Fanatec Driver 450 (Prev. Official Release) for CSL, CSW and Podium WB (all wheels)

How to report issues:
If you report a driver or firmware issue, please make cross checks:
- Update driver and FW separately to isolate an issue and find out if caused by driver OR firmware.
- Which driver OR firmware shows the issue
- Which driver OR firmware does not show the issue
- Check if you can reproduce the issue again if you go back to the version which seems to have caused the issue
- Check if the issue is related to specific settings of for example the tuning menu. Is it happening more or less with a specific setting raised or lowered?
- Post the answers gathered from the questions above + a short description of the issue including the following info:
- Wheel Base Model (product ID): ...
- Steering Wheel Model (product ID): ....
- Driver Version: ....
- Base FW Version: ....
- Motor FW Version: ....
- Wheel FW Version: ....
- FanaLab Version: ....
- Tuning Menu settings
- Driver/FanaLab installed on C: drive or else?
- With driver related issues collect log files and zip them from C:\Users\Public\Fanatec Logs
Changelog of driver 448 (since 447)
Firmware versions included
- Podium DD1 / DD2 Base: (NEW)
- Podium DD1 / DD2 Motor:
- CSL DD / GT DD PRO Base: (NEW)
- CSL DD / GT DD PRO Motor: (NEW)
- CSW V1 Base: 692 (NEW)
- CSW V2 Base: 692 (NEW)
- CSW V2.5 Base: 692 (NEW)
- CSL E Base: 692 (NEW)
- CSL E Base PS4: 692 (NEW)
- CSL / CSW Motor: 22
- Podium BMW M4 GT3: 8
- Podium HUB: 6
- Podium BME: 22 (NEW)
- CS SW Formula V2(X), V2.5(X): 46 (NEW)
- CS SW RS: 4 (NEW)
- CS SW BMW V2: 3 (NEW)
- CS UH V2 / UHX V2: 2 (NEW)
- CS SW F1 Esports V2: 5 (NEW)
- CSL SW McLaren GT3 V2: 46 (NEW)
- CSL SW McLaren GT3: 36 (NEW)
- CSL UH: 8 (NEW)
- CS P V3: 1.35
- CSL EP V2: 1.6
- CSL EP LCK: 1.13
- CSL P LCK: 1.8
Control Panel
- Fixed crash when adjusting Mouse Emulation.
- Fixed Driver shows error message of not supported hardware for no reason.
- Fixed Base has a constant spring force when it was booted before the PC.
- Fixed wrong steering angle shown when opening UI without Steering Wheel.
- Fixed potential incorrect pedal calibration mode issue when switching pedals from WB to USB or vice versa.
- Fixed FFB Test not shown with the Podium Hub.
- Fixed FFB Test still available on CSL E 1.0/1.1 and CSW V1/V2 when no wheel is attached.
- Fixed RevStripe disables itself on every UI opening.
- Fixed RevStripe being disabled by default after initial Driver installation. RevStripe is now enabled by default.
- Fixed RevLEDs and RevStripe not lighting up during LED Test when UI was opened with no Steering Wheel attached.
- Fixed QR1 detection not working on the fly when QR detection plate is pushed and UI is open.
- Improved fix for no default Mouse Emulation settings available.
- Improved icon of the Firmware Update Tab.
- Improved images of Podium DD Bases when no Steering Wheel is attached.
- Corrected button numbers in the image of the ClubSport F1 Esport V2 Wheel on Mouse Emulation page.
- Corrected the image of Universal Hub V2 on Steering Wheel / Wheel Base Values where the image of the V1 was shown.
- Changed some texts on Pedal Calibration page.
- Changed text of Steering Wheel "RevLEDs Test" button to "LED Test" because during the test not only RevLEDs but also FlagLEDs and Xbox status LEDs gets tested.
- Changed text "Analogue Paddle Left / Right" to show which axis input is controlling which function of the used ACP mode (Clutch / Handbrake / Brake / Throttle).
- Changed text "Clutch" to "Dual Clutch" when ACP is in CBP mode.
- Added Clutch Bite Point Indicator bar and value number to ACP Dual Clutch Input on Steering Wheel page.
- Added value number to BLI Indicator bar on Pedals page.
- Added "Driver Repair" button to the Help page.
- Added alternative image selection for ClubSport Pedals V3 / ClubSport Pedals V3 inverted.
- Added new image of CSL Steering Wheel P1 V2.
- Added new images of ClubSport RS, BMW GT2 V2 and F1 Esport V2 wheels with APM in Mouse Emulation page.
