Fanatec Driver 463 - Previous Release



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    A lot... You only installed the driver, now you have to downgrade the firmwares as well. The mis-shifts of the Formula V2.5 wheel are caused by the new Firmware. You need to manually flash the Firmware from driver 455 to the wheel. And also flash the Base Firmware to the ones of 455 to get everything in line with the driver you use. Just open the Firmware Manager, check the checkbox for manual Firmware install and then just click flash without manaually selecting anything and then it will flash the default firmware of the driver to the devices. As you seem to be fairly unfamiliar with all this procedures you definitely should read the driver and firmware instruction manual which comes with the driver downloads before you do anything further.

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    I have the same problem on my FV2 and APM shifters. It is ridiculous that this is a thing. Like, sim racing hardware not upshifting on command. This is one step too much to be fair.

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    OK, I'll do it will report again

  • All Right?

  • edited November 2024
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    No.. You only flashed the wheel Firmware but not the base firmware. Base should be from 455.

  • Wheel base Motor Firmware? Or wheel base Firmware there is all up to date

  • If you know what to do and how to do it, it's easy

    It's the first time for me to carry out such an update

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    Therefore I highly recommended to read the driver and firmware instructions which explains everything in detail.

    Of course the driver says that everything is up to date because you have a NEWER Firmware than the one from the driver so of course it is up to date... Just follow the same step as for the wheel firmware: Open Firmware Manager, check the Manual Firmware checkbox, click Update Wheel Base, click flash without manually selecting anything, done.

  • Neil ReubenNeil Reuben Member
    edited November 2024

    removed as dup

  • edited November 2024

    Just want to chime in and say that 463 is working great on my DD+. I’ve now done 16 hours of racing with it and not a single disconnect on PS5 even if connected to a powered usb switcher/hub. No issues also with the Extreme wheel, McLaren GT3 V2, CS UH V2 for Xbox, Podium hub with PBME and Formula V2.5 which are all on the latest firmware (47 for the V2.5).

    Hopefully the PBMR sequential issue on PS5 can be fixed soon, will definitely get one once that is fixed.

  • Hello, I just wanted to let you know that I have now flashed the base to version The test is still to come, but I am confident because I tested paddleshifter via wheel menu yesterday reacted well

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited November 2024
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    yeah some people seems have different Formula V2.5 version, what causes them a miss shifting problems, that (47) version seems not have this problem

  • Paolo ZacconePaolo Zaccone Member
    edited November 2024
  • hello, my problem is that I can do the update but my Formula V2.5 remains on firmware 33 and not on 47. I tried everything but I can't do it. In addition, when I am in the control panel and I test the LEDs, the vibration motors are also activated.

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    Just a heads up I’ve tested after closing down fanalab and not re opening the issue is resolved so has to be a fanalab issue

  • edited November 2024
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    No it is not. Without FanaLab you cant control the LEDs and especially the ITM. And exactly this is what causes the Steering Wheel freezes of the GT SW X so of course without FanaLab the freeze can not happen because the wheel is not really heavily used with all its capabilities.

    So yes, the issue only happens with FanaLab running but the root cause is still verified internally to be a firmware issue, not a Lab issue.

  • Hello, can you tell me if there is a solution to my problem? I can't get my Formula V 2.5 to firmware 47, it remains stuck at 33. Do I need to file a ticket with technical support?

  • HI

    I am currently on

    driver 455

    wheel motor FW

    wheel base FW


    clubsport pedals V3 1.5

    I have tried updating to 462, failed and now 463 failed

    attcah logs for last attempt at 463

    and the logs after it ro9lling back to 455

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    42 KB

    Any suggestions

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    Fanatec Logs failed
    52.82 KB

  • edited November 2024

    Hi together,

    I have some strange behavior occurring since about 2 months.

    My pedals suddenly stop working until I restart the base.

    This occurred seemingly independent of a firmware update (FW from 455 and also WheelBase FW, so I first thought the pedals were broken.

    But now I actually think the base is the problem, for 3 reasons:

    • the pedals instantly work again after base restart
    • when they stop working while pressed, the last input gets locked an still send to the game (GT7)
    • today after restarting the base when they failed, the "BrakeForce" setting was reset in the active custom set

    Did anyone else have something similar happen, or is my base just f**d already?

    It's slowly getting frustrating. I can't even remember the last league race, this base didn't mess up.


    DD+ / ClubSport Formula V2.5 / CSL-Pedals + LC / PS5


    WeelBase / Wheel / QR / Pedals 1.6

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    Things you might try:

    1) Make a Windows System Restore point of the working system, so that when you try other things you can restore windows back to a known good state with Fanatec driver setup if anything catastrophic happens.

    2) Make sure the Windows User account your using has Administrator privileges.

    3) Uninstall current driver and reboot computer.

    4) Installing Fanatec Driver v463 or other versions and reboot computer.

    So with Windows 10 & 11 which uses "Microsoft Defender Anti-Virus", try putting in a exemption (Allowed Threats) for Fanatec Software, Anti-virus software can delete / Quarantine / Block parts of the Fanatec drivers as they are created on disk drive during the install, obviously making the install fail part way through.

    Check that Windows 10 Security -> "Core Isolation" -> "Memory Integrity" is still turned off, some drivers may fail to install if this is turned on, The settings can be found in: PC Settings -> Update and Security -> Windows Security -> Device Security -> Core Isolation details.

  • Hello everyone,

    I updated to 462 the other day and problems began. Basically, once started, the base quickly goes to light green and the McLaren wheel shows the F logo on the display and that's it. It's completely frozen, the base does not respond to anything. It does not get detected by the Fanatec software as well. Temporary workaround is to remove the wheel while the base is off, power it on and then put the wheel on. Then it works. Until you turn it off and it goes again. It was not the case with the previous 457 drivers. I manually reflashed 462 on all devices. To no avail.

    Shall I try 463 if downloadable?


  • Hello everyone ;

    i have the same probleme once started, the base quickly goes to light green and the McLaren wheel shows the F logo on the display and that's it

    Since update 462


  • hello, my problem is that I can do the update but my Formula V2.5 remains on firmware 33 and not on 47. I have tried everything but I can't do it. Also, when I'm in the control panel and testing the LEDs, the vibration motors also activate.

    CSL DD 8nm

    pedals CSL

    Wheel Formula V2.5

    Pc Driver : 463

    Wheel base :

    Wheel base motor :

    Steerring Wheel :

    Wireless QR :

    Windows 11 (64)

    can you help me?


  • edited November 2024
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    Your Firmware is up-to-date. It is in version as shown in the driver. The Bases currently just have a known firmware issue to show the firmware version properly in the OLED Display of the wheel after boot but that is "just" a visual glitch.

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    Hi. It's this even a priority to fix it?

    Why release a wheel firmware that many reported having the same problem?

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    Okay thank you for your answer Maurice..... so could the fact that the vibration motors activate when I test the LEDs in the panel control come from that too?

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    Yes thats another Firmware issue.

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    Ok thanks for the answer.

    Good day.

  • Hello everyone with a DD2

    I'm a DD2 user since at least 4 years and went through several driver update issues during this period, because I did updates when they came public. Several times it helped me but sometimes I got new issues which had been solved step by step with further updates.

    I can only suggest DD2 users, don't do any update if you dont have issues, it aint go better.

    The above driver and firmware version together with FanLab V2.01.45 works perfect for my configuration and I am mainly driving ACC.

    Not even one of all the 457/462/463 issues mentioned here are existing with that driver/firmware versions and I have 2 pcs of DD2.

    Hope this information is helpful to some in here, cheers.

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