Fanatec Driver 454 (prev 453 CS DD Release Driver) for CSL, CS and Podium DD WB (all wheels)



  • Everything can stay as is, QR2 is Firmware independent.

  • Yeah man, we're in the same boat. I'm not buying the "that's completely normal". It's not. Maybe this kind of approach works with newbies, it doesn't when people have experience with DD bases.

    Coming from CSL DD 8nm too. Tried another DD2 at a friend's place, then another at a Simracing event, it doesn't behave like this.

    Yeah, really worried about what kind of base we received during Black Friday. The "sold out" thing shouldn't be reassuring either tbh ^^

    I submitted a ticket a few days ago, Fanatec hasn't replied yet. We'll see. If they play the "silent" game, I'll just submit a Paypal ticket. Then, I'm pretty sure they're going to react.

    Keep me updated.

  • edited December 2023

    I am wanting to roll back from driver 454 to 452 to see if my BMW M4 GT3 wheel will update to v9 with the 452.

    My DD2 base has the latest firmware

    Firmware version Wheel base: 3.0.3 v3motor 3.0.0 v3

    Steering wheel: v8

    Pedals: none

    Can I just uininstall 454 and install 452 or do I need to roll back the base using the update rollback check box in control panel?

  • Elroy BartnigElroy Bartnig Member
    edited December 2023

    Hi all,

    With the driver 453 everything was running as it should but after I installed the driver 454 and the corresponding firmwire updates on all parts of my CSL DD PRO the problems started. 

    During the S3 2023 build of iRacing everything kept working but now during the S1 2024 build it no longer works properly.

    The Fanatec software is working as it should and the FFB test also gives FFB on the wheel and the gauges are responding, so so far everything seems to be working fine. In iRacing, the wheel works but the FFB is barely perceptible when you start driving. I also tested this in F1 2022 and there the FFB can't be felt either. The steering inputs are as normal but no feel.

    ACC no longer sees the signal from the wheel after the driver 454 update. Inputs do not come through, the steering wheel rotation is not visible and the buttons do not react.

    Has this problem already been addressed? Could you let me know what I can try to get everything working? Should I go back to driver 453?

    I'd love to hear!

    Regards, Elroy

  • The best thing is to go back to driver 451, that is the last most stable driver ... 452 should be the worst driver and after that are just scrap ...

  • Hi, I got the CS DD yesterday and having a few issues but not sure if it’s anything to do with the base itself or the 454 driver as I was using the CSL DD 8nm on the 452 driver with none of the issues I’m getting now. Firstly there were some tuning menu settings that weren’t showing up on my wheel rim screen (Formula V2.5 and ClubSport RS) with the advanced setting turned on but that has sorted itself out now. On AMS2 the rev lights don’t work at all on both rims with CS DD and on iracing they are either working backwards or all lights light up at the end of the rev range instead of individually. Raceroom and ACC however the lights are working perfectly fine. I don’t use fanalabs and the lights worked on AMS2 and iracing a few days ago with the same wheel rims on the CSL DD.

  • Most likely AMS2 and iRacing did not implemented the CS DD into their game yet and therefore the LEDs are not adjusted properly. You can try the Compatibility Mode or you would need to use FanaLab to get the LEDs correct until the games added native support for this brand new base.

  • edited December 2023

    Please like ... 451 drivers + firmware base ... I would leave it at the beginning of the steering wheel and do nothing back ... all I know have no problems with 451 drivers and no failures...

    good luck

  • Hello!! Could it be that since the update to v454 my ffb is a danger when I have an accident? Tested in Automobilista 2. In AC and in Iracing. Although in iracing it is somewhat milder. Someone else happens? Same configuration as I had with V451 on my DD1. Thank you!!

    • The steering input jump issue was greatly improved so the issue happens a lot less than before. Full fix expected for one of the next versions.

    Is this the issue that the wheel (after/while playing a game) turns in steps? I believe 9 or 11 steps that was?

    Because that one is now 80% better lets say and if so: they are working on it then and I don't have to worry it's MY wheel and have to send it back again. Can't complain about something all wheels have, right?

  • edited December 2023


    That the wheel turns in steps after it got warm after some time is a (known) hardware issue which cant be fixed via firmware.

    If you experience that issue you need to contact the support to get the base repaired / exchanged.

  • Thank you Maurice!

    So I do have to contact and send it; so be it.