- Implemented Mouse Emulation Hotkey ON/OFF logic on Mouse Emulation page which also disables the Joystick circle on Steering Wheel page when Hotkey status is ON.
- Implemented logic to un-hide hideable pages automatically when an input of the device is registered.
- Implemented different indicator for MPS Pulse mode to better differentiate it from Constant mode. In Pulse mode the position indicator is now colored for 1 second after the position was changed, afterwards it will fade out to gray and is only slightly visible until the next position change.
- Implemented detection of not properly recognized devices (for example after a Windows update) to trigger a repair function which fixes the USB driver and solves the detection issue.
- Implemented a new pop-up while the Tuning Menu is being reset to prevent spamming of the Reset button.
- Implemented a 2 second waiting timer after changing the Tuning Menu Mode to prevent spamming of the Tuning Menu toggle.
- Optimized Tuning Menu communication between Base and Control Panel.
- BRF, BLI, SHO, MPS and ACP are now adjustable also in Auto Setup because they can't be controlled by a game.
- SHO and MPS are now also adjustable in Standard Mode of the Tuning Menu.
- DRI is now also adjustable in Standard Mode of the Tuning Menu with a reduced range from -5 to OFF.
- BLI is now shown when pedals or wheels with vibration motors are used.
Firmware Manager
- Fixed pop-up for users coming from pre TM V2 Firmware which got triggered even without a Wheel Base.
- Improved images of the Podium DD Bases.
- Improved image of the Firmware Update button.
- Added extra pop-up to inform about the need of the downgrade feature if a user wants to downgrade the firmware.
- Exiting is now allowed in messagebox warning in case of pre-mature exit during automatic update.
General Firmware Improvements
- Fixed not working RevStripe LED of CSL WRC Wheel.
- Fixed FunkySwitch Encoder missing steps when rotating fast.
- Fixed faulty Auto Setup navigation.
- Fixed Clutch Bite Point not shown correctly on wheels with small OLED.
- Fixed only one MPS input was working at a time.
- Fixed some button inputs were active when no wheel is attached.
- Fixed 7-Seg.-Wheels showing wrong Semantic FW versions after boot.
- Fixed several issues with the Tuning Menu reset.
- Fixed nonfunctional APM Clutch and Handbrake in Xbox mode.
- Implemented workaround for Xbox GDK issue where a SEN value of 2520 was needed in some games to get a correct 1:1 steering ratio.
- BRF, BLI, SHO, MPS and ACP are now adjustable also in Auto Setup because they can't be controlled by a game.
- SHO and MPS are now also adjustable in Standard Mode of the Tuning Menu.
- Removed additional button combination for wheel center calibration of the BMW M4 GT3 Steering Wheel.
- Re-enabled BLI for wheels with rumble motors also when no ClubSport pedals are attached.
Podium DD
- All of the General Firmware Improvements, plus:
- Fixed CSS miss-shifts in H-pattern mode.
- Fixed APM flag is intermittently becoming true on UH(X)v2 when no APM is connected.
- Fixed Formula V2.5X not going into Xbox mode when a non-Xbox compatible Steering Wheel was attached to the Base before the V2.5X is attached.
- Fixed wrong Nm values on the Motor Data Analysis Screen where the value increased from x.9 to x.10 instead of the next full value.
- Improved steering input jump issue so the issue happens a lot less than before. Full fix expected for one of the next versions.
- Changed the USB disconnect message after boot when no USB connection is recognized to show after FW versions message.
- Implemented new screen for motor calibration.
- All of the General Firmware Improvements, plus:
- Fixed CSS miss-shifts in H-pattern mode.
- Fixed inputs to PlayStation were freezing.
- Fixed Formula V2.5X not going into Xbox mode when a non-Xbox compatible Steering Wheel was attached to the Base before the V2.5X is attached.
- Fixed BRF slider jumps around if Tuning Menu is open on the wheel on C_S.
- Improved steering input jump issue so the issue happens a lot less than before. Full fix expected for one of the next versions.
- Changed the USB disconnect message after boot when no USB connection is recognized to show after FW versions message.
CSL E WB+ (PS4) and CSW V2.5
- All of the General Firmware Improvements, plus:
- DRI is now also adjustable in Standard Mode of the Tuning Menu with a reduced range from -5 to OFF.
CSL E WB 1.0/1.1 and CSW V1/V2
- All of the General Firmware Improvements, plus:
- Fixed ACP mode was not detected correctly.
- Fixed not working Button LED test of the the BMW M4 GT3 wheel when the wheel is in RevLED mode.
