Fanatec Driver 463 - Previous Release



  • edited October 2024

    @Stephen Way

    Must be incredibly frustrating mate. As a test maybe create a new user with admin privilege and try install on that user? Shot in the dark again but who knows.

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited October 2024
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    he seems todo own way by using some sort "Revo Uninstaller Pro" whatever that is, even tho fanatec and Microsoft self have proper uninstaller

  • edited October 2024
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    Yes I prefer not to use any 3rd programs myself. Some of these mess about with registry stuff too. Now that I think about it wasn't there an issue in the past if a Fanatec log folder didn't exist?

    Edit: FW 455 Fixed crashes of the Control Panel when no public Fanatec Log folder is available on the PC.

    That's what I was remembering but I guess it's not related to Stephens issue.

  • Stephen WayStephen Way Member
    edited October 2024
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    Seems we are in the same boat then! Both of us seem to do our own way! 🤣

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    yes, but looks i'm in that part where it not sink yet.

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    Regarding point: 6) I Did a complete reset (a completely fresh install of Windows 10 saving my personal data, I tried again to install Fanatec Drivers on the clean install and again after updating Windows 10 but still got the same error!

    I read everything but if this didn't help then pff, damn. Given all you did and do while trying to install the driver only a few thing come to my mind:

    -do any other installers fail (non fanatec)?

    -do you get any blue screens (that might indicate ram or SSD failure)

    -try unplugging everything absolutely unnecessary from USB ports, leaving only mouse and keyboard. All Bluetooth, wifi, gamepad controller remote dongles, lamps, mug heaters, whatever. Unplug the base as well. Maurice recommendations are correct but after a long pause from racing windows stopped recognizing my base and I couldn't (un)install until I disconnected the base.

    -is your system partition on C:/ ?

    -previous versions still fail?

    -do you still have any antivirus? You said you disabled it but maybe uninstall it completely and try again

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited October 2024
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    he used the "Revo Uninstaller Pro" whatever that is. it may that in not uninstall everything what belongs the fanatec

    third party apps can make stuff worse than it actually is

  • Stephen WayStephen Way Member
    edited October 2024
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    Yes, I do agree with you that "Some" third-party apps can make things worse...But not in this case, as I have used the program for over 8 years and installed and un-installed many programs using this software including all Fanatec Drivers, (Not 462/463) it is my preference and choice to do so ....BTW after the clean install of Windows 10 and without any programs or AV's installed Just a clean install...I still was not able to install Fanatec drivers 462 or 463...all installs after went fine not one issue and yes just in case you might think of it, I installed one program at a time and tried Fanatec drivers in between installs.

    I am, as of now, going through all Fanatec's previous drivers to see if I missed one earlier that will install....I just NEED my wheel back!! 😭

    Thank you for all the help and suggestions

  • Stephen WayStephen Way Member
    edited October 2024
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    Thank you, Konrad, for taking the time to post, but yes I have tried all that you suggested, My PC is getting on for 9 years old it's a relic like me 😉and I can honestly say I have not had an issue ever in 9 years, no blue screens, all programs (non-Fanatec) have installed fine in fact I'm kind of happy that I did a clean Windows install, it' like my PC is new, but pulling my hair out at the same time trying to sort out this Fanatec Driver issue it first happened with driver 462 so, some of which I posted will be there as well :) Cheers, Steve.

    PS: -is your system partition on C:/ ? No, it's not 2T Samsung SSD, and 4T HDD storage

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited October 2024
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    what are you talking? you self tell that after clean install of Windows 10, you was able install 462 but you decide uninstall fanatec drivers and it happened again

  • @Stephen Way

    If you reloaded Windows 10 and saved your personal data check for these "Fanatec" folders and if they exist, backup elsewhere and then delete the folders "Endor_AG_Fanatec", "Fanatec":


    c:\Program Files\Fanatec\

    After a fresh install of windows you may want to reload these, good to cover all games in general:

    Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1

    Microsoft .Net Runtime X64

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable X32

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable X64

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable X32

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable X64

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable X32

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable X64

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable X32

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable X64

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable X32

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable X64

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable X32

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable X64

    Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime X64

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited October 2024

    windows automatically pops a message if some dll are missing, in he case it not happened, so it cant be the Redistributable

    he still have those weird service errors what should not happen by default at all