    I was hoping this was it and the fact I didn't have the issue right after updating......must have been not playing enough or it was just a coincidence.


  • Hi all!

    I just got the Clubsport DD with Podium Hub and more...

    I installed the drivers and had some fw updates. After the update Podium Hub have FW version 0. My Podium Button Module Endurance and Podium Advanced Paddle Module are not responding. I cannot update the Podium Hub in any way.

    What the h**l happened? Did I brick the Podium Hub by trying to update the fw with Fanatect software?

    How to resolve the problem? Someone else with similar problem? How did you solve the problem?

  • Hi Maurice,

    Just wanted to update that its all working. Just needed Fanalab to boot up fully before turning on the wheelbase/wheel.

    Hope this helps others too. Cheers.

  • I have had my DD2 for less than a week.

    I am experiencing the slight vibrations coming through to the steering wheel, and I understand from Maurice that this is 'normal', from the fan etc.

    However I am also experiencing what feels like a grainy sensation when the wheel is held straight (so along the straights), as soon as I turn the wheel I can't feel it until my wheel is straight again. I wonder if this is the vibrations I feel when starting up the base, coming through with the FFB?

    Any ideas?

  • Robert ZemenRobert Zemen Member
    edited December 2023

    My brand new BME freeze in ACC sometimes when the race is start. Just pushing few button, like start, and light button, and the LEDs and the panel are freeze. In this time the BME not functioning, buttons is also dead. Quick problem solve, just reconnect the USB-C cable from the hub, and working again for hours, all day. Idk why this is happening. Every screws are tight, connecting everything in the right way. If I doing a FFB test, with maximum settings (20nm), work everything, pushing a little bit the wheel, or I move it sideways, perfectly works. So it's not connecting problem.

    And not just me having this freeze problem in ACC.

    So this not just AMS2 specific. I hope the new firmware gonna be fix this.

  • David KeilsDavid Keils Member
    edited December 2023

    Hello mates,

    I just got a BME (button module endurance) from a friend, because he made a firmware upgrade with 454 software, wich has failed and ended in some sort of error, so here also we have the issue that the BME display keeps telling "WARNING Steering Wheel not supported! Please update the Firmware".

    Same happens on two DD pro and a DD1 - the BME has worked fine before the update!

    The thing is, that the Fanatec Software does not recognize it any longer (Podium hub itself is detected fine) and the recovery function also doen just throw an error.

    I checked for COM related issues but I couldnt find anything so far.

    How elsse has experienced this issue already?

    Would you have any recommendations?

    Is this issue already known on Fanatec side?

    I am willing to downgrade my wheel base in order to then maybe detect the BME again and also downgrade it, but I never did this before, so if it would be a bad idea, please share your thoughts about this also.

    Many thanks in advance, I'll keep you updated if I succeed in any way.



  • Podium Button Module Rally does not support sequential shifting on PlayStation 5

    I just received my new Podium Button Module Rally and installed it to an existing Podium Hub. After Installation I updated all my equipment to latest firmware of Driver Version 454.

    My new Rally wheel setup doesn't work with sequential shifters. I use 2 Fanatec ClubSport Shifters SQ V 1.5 at the same time. First one is plugged in Shifter1 of a DD Pro wheel base used as H-pattern shifter next to my seat for older cars; second shifter is plugged in Shifter2 of the wheel base used as sequential shifter next to the wheel as used in modern WRC cars. When I'm trying to shift up or down with Shifter 2 nothing happens. When I shift into any gear of Shifter 1 gear is changed successfully. When I switch Shifter 1 to sequential shifting also nothing happens.

    When I change my wheel to a Podium Button Module Endurance wheel everything works fine: sequential shifting of Shifter 2, H-pattern and sequential shifting of Shifter 1.

    Sequential Shifting does not work with any Button Module if "map shifters" in driver menu isn't activated. 

    Problem can be reproduced with all possible combinations of shifter plugs and modes including using just one shifter at the same time as long Podium Button Module Rally is used.

    Before installation of the Podium Button Module Rally I removed a ClubSport Button Cluster Packet and ClubSport Magnetic Paddle Module previously used with. With this Setup everything worked fine, too. So it cannot be the Podium Hub that is producing the problem.