- DRI is now also adjustable in Standard Mode of the Tuning Menu with a reduced range from OFF to 3.
Podium Button Module Endurance (BME)
- Fixed missing shifter calibration info on BME after firmware update.
Fanatec Mobile App (optional installation)
Please use the following thread for reporting feedback or issues about the Fanatec Mobile App and to learn more about it.
- Fixed Auto Setup not working.
- Fixed SEN on Podium DD not working correctly.
- Fixed rounding issues of some ITM values.
- Fixed Standard Tuning Menu limitations not handled correctly.
- Fixed CBP value not synced in the mobile App when you change the value on the wheel or from within the Driver UI.
- Fixed detection of special wheel settings (like SHO, MPS and ACP) when you change the wheel.
- Adjusted FFS to be only adjustable in High Torque mode.
- Added F1 22 support.
- Updated Fanatec App ITM Telemetry support list.
- SHO, MPS and ACP are now also adjustable in Standard Mode of the Tuning Menu.
- DRI is now also adjustable in Standard Mode of the Tuning Menu with a reduced range from -5 to OFF.
- BLI is now shown when pedals or wheels with vibration motors are used.
- Various stability improvements.
Hotfix changes of 449 (since 448)
- Control Panel
- Fixed BLI setting interfering with the "Wheel Vibration Test" button. •
- Added a proper detection if CSL Elite V1 or CSL Elite V1.1 is attached to show the correct image of the respective Base.
- General Wheel Base Firmware Improvements
- Fixed non-working FunkySwitch Encoder of the ClubSport Universal Hub V1 (non-Xbox version).
Hotfix changes of 450 (since 449)
- Fixed ClubSport Shifter being shown in wrong H-pattern/Sequential mode when connected via USB Adapter
- Fixed pop-up message regarding 100% fan speed during firmware update to only be displayed for Podium DD
Known Issues
- When entering a game menu while driving it can happen in some games that the FFB effect doesn't get canceled which results in the wheel turning to one side. (this got now fixed for the Podium DD but can still happen on the CSL DD. We will now apply the fix for the CSL DD as well)
- Natural friction can start to feel weird after some time of driving. In case you experience issues with NFR, we suggest to turn it OFF for now. (this got now fixed for the Podium DD but can still happen on the CSL DD. We will now apply the fix for the CSL DD as well)
- The steering input jump issue was greatly improved so the issue happens a lot less than before. Full fix expected for one of the next versions.
- SEN AUTO stays 360 after closing F1 22 and does not reset to the default 1080. This can result in the wrong steering angle in another game launched afterwards. A new SDK to solve the issue was provided to all affected game developers in September 2022. We suggest to use SEN 360 for F1 and F2 cars and 900 for Supercars until F1 22 includes the new SDK.
Compatible FanaLab Version
This discussion has been closed.
Could you guys please name your files something useful?
The zipfile could be named "Fanatec Beta Driver" or something.
It is instead named "" A small attention to detail would help every single customer who comes here to download it.
If I worked for Fanatec and finally released the long-awaited new driver, and then read this comment I'd probably dropkick my monitor.
I've been trying to ask a question in reply to this post for several hours now, and every time I hit "Post Comment", it tells me that my comment will be posted once it's approved by a moderator.
This is the same sort of nonsense that's been going on randomly for ages... usually triggered by quoting a post in one's reply. I've gotten rid of any quotes, I've emptied cookies, cleared cache, tried on different devices, same result. Fanatec, please for the love of all that is holy, fix your forum software.
This happens randomly, mostly when trying to quote a very long message like the one in the OP and is a well known issue of the Forum software and can not be fixed with the current Forum software.
"Re-enabled BLI for wheels with rumble motors also when no ClubSport pedals are attached."
Question: Does this mean with v448, I'll again be able to use BLI with my Clubsport v1 pedals? I've been using driver 439 for a while now, as it has been my understanding that later driver versions would have removed the BLI feature?
BLI was intentionally removed from the Tuning Menu and the Driver for devices where its not possible to detect them properly because this "fake" vibrations, based on just pedal position / input, can not be used in parallel with telemetry based vibrations from FanaLab which is the more important feature.
The CSP V1 and CSP V2, even though they have the rumble motor, dont have advanced electronics to tell the Base or the Driver that they are ClubSport pedals which support BLI. They get treated like a regular analogue pedal and therefore the BLI feature is missing for these pedals.
The change in 448 just re-enabled BLI now also for all CLubSport steering wheels, which have vibration motors as those are smart enough to tell the base that they are capable of that feature.
