It seems it will take some more time for all the BMR issues to get fixed though.
But it looks like 457 will at least solve the issue that on CSL DD and GT DD Pro every wheel gets reported as FW V0, that fix seems to make into the 457 release.
Not the roadmap you were looking for though but maybe others are interested in this.
Hello! I’d like to briefly share my experiences here as well.
I’m using a Clubsport DD with QR2 and a McLaren V2 steering wheel, all running on Driver V455 and firmware V2.0.1.4 without Fanalab.
I usually race in ACC, and so far, I’ve never experienced any issues. However, since I started using iRacing, I’ve been encountering the described failures regularly, making it impossible for me to participate in official races – it’s too unpredictable.
During races, I lose force feedback and the shifting stops working, among other issues – it’s a well-known problem.
However, leaving the Fanatec software running in the background seems to slightly change the issue – in my opinion. In such cases, you don’t need to restart the base; the outage is only brief. The Fanatec logo appears on the steering wheel display, and then things quickly return to normal.
Yesterday, I tested ACC again for an extended period and experienced zero failures. Could this be related to the new 360Hz update in iRacing, where apparently more packets are being transmitted?
In any case, it’s very frustrating, as I’m currently off work (holiday) and wanted to start my iRacing career now that I have time. I hope this gets resolved very soon. Yesterday, I already had the Simucube website open – and I won’t be alone in that ;-). If the issue persists for days or weeks, and I continue to be unable to participate in (official) races, I’ll switch away from Fanatec.
PS: I won’t attempt to install any unauthorized firmware, etc. – after all, we’re not beta testers here!
In any case, it’s all very strange and simulation-related.
"Could this be related to the new 360Hz update in iRacing, where apparently more packets are being transmitted?" -> No, because there was no such update. The native FFB refresh rate of the game is still 60Hz like back in 2008. iRacing decided to play the ball over to all the different wheel manufacturers to implement a 360Hz FFB option which the wheel manufacturers need to develop, which obviously takes a lot of time and ressources for devs to implement something which usually should come from the game directly, which is however still not the case.
So the Fanatec Bases atm still run with a 60Hz FFB refresh so that is definitely not the reason for you issue. Sounds more like some QR related disconnect issue which should be fixed with driver 457 next month.
habe auf der PS 5 eine CSL Elite Wheelbase seit 2 Jahren mit F1 Wheel , niemals Probleme auch jetzt nicht.
Hab gestern mein NEUES V2.5X Wheel bekommen, natürlich gleich geschaut obs ein Firmware update braucht - Firmware sagt Version 0.0.0 Updater sagt V47 - die lässt sich aber nicht draufspielen.
Sobald man bei den Tasten Tests am PC die Taste LED Test macht stürzt das Wheel ab und wird nicht mehr erkannt !!
Die anderen Tests sind erfolgreich.
erneutes aufsetzen auf die Base und es wird wieder erkannt.
Soweit so gut, wär ja egal wenns bei F1 23 gehen würde aber erst geht es normal und aus heiterem Himmel setzt es aus und wird auch nicht mehr erkannt. (Mal nach 3 mal nach 5 mal nach 1 Runde... )
Wie gesagt das Standard F1 Wheel geht ohne Problem.
Alle Kontakt - Pins sind sauber und ok.
Hat von Euch wer einen Rat ?
Base hat neueste FW 693.
Firmware 455 und 456 getestet
Würde mich über Ideen freuen, hab jetzt 4 Monate gewartet und will es nicht wieder zurückschicken...
Considering the spelling mistakes on that, I think you might be the child.
The reason I ask is because they are in financial trouble, that’s why he had to go from what I’ve read. No need for the response like that, just a customer asking honest questions. I spent £1000 on a rally wheel, shifter etc and doesn’t work properly so IM SORRY for asking if it is actually going to get patched and finally work
Compatibility with specific games is NEVER an issue of the firmware. It is ALWAYS up to the respective game to add proper support. So please contact the developer of the game.
i downgraded my dd1 ps4 from 456 to 455 because of the crashes when switching gaming platforms. with 455 i only have different pc and ps modes, no xbox. which is the latest version that supports dd1 ps4 with ClubSport Formula V2.5 X in xbox mode?
