Fanatec Driver 454 (prev 453 CS DD Release Driver) for CSL, CS and Podium DD WB (all wheels)



  • probaply some game issues when they calculate the angle as DD are very sensitive for signals.

    • Why does the steering wheel only turn half of the intended angle? I'm using the QR1 head.
    • Driver Version: 454
    • Base FW Version:
    • Motor FW Version:
    • Wheel FW Version: 5
    • WQR Version:

  • edited December 2023

    It turns exactly how much it is supposed to turn.

    You have set SEN to 480. This means 240 degrees into each direction, so exactly what it does.

    If you want to be able to turn the wheel 480 degrees into each direction then you need to set SEN to 960.

  • After updating to 454, only PC mode (red) will work and all other modes will not be recognized in the driver. Nothing works on the PS5 since the driver! Steering wheels V2 X with QR2 metal, GT7 with QR2 Lite on the DD Pro 8Nm with QR2.

  • Groume DrakeGroume Drake Member
    edited December 2023

    Hi all,

    I had to create a second account to post here because for some reason Fanatec Forum doesn't want me to register with my official account. Tried changing the region, changing password, etc. Nothing works.


    Super disappointed my new DD2. Firmware update went OK. Everything's up-to-date.

    But man, these constant vibration in the wheel is ridiculous. Literally feeling like water running through a pipe. High pitched, annoying, can be felt no matter road surface. I've read pages and pages here, people always get the "that's the anti-cogging" thing. For real ? Coming from a CSL DD, it's super disappointing. Driving in straight lignes with no bumps, there are those inside wheel vibrations that kinda ruin the experience. And it's not SHO, it's off. It's coming from the shaft itself. Just contacting my QR wheel-base with the QR base brings those high-pitched vibrations, like water running through a pipe.

    Are Fanatec selling RMA'd products as "new" ? Starting to have a doubt now.

    I've read Maurice repeat all over the place that it is "normal functionning of the motor, that's the anti-cogging". Yeah... I mean, 1500 euros base have constant high-pitched vibration felt through the wheel even with no FFB input whatsoever ? If that's the case, let me know how to return my product and go Simucube right now. That's unacceptable at that price.

    Of course, I've tried different setups, I'm not new to DDs. NFR=0, INT=6, etc etc. No change whatsoever. Tried downgrading to previous firmware, no change.

    That's really super disappointing, to the point I'm really wondering whether Fanatec is selling actual "new" products.

  • edited December 2023

    I never said its anti-cogging. It would feel the same even when you erase the motor calibration as that would remove the anti-cogging entirely.

    Its the outrunner motor and the rear fan which can be felt with small vibrations in the wheel and yes, that is normal.

    If you want to return the product, then you need to contact the webshop as you need a RMA number from them before you can return. Please have a look here how to return the products:

  • I think I need to reset everything to factory settings. I don't know how to do it though. I updated the driver, the QR, the steering wheel, the motor and the base.

    The last picture is in the comp. PC mode. Please help, it can't be anything big.

  • Run the driver repair feature when the base is powered-on in the not-working compatibility mode.

    Also have a look into the Windows Device Manager to see if there is a USB device with a yellow exclamation mark which indicates the device has an error and is disabled. Try to re-enable it.

  • Groume DrakeGroume Drake Member
    edited December 2023

    It's not a matter of outrunner motor. CSL DD had the same flaw, just a bit less noticeable, and it's an inrunner motor. Please stop trying to justify what shouldn't even be an issue for a base that highly priced. Thank you.

  • Make sure to turn off the SPR & DPR filters as well as FRI and then see if you still feel it. Is this in iRacing?

  • Danke Maurice!

    Thanks and after many tries it worked! PS5 works again and on the PC as usual. Thanks Maurice, you're doing a great job here. You've helped here so many times with your knowledge!

  • Hello, i have a gt dd pro and csl pedals + load cell + steering wheel F1 V2

    I update all news firmware with 454 drivers and now i have problems : I play only on PS5 + GT7

    Firmware GT DD PRO :

    Wheelbase motor :

    Fanatec Steering wheel Firmware : 5

    Quick release Firmware :

    In game Gran Turismo 7 in "blue mode" the throttle don'twork correctly (clipping) and steering wheel, half of steering wheel button don't work. In "purple mode" the steering wheel is ok, all the buttons works correctly but throttle don't work. I'don't play in PC mode but in the device, all the buttons works correctly, base ok but throttle pedal is not ok.

    I don't know what to do. If i wan't to go back how should i proceed ? Can you help me ?

    Thanks so much.

  • Groume DrakeGroume Drake Member
    edited December 2023

    They're all set to 0.

    It's not game related. It does that even when the PC is off and only the base is on. Iracing, ACC, AC, RF2, Automobilista, RR. I got all the sims, it's not game-related. It's the base itself.

    I really start to believe I got sent a second-hand DD2 when they cut the price in half for Black Fridays. There were a lot of complaints at some point with their DD products having these constant vibrations, then strangely enough, nobody spoke about it on the Internet. Who knows what they did with all of their RMA products...

    As I mentionned it, I once had the same issue with my CSL DD 5nm, then again with boost kit 8nm (inrunner motors). I could play around with the settings to make it softer, but it definitely started after a firmware update. I tried to roll back, etc. It never got back to normal.

    Same case happening (but 4x more present) with a "brand new" DD2, but this time, no way to tweak anything in Fanalab or Fanatec Control Panel to make it go away.

