Fanatec Driver 462 (prev. Release) for CSL, CS and Podium (all wheels)



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    There is no difference between 457 and 462 for P DD and CSL DD users.

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    make a wifi module what can transfer udp data, thro that you can read the codemaster protocol and then convert that to the itm data and send that data the steering wheel, i not know maybe you could use your can-bus for this for communication between the wifi module.

    just a random thinking

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  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited October 2024
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    i understand, well at-least in this way it would be much easier communicate between itm and steering wheel

    if you own sf1000 then you know

  • edited October 2024
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    It is not difficult so nothing needs to be made easier. It just has to be coded into the firmware and then tested. This is ongoing right now, we dont need to make any workarounds with some wifi modules etc.

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    it would be easier for game developers, as this codemaster udp protocol already used kind of some time now

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    Still, wont happen.

  • Will the wheel LED issue (some LEDs off after wheel is plugged) be fixed with the next driver version? I use the BMW M4 GT3 wheel.

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    This is one of many issues on the list to be fixed at some point in the future without any ETA, definitely not the next driver and likely not even this year though.

  • Hoping this hasn't already been asked/said: on CS DD does it fix the LEDs and screen, which freeze after a while and then disappear? In the past, it was not yet known whether it was a hardware or software problem.

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    Freezes and disconnections are what driver 462 is all about.

    If you still experience freezes / disconnections, then its likely a hardware issue of your base and you should contact the support.

  • edited October 2024
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    No disconnections, just random led rpm/screen freeze.

    I'm using drivers 455.

  • edited October 2024
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    Just give 462 a try and test ..

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    game what you using or it happens in any game ?

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    I'm driving only on iRacing. But its random. Sometimes never happen, sometimes after few minutes/hours.

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    in my old fanatec sdk coding experience tell me that too fast data flow can todo this.

    are you using this 360hz in iracing ?

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    It's enabled by default on app.ini, but I dont think Clubsport DD use 360Hz... Right?

  • edited October 2024
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    No. This sounds like the old data overflow QR FIrmware issue which was fixed a long time ago already with any newer firmware than the one of 455 so upgrade to 462 is my advise.

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    if it comes from firmware, because steering wheel have slow chip and base have fast ship. then only way is use latest firmware i guess what fanatec is offering

  • Gökhan OgulGökhan Ogul Member
    edited October 2024

    works fine here with my CS DD - Base and WQR, no freezes and no disconnections. Tested on PC and Xbox Series X. Dont have PS5. On PC, tested with Games iRacing, AMS2, F1 24, PC2, R3E, rFactor2, AC, ACC. Wheels: F1 Wheel V2, McLaren GT Wheel, CS RS Wheel. Pedals: Fanatec V3 Pedals., Fanatec Shifter

    BTW: @Maurice Böschen Any news on the planned Fullforce emulation with Fanalab using UDP data from games? This would boost sales.

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    There are no plans in this regard atm anymore.

  • Hi, I have also posted on 457 thread this problem but apparently nobody approved my message.

    Since nothing is changed in 462 regarding wheel firmware I think the problem is still there.

    I am running a CSL DD (8nm) and Fanatec Formula v2 wheel (2023 BF edition) + APM. 

    After updating to 457 Driver and Wheel Firmware I started having problems with APM. It's missing shifts a lot, mostly downshifting, it's unplayable.

    I have downgraded the wheel firmware back to and the problem was gone. Upgraded back to (to make sure) and the problem was back. Misses shifts a few times per lap, sometimes for seconds. It's not from the game, I also checked in window mode having Fanatec App open and the shifts were not registred in the app.

    I can provide videos on private if it's necessary.

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    That issue is noted but so far couldnt really get reproduced by the devs. It is still on the list to be invstigated further in the future.

  • I’ll get my friend to do the new 462 for me so.

    Maurice is there a fix in this for miss shifts on podium wheel?

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  • Ok thanks.

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    ^ This guy, lol.

    • wasn't the Xbox SDK announced in 2023?
    • the CS DD definitely did not come out "3 years ago"
    • I know that text is awful at conveying tone- but this comes off hostile and petty

    I'm not here to defend Fanatec- trust me. I have voiced my frustration with the stagnating American operations; the absence of US-based customer service, or just hours of operation that matched US time zones and did leave us all with a ~3-hour window. I have also posted- here and on various subreddits- about the dissapointment with Fanatec not capitalizing on their market lead, and even lagging behind as newer competitors began to catch up and overtake. Dissapointment became frustration and anger, as a "missed oppurtunity" became (seemingly) sheer incompetence.

    Their california warehouse was seemingly staffed by one worker and one desk clerk. Manufacturing was always an issue, but when stock was available, the inability to pack and ship orders within a number of weeks...absurd. Anyway, the point is that there were so many failures. The simple things that are basically unexplainable and definitely inexcusable.

    Years of such...incompetence, pointed to shameful "mismanagement". The recent stories about a Go-Kart track on the roof of a new, multi-million dollar office building, and all the accoutrements of modern-day executive failures, replete with tanking stock, bankruptcy, desperate buy-outs... all of that made for a VERY unsatisfying "I told you so".

    AND ALLL OF THAT TO SAY: "trust me, I get it".

    But you should not be going off on Maurice on these forums. Even if I'm misunderstanding the "3 years" and the "SDK" issues, the posts are clearly antagonizing and not constructive whatsoever. I don't know Maurice, and I'm not on these forums...ever... But he is clearly one of- if not the only- Fanatec employee on here, always answering questions. He makes the profiles (which I only use for LEDs, and wholly disagree with) for FanaLab and generally does more than I've seen from any other employee, or user, even.

    I doubt he is a Project Manager, or responsible for major decisions on software development. If he is, then it's REALLY not the way to go about it. You seem like you want to pick a fight, and tell someone off. F-c- with them, etc. Doesn't even read like someone letting off steam, at the expense of someone else. And it's definitely not tough love or a "last straw" rant. None of the comments were constructive, nor detailed the issues, and definitely didn't provide solutions.

    YES, Fanatec has F-ed up BIG TIME, and for YEARS. They must be held accountable, especially by us- the invested users, that have spent thousands over years, and are invested in the locked "ecosystem", and are directly affected by poor leadership. However, antagonizing the one employee that's out in the open, and doing something, is so sh---y. It's like being upset with BMW, so you go to your local dealership and berate the mechanic that's been there for years, fixing the issues that BMW management caused.

  • When downloading new software should u do so with no wheel on base?

  • edited October 2024
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    Doesn't matter.

    The wheel only needs to be detached when upgrading the WQR Firmware and it will tell you that in a popup message and only will allow the Flash with the wheel off. Regular Base FW Update can be done with wheel attached.

  • edited October 2024

    [quote]I doubt he is a Project Manager, or responsible for major decisions on software development.[/quote]

    Earlier he was just a beta tester and didn´t get payment from Fanatec.

    When read his latest statements maby that is changed, "not gonna happen" etc tells that he has somekind of authority to make decisions.

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