It might be a good idea to add a recovery feature to the installer where the program will save all installed software versions before installing the new one. This should make it easier to switch back to the last software version used.
Just out of the box and updated to the last official version 455 I'm facing an issue with my DD+ and Formula V2.5 where the funky switch is wrongly doing OK clicks the moving it to left and right directions (maybe 40% of the times). I was thinking about hardware but according this threads it looks SW and seems solved in 456.
Anyway I cannot see mentions about this fix in the 456 release notes and due to 'version 0' issue I'm not updating to this beta.
What I would like to know is if it's a known issue and 456 is including some solution or its just a lucky fixing.
Do you know something about it?
I have not problem to wait next official I have some confirmation about if it's SW related. Otherwise I try to open a RMA
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Just out of the box and updated to the last official version 455 I'm facing an issue with my DD+ and Formula V2.5 where the funky switch is wrongly doing OK clicks the moving it to left and right directions (maybe 40% of the times). I was thinking about hardware but according this threads it looks SW and seems solved in 456.
Anyway I cannot see mentions about this fix in the 456 release notes and due to 'version 0' issue I'm not updating to this beta.
What I would like to know is if it's a known issue and 456 is including some solution or its just a lucky fixing.
Do you know something about it?
I have not problem to wait next official I have some confirmation about if it's SW related. Otherwise I try to open a RMA
Thanks a lot.
Hello Pedro, Maurice,
I had exactly the same problem with my CS DD+ and Racing wheel F1 (which is a Formula V2.5)… the funky switch was over sensitive and was validating at every move.
Someone suggested me to download driver 456 beta and try to update the wheel firmware, which I did. The problem was solved after that, but then I had theses issues of deconnecting wheelbase that everyone is talking about on this thread.
So I tried to reinstall driver 455 and manually downgraded back the firmwares for wheelbase and QR. But I kept the new firmware for the formula wheel. So far it seems to work fine: no more deconnection issues and the funky switch of the Formula wheel is working normally.
I've finally tried Gran Turismo in splitscreen mode with 2 DD+ Extreme wheels, using the (very old) factory firmware. I'm having the problem that the 2nd wheel isn't recognized as a wheel, but it runs as a normal controller, and as a result there's no force feedback. But then, after some minutes of playing, force feedback creeps in, but in a completely broken way. It feels like the wheel had mechanical gear wheels in it which are broken. Basically simply turning the wheel has a very non-smooth step like resistance. Very weird. In this situation, often (but not sure if it's always) the wheel seems to have crashed, or at least I can't open the tuning menu, anymore. Though, steering in the game still works.
Both wheels seem to work fine in single player mode when turning all hardware off and back on, with only 1 wheel connected. So it doesn't look like a hardware problem.
Is this something that might be fixed with 457? Or is it a Gran Turismo software problem? Have you guys at Fanatec ever tried 2 Fanatec wheels in Gran Turismo splitscreen? Does it work for you? Considering that the DD+ Extreme wheel is the official Gran Turismo wheel, shouldn't this work properly?
It is known that the (very old) factory firmware causes massive jolt and grainy feeling / unsmooth feeling issues. Do NOT use it - update to the firmware included in driver 455 and the issue wont happen.
Nothing you can do other than waiting for an answer from support or waiting fro driver 457 which has a possible fix for update related issues included.
Is it safe to update from driver 4.55? I have to ask, cause a noticed that the fw will also updated. I read threads where people have bricked their unit, shouldn’t be possible. 🤨
Following the upgrade of my DD+ Extreme to firmware version 455/456, the device now consistently enters update mode upon startup, necessitating a manual firmware update, everytime. Rebooting the device only results in a return to update mode. Despite having attempted to install all firmware versions compatible with the DD+, including versions 456 and 454, and despite successful installations, the issue with update mode persists. I have also tried using different USB ports and computers without any resolution.
I am aware of other users experiencing the same issue, and my support ticket with Fanatec has remained unanswered for several weeks.
I'm not able to attach images to log files which here... gives a 403 error.
In these challenging times, I look forward to your guidance and support for myself and others facing this issue.