    Setup used:

    PlayStation 5

    DD Pro 8Nm (PS-Mode)

    ClubSport Pedals V3

    2x ClubSport Shifter SQ V1.5 (Shifter1 = H-pattern, Shifter2 = sequential) 

    2x ClubSport Handbrake V1.5 (only one plugged in at the same time depending on Shifter used) 

    Podium Hub + Podium Button Module Rally => no sequential shifting

    Podium Hub + ClubSport Button Cluster Packet + ClubSport Magnetic Paddle Module => everything works fine

    Podium Hub + Podium Button Module Endurance + Podium Advanced Paddle Module => everything works fine

    ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2 + Podium Advance Paddle Module => everything works fine

    ClubSport BMW GT2 V2 => everything works fine

    Problem can be reproduced in Gran Turismo and EA WRC with every plug in combinations and modes of the shifters. In EA WRC sequential shifting cannot be applied in controls menu as long as Podium Button Module Rally is used. As soon as I switch to a different wheel everything works fine as long as Podium Button Module Rally isn't used.

    Sequential Shifting is recognized by Fanatec Control Panel (on PC) when Podium Button Module Rally is attached. After checking I didn't change anything except PS Mode and plugged the whole setup into my PS5. Sequential shifting does not work. Changed the wheels and everything works fine again. So it's a PlayStation related issue with Podium Button Module Rally.

    It would also be great if Fanatec Control Panel supported multiple shifters at the same time. When Shifter1 is plugged in I cannot see Shifter2. I plugged them in separately to make sure everything works fine and is recognized. I also calibrated both Shifters, so this can also not be the problem. 

    Have I mentioned that modern Rally without sequential shifting is pointless? 🤔😅

  • I just bought a new DD Pro and have the same problem.

    After power on the DD Pro with or without USB connect, the vibration will always there, hands on the wheel can feels scratchy.

  • Would this be an issue with firmware or something else .....?

    On a DD2 .. with the Universal Hub v2.

    At times when I power the base up (white button or kill switch) the base comes on. I see the screen come on and then it goes black.

    I know the base has power as I can feel the resistance. I power it off wait a couple seconds and back on and it is ok.

  • This same thing just happened to me. Been trying for hours with no luck.

  • edited December 2023

    Fanatec products not detected in AC and Acc and other racing games!

    Its detected on Fanatec Control Panel.

    It all happened after latest driver update.

    Im on pc , csl dd, mclaren wheel with latest firmware.

    I've tried reinstalling driver, rolling back driver, disabling steam input, changed usb ports, changing pcmode, comp mode, but still not detected in - game. Please help!

  • I've tried updating DD Pro wheel base firmware to from driver 454 but firmware fails to update. Firmware update times out with flashing blue light on wheel base. Tried update multiple times with different wheel modes (compat vs PC) but nothing works.

    Previous firmware updates have all worked with no issues.

    I manually updated Clubsport v2 wheel firmware sucessfully to v47 and Clubsport V3 Pedals are already at latest firmware (v1.35)

    Uninstalled and reinstalled Windows 11 drivers 454, restarted, unplugged all other USB devices. Still will not update Wheel Base or QR firmware

    Wheel connects fine via USB otherwise and I can access all menus and switches on wheel and wheel base feedback tests working.

    any ideas how to get this wheel base FW updating?

  • Did someone found a fix for the oscillation ? i compared my clubsport dd to other bases and byside making it heavy with damping nothing helped to make it react natural when im rolling straight on the street.

  • yea NDP does hide it a bit but on the otherside you can feel the damping and it makes the wheel a little bit slower when im drifting.

  • Welcome to real life Daniel! The wheel is heavy like irl. I always play every game with 20-25% NDP. Feels so natural.

  • Do you really think what you say ?? A heavy steering comes through NDP ... funny

    NDP is an artificial effect that works at the expense of the FFB and has nothing to do with reality ... NDP is an artificial effect that is supposed to compensate for other mistakes, at the expense of the FFB and the reaction ability of the steering ... your NDP damper Only a dough bowl from your steering in which you stir and believe it is real ...

    The severity of the steering is carried out by chassis, axes and tires does not generate through a damping ...

    I generally drive without all the artificial stuff and I have a very strong steering and no swinging steering wheels and a lot of FFB details that would go under with NDP ...

    My vehicle setup ensures the backing forces and a quiet straight outer but no artificial damping ...

    The only damping I use is DPR, because it is controlled by the game and is nothing artificial ...

    But have fun with your dough bowl ...

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