Fanatec Driver 463 - Previous Release



  • I am still on 455 on my DD+ and since I have my DD+ since the beginning (yes I was a early adopter/preOrderer) I got not one single disconnect not on PS5 and not on PC...

  • As me …I wonder if anyone as a problem with 455

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited November 2024
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    those all drivers/firmware may have some own problems

    that miss shift what pops up in here at my hardware, is not mega critical but it may start finally annoy, if user uses auto shift then he even may think what all talk about. it really depends

    users need self check if it cause problems from him or not, some say they not have problems but some say opposite

  • DD+/ GT Extreme user here. Since beta 454 I started to notice some down shift issues.

    Back with 454 there were some I'd say "disconnections" issues not consistent. From 462and 463 there hasn't been any disconnection so far, jus some downshifts issues every now and then.

    I'm PS5 GT7 player

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited November 2024
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    if user is pro player and every nano second matters, that miss shift is really bad . i hope they understand this and fix it soon as possible

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    Agreed. I don't know if it mostly happened when downshifting on low speed corners then it goes to 1st or if it happens elsewhere and I haven't noticed. Not sure how I can help them to diagnose and fix it. and yeah, I hope it can be fixed shortly. Finishing the third quarter with this set already.

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited November 2024
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    well, they not give us any debugging tools for test this what could cause that, so its more like blind guessing here what could make this

  • hello to all,

    do you have issues like the one in this video attached?

    is it maybe firmware related ?

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    podium button rally issue.gif
    17.44 MB

    thanks in advanced for your help.


  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited November 2024
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    to you base FFB is less than 100% ?

    what we may talk here is the Nm reaction time for turn the steering wheel left or right, when Base FFB is set too small then perhaps base can't react too fast the small details and they may feel like jolts or some very weird FFB effect depends how user see it

  • Hi Maurice, Is there any hope for PBMR issues to be resolved anytime soon? My PBMR + XBOX Universal Hub V2 works fine on my GT DD PRO but when I use it on my CS DD the PBMR has issues where any button presses intermittently trigger the rotary encoders. I can also replicate this issue in the Fanatec control panel. I have tried the latest firmware 4.63 on my CS DD but that has a new issue where I can't exit from the tuning menu with the PBMR (it takes numerous button presses / tries until it finally exits)

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    I am praying since a year for that fw update...

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited November 2024
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    about this Corsair, Fanatec actually released Clubsport DD last year, it does have faster chip inside what have faster reaction times as well , so technically it should not cause this kind jolts at there if i get right about this issue what you talk

    but if using the DD1/DD2 then 100% FFB in base self should reduce this as well

    also this FOR setting could little make things better if make it stronger. but that should used only if its really needed

  • "The ClubSport DD Wheel Base is compatible with: All Fanatec Steering Wheels"


    Have 463 with latest firmware for all.

    On a Universal Hub v1 (with a QR2 conversion) recognized by the CS DD although uses a UH v1 XBOX version image, all buttons work except the paddle shifters DO NOT. Pressing the L1 or R1 button on top of the hub illuminates the shifter paddles as being pulled. So tying the B6 and B5 to the L1 and R1 would seem to be the solution. Also requires ticking the "Analog Axis" box or one or more of the v3 pedals gets depressed.

    Since the UH v1 has no upgradable firmware, will have to be fixed in base firmware or driver software.

  • I have a CS DD+ (since pre-order) on 455 with no issues.

    McLaren GT3 V2

    F1 LE 2023 with APM

    Porches 911 GT3 R with APM

    Monte Carlo Rally with MPM (last I checked the PBMR still had issues waiting for a FW fix)

    (V3 Pedals, Shifter, Handbrake)

    Am I safe to upgrade my devices to 463 or are people still having issues?

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    i think you should stay currently the 455 if you not have any major problems, this latest new ones could start make new issues like miss shifting

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    As the CS UH V1 is not officially compatible withthe CS DD due to the hardmounted QR1, there most likely wont be any time spent to fix this. Especially not when the devs first need to use 3rd Party Tools to change from QR1 to QR2.

    Also stuff like this usually would need to get fixed in the SW FW, not the Base FW and as that wheel does not have it's own SW FW, there wont even be a fix possible.

    So if you want to use a CS UH then you will need to upgrade to the officially compatible V2.

  • edited November 2024
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    There are dozens of BMR related fixes ready in the Pipeline since months, they all just wait to get merged into a public release firmware which unfortunately takes a lot of time as each fix by itself works fine but all merged into the Main branch needs to get tested if they didnt broke something else. I have no ETA when these fixes will finally make it into a public firmware. I hope still this year but I would not bet my life on it tbh...

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    try pressing the L1 and R1 same time and see if the B5 and B6 works

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    I'm sure the developers have access to option 2 which is a Type F adapter for the CS DD' s. Boosted Media even showed proof of it's existence in his videos on YouTube. But as we all know it is a broken promise from Fanatec in every CS DD listing to be "released soon".

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    Hi Maurice. Do these same fixes apply to PBME??. I'm asking because of the issues with the funky right switch. It goes crazy when activating ITM and also gives false clicks when turning it left and right. Thanks!!

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    That issue is internally also fixed and is awaiting a merge into the public release branch.

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    GREAT!!!. Thanks for your quick response, help and dedication!!

  • I can´t install the 463 driver, every time i try i get a message that the installer package has an error and the install is stopt. And then i have to reverse to the 462 driver for it to work

  • I just rolled my rig out after not having used it in a few months. Podium DD1 PS5 GT7, Xbox Forza, driver 455. Everything works great on both platforms as far as I can tell. And did so before going into hibernation.

    So now I see there's a new update out. Okay I'll head over to the forum before install and see if anyone has any feedback on the new driver updates.

    👀 ......455 it is!

  • Hello all

    Apologize if i am off topic but im facing a problem, during firmware update the electricity went off as a result the base DD1 i have no display and in Fanatec control panel DD1 is not connected. I tried to reinstall the driver, change usb port but nothing. Also i cant turn in off i have to plug out. Can anyone help me please.

    Thanks in adavce

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    This issue is usually fatal, and only fix would be to rma unit back to FANATEC for repair (To reprogram the EEPROM that holds the Firmware code for the DD1), however you could try a bootloader start of the Wheelbase, by turning it on with the power button held down for 8-10 seconds until the power button flashes white. This may be able to re-flash the FW software, but most likely non of this will work as the Firmware has been fully erased and the DD1 is no longer a usable unit.

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    By luck i did a bootloader ( did not know that faction) and i seems that its ok now. Thank you very much.

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited November 2024
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    i think Maurice tell somewhere that it's possible recover, but if something goes wrong before that like bootloader self fails then it's not possible by default without special tools, when that happens then user may need rma

  • Has the newest patch solved the missing shifts issue with the Formula V2.5? I'm just wondering if I should stick with 455 for a while longer, I did like how the new update felt when I last tried it though, I just can't be missing shifts.

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