I have tried flash back to 455, and somehow the problem still exists where as previously not. Is the 456 not completely gone even with a flash back to 455? Is there a way to flash back to factory driver and start again? Thanks
I have a Podium racing wheel F1, with 447 driver that i use with ps5 and xbox without problems, and i have 3 steering wheels (Podium Steering Wheel BMW M4 GT3 , Podium Steering Wheel Porsche 911 GT3 R Leather with BME, Formula V2.5 X).
Now i have purchased Montecarlo Rally Wheel, and i am afraid to upgrade the firmware for the issues that i have read...
1) impossible change to xbox mode with my base and loss the xbox compatiblity (it will be for alaways??? or in next firmwares will be recovered??)
2) sequential shift not working with montecarlo wheel (but in case i could use the clubspoprt magnetic paddle that i put on the the case it works?...if it works in this way no is a problem for me)
3) a problem with the buttons of bmw m4 gt3 ...which kind of problem is???
What is your opinion?? What i have to do?? Cancel the order of Montecarlo Wheel and forget it?? Or put 455?451?452?
I cant give any details about a roadmap, sorry.
It seems it will take some more time for all the BMR issues to get fixed though.
But it looks like 457 will at least solve the issue that on CSL DD and GT DD Pro every wheel gets reported as FW V0, that fix seems to make into the 457 release.
Not the roadmap you were looking for though but maybe others are interested in this.
Thanks Maurice, indeed quite disappointing. Will keep an eye out on the forums.
Hello! I’d like to briefly share my experiences here as well.
I’m using a Clubsport DD with QR2 and a McLaren V2 steering wheel, all running on Driver V455 and firmware V2.0.1.4 without Fanalab.
I usually race in ACC, and so far, I’ve never experienced any issues. However, since I started using iRacing, I’ve been encountering the described failures regularly, making it impossible for me to participate in official races – it’s too unpredictable.
During races, I lose force feedback and the shifting stops working, among other issues – it’s a well-known problem.
However, leaving the Fanatec software running in the background seems to slightly change the issue – in my opinion. In such cases, you don’t need to restart the base; the outage is only brief. The Fanatec logo appears on the steering wheel display, and then things quickly return to normal.
Yesterday, I tested ACC again for an extended period and experienced zero failures. Could this be related to the new 360Hz update in iRacing, where apparently more packets are being transmitted?
In any case, it’s very frustrating, as I’m currently off work (holiday) and wanted to start my iRacing career now that I have time. I hope this gets resolved very soon. Yesterday, I already had the Simucube website open – and I won’t be alone in that ;-). If the issue persists for days or weeks, and I continue to be unable to participate in (official) races, I’ll switch away from Fanatec.
PS: I won’t attempt to install any unauthorized firmware, etc. – after all, we’re not beta testers here!
In any case, it’s all very strange and simulation-related.
Best regards and HAPPY EASTER!!
"Could this be related to the new 360Hz update in iRacing, where apparently more packets are being transmitted?" -> No, because there was no such update. The native FFB refresh rate of the game is still 60Hz like back in 2008. iRacing decided to play the ball over to all the different wheel manufacturers to implement a 360Hz FFB option which the wheel manufacturers need to develop, which obviously takes a lot of time and ressources for devs to implement something which usually should come from the game directly, which is however still not the case.
So the Fanatec Bases atm still run with a 60Hz FFB refresh so that is definitely not the reason for you issue. Sounds more like some QR related disconnect issue which should be fixed with driver 457 next month.
Hi Maurice, hope You unverstand my German:
Folgendes Problem:
habe auf der PS 5 eine CSL Elite Wheelbase seit 2 Jahren mit F1 Wheel , niemals Probleme auch jetzt nicht.
Hab gestern mein NEUES V2.5X Wheel bekommen, natürlich gleich geschaut obs ein Firmware update braucht - Firmware sagt Version 0.0.0 Updater sagt V47 - die lässt sich aber nicht draufspielen.
Sobald man bei den Tasten Tests am PC die Taste LED Test macht stürzt das Wheel ab und wird nicht mehr erkannt !!
Die anderen Tests sind erfolgreich.
erneutes aufsetzen auf die Base und es wird wieder erkannt.