    Anyway, it's going back to Germany, my money's coming back home, and I'll spend it on higher quality products. Never going back to Fanatec :) I should've followed people's advice on Reddit and go for the "buy once/cry once" Simucube route. Peace of mind is worth every penny in the world.

    I'm OK with flaws in electronic products, but what I cannot accept is this "oh don't worry, perfectly normal, it's suppose to work like this" reaction, when everyone knows it's not even close to normal to pay 1500 bucks for a vibrating wheel. I hate being taken for a fool. Just accept your product is behaving abnormally first, then apologize ; don't blame the customer and take him for a stupid 13yo kid who never put his hand on a high-end DD product.

    I didn't know why there was so much hate on Fanatec at a semi-pro simracing level community and why people would go to the competition.

    Well, now I know.

  • edited December 2023

    "but what I cannot accept is this "oh don't worry, perfectly normal, it's suppose to work like this" reaction, when everyone knows it's not even close to normal to pay 1500 bucks for a vibrating wheel. I hate being taken for a fool. Just accept your product is behaving abnormally first, then apologize ; don't blame the customer and take him for a stupid 13yo kid who never put his hand on a high-end DD product."

    Then let me phrase it differently: As I said multiple times, especially a Podium DD will always make some vibration noise coming from the motor and the rear fan. That is normal and expected and nothing to worry about. Nobody takes you for a fool, it is just how these bases behave. This does not mean the product is behaving abnormally, it is behaving exactly like expected and how it should behave.

    You dont need to like this characteristics of the Bases but that does not change the fact that it actually IS normal.

  • Maurice, I like your work on Fanalab, don't misunderstand me here. I have absolutely nothing personal against what you're doing and I hope you know it. On the contrary, I read your posts, you're useful and always polite.

    But how can you say it is "normal" when you never put hand on my base ? See, this is where it gets unacceptable. I'm pretty sure you know these bases and how they behave "normally". What I'm telling you is that I never encountered this feeling in any other high-end bases that I tried (yeah, i didn't own them, I just tried them, but still).

    What bothers me most, is that I didn't even have this feeling on a friend's DD1 either, which leads me with certainty to know it's "abnormal".

    And see, when I'm saying it's abnormal, I'm actually defending Fanatec here. Because if every single customer owning a DD2 base has the same sensation that I have, the company will collapse as soon as they will try the competition.

    So...normal ? I hope not.

  • Hi all,

    Apologies for ther dumb question but I cant seem to even start the installation wizard at all. How can I fix this? I download the zip, choose the correct version(64bit) and when I click it... nothing happens, cant run it at all. Tried downloading an old version 452 and same issue.

    Actually nothing opens from the folder, not even the PDF, nor the text document.

    Any help would be highly appreciated as I just got the wheel and really keen on trying it.

    Thanks !

  • Are you trying to run it from within the zip file? Try unpacking it first before running it.

  • Sorry to hear this, I honestly don't feel these or notice them at all on my DD1.

  • Yup, that's because there's nothing "normal" with what's happening with my base. I opened a ticket with Fanatec, I'll see how it goes.

  • Hello Maurice! Now that you mention the engine calibration. Are you still deleting the calibration? Thank you!!

  • No, since the P DD FW re-write over a year ago this is not needed anymore.

  • Okay! Perfect!!. Thank you very much for being so quick to respond :)

  • edited December 2023

    Hi Maurice, are you aware of a possible firmware update for the f1 esport v2 steering (I currently have version 5)? me and another user have a problem with our CS DD which does not recognize the steering wheel when the base is turned on, but when the steering wheel is pulled of and subsequently plug in it is recognized and works normally. The problem returns when power of and switch on the base. I don't have another wheel to test if the problem persist with other wheel.

  • edited December 2023

    This is not a firmware but a hardware issue, nothing which a new Firmware could fix.

    So no, there wont be a new firmware for that wheel anytime soon, maybe never again as development of that wheel is finished and it does not need further fixes.

  • Thank you Maurice. You confirm that is an hardware issue.

  • Yes, as it does not affect everyone. I for example dont have this issue at all, Esport v2 working fine everytime I boot the base with it or when I attach the wheel. So its not a general FW issue but more a hardware issue of some few units. Dont know if the hardware issue is on Base or wheel side but I recommend you contact the support in this matter.

  • I can exclude damage to the steering wheel (I take few photos of the pins to the support that are in perfect codition) as it had been used with my previous CSL DD PRO until a few days before without problems.

  • I purchased a DD2 as well in the Black Friday Deal. Set it up last night and on switching it on, also noticed the vibration coming from the base to the wheel. That was before doing anything with drivers etc. I am also now worried they were selling RMA'd products. But then again if you look at the website they are showing sold out now, so doesn't suggest they had a limited number of just RMA'd products.

    I read Maurice comments about it being 'normal' but I have a few sim racing friends with DD2 and don't experience this issue at all and have had theirs for a while.

    I thought I would just try it anyway, as believed it wouldn't be noticeable when driving, but when you get areas where there isn't much FFB generated it is annoyingly there. I wear gloves and it still gives an annoying tingling sensation. So it is strong enough to be felt underneath everything whilst driving as well.

    So I am in the same situation and think I will have raise a support ticket. Let me know how you get on.

    I came from a CSL DD 8Nm. And I didn't get any of this feeling in that wheelbase.

  • At the moment I have the QR2 mounted. What if I convert the base back to QR1? The drivers can stay like this or do I have to change something? Thank you!

    • WQR Version:

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