       ServiceManager::ServiceOpen OpenService failed! 1060  Service does not exist.
       ActionServiceUninstall: ServiceEnableAccess failed on FWSrvc!
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    "PS: -is your system partition on C:/ ? No, it's not 2T Samsung SSD, and 4T HDD storage"

    Sorry, so is the Windows on C: or not? If not, like D: etc, maybe some Windows updates create the issue. I mean that windows longer like fanatec installing something on drive other than C:

  • Hi all

    I asked in a fanatec facebook group if you leave the wheel on or take it off before updating the base firmware and some say leave it on and others say take it off, so now i´m confused 😶

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    Leave it on.

    Only needed to take it off when updating the WQR but that's also shown to you explicitly during the update process. For updating the base or the motor the wheel can left attached.

  • John LundinJohn Lundin Member
    edited October 2024

    I had a disconnect with the FW ”ClubSport DD(+) Base:” and it did not reconnect after 3 or 5 seconds. Went back to the FW included in 4.62.

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited October 2024
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    if he used third party app and it not correctly uninstall the stuff, then there is a change that some services would continue work what not allows install or uninstall from fanatec installer

    this folder what you tell "c:\Program Files\Fanatec\"

    its not even possible uninstall if any off fanatec stuff still runs at there because of third party app

  • Quennan DavisQuennan Davis Member
    edited October 2024
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    seems like this is ALWAYS on the TODO list but never gets done....nor is even a locked in date promised. Just "in the future". It's a game crippling bug guys...please take it seriously. I've watched Fanatec kick the can on this since version 452 or 455...we're on 463

    Bugs in Bentley wheels getting fixed asap for small glitches....but you got a whole line of stuff with the APM and podium hub that can't shift properly.

  • Ja, es ist schrecklich, Fanatec.

    Sie sollten nicht überrascht sein, dass Kunden zur Konkurrenz gehen.

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited October 2024
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    i think they not understand fully that people start slowly get tired constantly complain same problems,

    and they seems think that everything is fixed.

    they may not have recurses for everything at same time and that is totally understandable, but some issues in here is already kind off long time now

  • Quennan DavisQuennan Davis Member
    edited October 2024
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    This reposted by accident

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    Me with dd2 and mclaren gt3 wheel, driver 462 and fw, i can confirm the mis shift issue that i never had before with 455 driver, i tried to reinstall last driver but the issue is still here, hope an update to fix this annoying problem

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    They're not gonna fix it boss. Welcome to the club though

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited October 2024
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    need use older firmware, what would be odd solution because new steering wheels may not work in old firmware

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    Yeah infact now I did a downgrade to old firmware, however still hope “In the future” that fix this

  • Stephen WayStephen Way Member
    edited October 2024
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    Sorry No, I only have one C:/ drive with no partitions that Windows 10 is installed on, I don't install any programs on D:/ it is only for storage for all Pictures and personal data, that same D:/ drive has followed me over 3 PC builds I swap it out each time and yes I do have a backup for that too. Thank you :)

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    Yes, a mistake on my part I was able to install 462, so I thought that the problem was resolved, I un-installed it is because the wheelbase had not installed the firmware correctly, so thinking a reinstall of driver 462 would put it right, make it not install again...I have this feeling your mocking me :)

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited October 2024
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    no. also your info typed in logs that it's installed in C:

    so i not know if that info is even useful or just makes just extra confusion

    if you not installed the new drivers then

    go the Task manager and look if FWPnpService.exe is running

    if its running then close that and try install the drivers again

  • Stephen WayStephen Way Member
    edited October 2024

    Okay, here is where I'm at now! I went through all the previous Fanatec drivers that I had saved to see if one would install. I did this yesterday and found none. I thought I should check that again in case. Here's the thing, Fanatec Driver 450 will install and is now installed on my PC. Why? I don't know! Why just v450 and not others?..... I know in that one time I did have 462 installed I did not update any of the firmware!! Please see the Picture I have attached and again, I would appreciate any help, I have not experienced any problems before this with any of the DD2 hardware or software from Fanatec. I'm just trying to understand and get my wheel working again. Thank you!

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    it shows that you have very old Motor Firmware installed

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