsair and hopefully resources going back into product improvement, can we expect work to start on the "steering jump issue" and a firmware/driver release that addresses it?

    It's three years now that I've been working around this issue and always racing with the chance of a surprise FFB jolt.

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    you mean like micro FFB loose?

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    I guess that's one way it could be perceived if you're turning left or if you're in iRacing where there's now code to clamp any unusual FFB spikes.

    For me the core issue is a FFB spike that kicks the wheel about 90 degrees left for a fraction of a second with a sharp FFB jolt. Before iRacing's workaround I had the wheel spin on me once when I wasn't holding it securely and the paddle shifter cut my thumb. Not pleasant but hey, I had to accept 2 or 3 warnings about high FFB before using my wheel...

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    That's no issue but intended. Min/Max calibration is for PEDALS, not Paddles.

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    What can I do to fix

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    Nothing other than pulling the clutch paddles fully after every base start as this automatically calibrates them. There is no manual calibration possible for them.

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    I can confirm that the issue with a DD+ wheelbase communication freezes has not been fixed with driver version 462 as stated in the ChangeLog.

    Just got my DD+ one month ago and use it with the Porsche 911 GT3 R wheel and the V3 Pedals on a PS5.

    I started with the driver version 455 and updated all items with the included firmware. This worked fine for all components and I had hours of racing in ACC.

    As I realised that there is a new driver version, I installed driver 462 and updated all the firmware.

    After this I experienced the known issue that after some time (10-40 minutes) FF stops, shifting and steering is no longer possible.

    The wheelbase has to be completely switched off and on to start working again.

    So I downgraded again to driver 455 and the acording firmware for the wheelbase. This caused the wheelbase to keep stuck in update-mode after rebooting. So I downgraded again to 454 and up to now this works fine again. At the moment I am not willing to try any higher firmware again.

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    When you still have disconnections with the firmware of 462 then your base has a hardware issue which needs to be repaired.

    The Firmware related disconnections are fixed and no further work is on-going for any further improvements as there is nothing to further improve from the firmware.

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    perhaps we dealing some other problem

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