Soweit so gut, wär ja egal wenns bei F1 23 gehen würde aber erst geht es normal und aus heiterem Himmel setzt es aus und wird auch nicht mehr erkannt. (Mal nach 3 mal nach 5 mal nach 1 Runde... )
Wie gesagt das Standard F1 Wheel geht ohne Problem.
Alle Kontakt - Pins sind sauber und ok.
Hat von Euch wer einen Rat ?
Base hat neueste FW 693.
Firmware 455 und 456 getestet
Würde mich über Ideen freuen, hab jetzt 4 Monate gewartet und will es nicht wieder zurückschicken...
Danke !
Any update on button module rally getting fixed to allow sequential on ps4/5?
how is things now that the CEO has been sacked will this mean that products aren’t going to be getting software updates etc?
What are you Evan talking about!?
are you an child or just don't know how business work ?
1) Yes he has to stand down as CEO, but this dose not mean the business is folding xD. a new boss will be appointed.
2) every one seems to forget he still owns majority of the business.
asking questions like
“Is my product not longer getting updated” because the ceo is changing dose not make sense in any world.
did you read Fanatec are bankrupt and closing?
Considering the spelling mistakes on that, I think you might be the child.
The reason I ask is because they are in financial trouble, that’s why he had to go from what I’ve read. No need for the response like that, just a customer asking honest questions. I spent £1000 on a rally wheel, shifter etc and doesn’t work properly so IM SORRY for asking if it is actually going to get patched and finally work
Hello Mr.Maurice,
The GT DD EXTREME Steering Wheel and the DD+ Wheelbase don't get recognized in The Crew Motorfest on PS5.
The DD+ Wheelbase in combination with the McLaren GT3 Wheel works absolutely fine in Motorfest though.
I have had the DD Extreme Bundle since release and haven't had a single issue.
Everything works absolutely perfect.
Especially with GT7.
My Extreme Wheel Firmware is 1.0.3.
My Wheelbase Firmware is
My Driver is 455
Any chance you are aware of the issue and if so are you planning to update or implement the compatibility.
Thanks in Advance and happy Easter.
Compatibility with specific games is NEVER an issue of the firmware. It is ALWAYS up to the respective game to add proper support. So please contact the developer of the game.
i downgraded my dd1 ps4 from 456 to 455 because of the crashes when switching gaming platforms. with 455 i only have different pc and ps modes, no xbox. which is the latest version that supports dd1 ps4 with ClubSport Formula V2.5 X in xbox mode?
It might be a good idea to add a recovery feature to the installer where the program will save all installed software versions before installing the new one. This should make it easier to switch back to the last software version used.
Hi @Maurice.
Just out of the box and updated to the last official version 455 I'm facing an issue with my DD+ and Formula V2.5 where the funky switch is wrongly doing OK clicks the moving it to left and right directions (maybe 40% of the times). I was thinking about hardware but according this threads it looks SW and seems solved in 456.
Anyway I cannot see mentions about this fix in the 456 release notes and due to 'version 0' issue I'm not updating to this beta.
What I would like to know is if it's a known issue and 456 is including some solution or its just a lucky fixing.
Do you know something about it?
I have not problem to wait next official I have some confirmation about if it's SW related. Otherwise I try to open a RMA
Thanks a lot.
Version 0 issue is CSL DD and GT DD Pro exclusive, not happening on CS DD.
Dont know about this issue, so no idea if 456 fixes it. Could be, but could also not be.
Hello Pedro, Maurice,
I had exactly the same problem with my CS DD+ and Racing wheel F1 (which is a Formula V2.5)… the funky switch was over sensitive and was validating at every move.
Someone suggested me to download driver 456 beta and try to update the wheel firmware, which I did. The problem was solved after that, but then I had theses issues of deconnecting wheelbase that everyone is talking about on this thread.
So I tried to reinstall driver 455 and manually downgraded back the firmwares for wheelbase and QR. But I kept the new firmware for the formula wheel. So far it seems to work fine: no more deconnection issues and the funky switch of the Formula wheel is working normally.
Hope this helps.
I've finally tried Gran Turismo in splitscreen mode with 2 DD+ Extreme wheels, using the (very old) factory firmware. I'm having the problem that the 2nd wheel isn't recognized as a wheel, but it runs as a normal controller, and as a result there's no force feedback. But then, after some minutes of playing, force feedback creeps in, but in a completely broken way. It feels like the wheel had mechanical gear wheels in it which are broken. Basically simply turning the wheel has a very non-smooth step like resistance. Very weird. In this situation, often (but not sure if it's always) the wheel seems to have crashed, or at least I can't open the tuning menu, anymore. Though, steering in the game still works.
Both wheels seem to work fine in single player mode when turning all hardware off and back on, with only 1 wheel connected. So it doesn't look like a hardware problem.
Is this something that might be fixed with 457? Or is it a Gran Turismo software problem? Have you guys at Fanatec ever tried 2 Fanatec wheels in Gran Turismo splitscreen? Does it work for you? Considering that the DD+ Extreme wheel is the official Gran Turismo wheel, shouldn't this work properly?
Thank you very much! :)
It is known that the (very old) factory firmware causes massive jolt and grainy feeling / unsmooth feeling issues. Do NOT use it - update to the firmware included in driver 455 and the issue wont happen.
Hi Maurice,
a few issue I have with 456, please see below.
CS DD +, wheel: formula v2 and bmw v2
funky switch completely not working.
tuning menu button completely not working.
this happens on all wheels.
can you please advise.
No idea, working fine here.
Try downgrading to firmware of 455 as 456 is not good anyway and nobody really should use it.
Thanks Maurice, I will update to 455.
Can you comment on the splitscreen specific issues?
Could be fixed as well when you have updated, otherwise no idea.
Good morning,
For a month I have not been able to update my ClubSport V2.5X steering wheel. I have V46, but when I try to put V47 I get an error message.
I have Fanatec Firmware Manager V456. I followed all the instructions that were in the PDF when downloading V456.
I haven't had any response from Fanatec by email for 2 weeks, can someone help me?
Nothing you can do other than waiting for an answer from support or waiting fro driver 457 which has a possible fix for update related issues included.
Is it safe to update from driver 4.55? I have to ask, cause a noticed that the fw will also updated. I read threads where people have bricked their unit, shouldn’t be possible. 🤨
CS DD 4.55 driver, wheelbase is, steering wheel, quick release
Do NOT update to driver 456 when you have a CS DD!
Dear @Maurice and the Fanatec Team,
Following the upgrade of my DD+ Extreme to firmware version 455/456, the device now consistently enters update mode upon startup, necessitating a manual firmware update, everytime. Rebooting the device only results in a return to update mode. Despite having attempted to install all firmware versions compatible with the DD+, including versions 456 and 454, and despite successful installations, the issue with update mode persists. I have also tried using different USB ports and computers without any resolution.
I am aware of other users experiencing the same issue, and my support ticket with Fanatec has remained unanswered for several weeks.
I'm not able to attach images to log files which here... gives a 403 error.
In these challenging times, I look forward to your guidance and support for myself and others facing this issue.
Hello, I have the same update mode that gets stuck.
It's been 3 weeks since I contacted support and still no response. It's outrageous.
I have tried flash back to 455, and somehow the problem still exists where as previously not. Is the 456 not completely gone even with a flash back to 455? Is there a way to flash back to factory driver and start again? Thanks
Hi Maurice,
I have a Podium racing wheel F1, with 447 driver that i use with ps5 and xbox without problems, and i have 3 steering wheels (Podium Steering Wheel BMW M4 GT3 , Podium Steering Wheel Porsche 911 GT3 R Leather with BME, Formula V2.5 X).
Now i have purchased Montecarlo Rally Wheel, and i am afraid to upgrade the firmware for the issues that i have read...
1) impossible change to xbox mode with my base and loss the xbox compatiblity (it will be for alaways??? or in next firmwares will be recovered??)
2) sequential shift not working with montecarlo wheel (but in case i could use the clubspoprt magnetic paddle that i put on the the case it works?...if it works in this way no is a problem for me)
3) a problem with the buttons of bmw m4 gt3 ...which kind of problem is???
What is your opinion?? What i have to do?? Cancel the order of Montecarlo Wheel and forget it?? Or put 455?451?452?
Please Help me!
Thanks in advance