So its unlikely that BLI now works again with CSP V1 and V2 and unlikely that it will ever work again - but of course you can give it a try, maybe there is a small chance that its also re-enabled for these old pedals. I dont have them so I cant check myself.
[SHO] Wheel Vibration Motor funktioniert nach dem Update nicht mehr.
Beim Wheel Vibration Test rührt sich nicht s mehr am Wheel. Habe das Fanatec Formula F1 V2
Auch eine Neuinstallation der Software hat keine Änderung gebracht.
Auch ein und ausschalten der Funktion erzeugt keine Vibration mehr.
Was ist zu tun?
Is your SHO setting set to ON or OFF? Is it working properly in game? Do you use the BLI feature? The steering wheel vibration test button can not work in parallel with BLI and only works when BLI is set to OFF. Do you have set BLI to anything other than OFF?
PS: please post in English according to the forum rules ;)
ok, but what a shit. why did you disable BLI???
BLI and the SHO test button never worked in parallel.
"...can not be used in parallel with telemetry based vibrations from FanaLab which is the more important feature."
Well...I would beg to differ about what's "more important", given my present hardware. I get that BLI is now a legacy feature, but is there no way to implement some sort of a toggle in the driver interface? So that the user could select to use BLI with a legacy product such as my CSPv1's, otherwise the toggle would default to Telemetry-based vibration?
Is this referring to when the buttons on the wheel don't work to enable high torque after my DD1 boots up? I've noticed turning the wheel 90 degrees enables high torque when it happens but I always restart the base to be sure anyway. If that is what the note is about, wouldn't the rotation of the wheel also not be recognized from a USB disconnect?
No, it referrs to the "No USB conmnection" message shown on the Steering Wheel Display when no USB connection is recognized which previously interfered with the FW Version screen shown on the Steering Wheel Displays and now was moved to show correctly after the FIrmwares were shown correctly.
Good morning.
I’m playing on Xbox x with Gran Turismo DD Pro base wheel, WRC steering wheel and v3 pedals . Games don’t recognize the base. For exemple WRC doesn’t allow me to set pedals vibrations. Is this because it’s Xbox ready configuration or it should work well?
Best regards.
I wonder if these toggles (up/down switches) on BME and F wheels work again in AMS2 with this new driver.
You mean the two rocker switches? They always worked in AMS2 and have nothing to do with a driver or Firmware. When a game supports them, then they work. And AMS2 always supported them, also with older drivers... ;)
Is it possible to enjoy the game like this in Gran Turismo 7? (gt dd pro) Unfortunately, the feedback about the steering wheel is very weak, especially since this steering wheel is the official racing wheel of the game!
Great in other games, but useless in Gran Turismo! I also regretted replacing the Thrustmaster tgt with this steering wheel.
I can't wait for a new forum, this is one problem of the current forum/backend. I upload it with the correct file name and when I download it, the file name is correct but when other people download it the file name is incorrect. I can theoretically upload files which will download correct for everyone else but only up to a specific size which is below how big the driver is now.
I'm fine :D there are worse things
Thanks for the new device driver.
I use the Porsche GT steering wheel with APM and BME. Everything works fine.
Unfortunately, I turned on the mouse emulation -> the mouse pointer immediately moved to the bottom left. and stays there until I turn off the podium. As soon as I turn it on again, the mouse pointer moves back to the bottom left. Very funny but also very annoying. How can I switch off the mouse emulation again without a mouse - keyboard navigation (TAB and Space etc.) seems to fail.
Please help.
//Edit: Even uninstalling and reinstalling the driver seems to turn on the mouse emulation! The computer is currently inoperable and unusable.
// Edit 2: Uninstalling again and installing the old 4.47 fixes the problem in the short term. Mouse emulation appears to be off. But as soon as I install 4.48 again, the emulation is automatically on again and the computer cannot be operated because the mouse pointer moves to the bottom lft of the screen!
//Edit3: Maurice Böschen's answer helped - a post below! Thanks.
Thats caused by your ACP setting being set to "Analogue Axes" which does not work together with the Mouse Emulation feature because they share the same axis as explained in the mouse hover hints.
Hint of Mouse Emulation:
Hint of ACP Analogue Axes Mode:
Just open the Tuning Menu and change your ACP setting to anything else and then you can use the Mouse Emulation fine.
I'm a bit confused of what the actual problem is. You say the base is not detected by the game but you also say that you can't activate pedal vibration. The thing is that on Xbox its currently not supported to have any vibration feature. If you complain about the base not being detected I would suspect the main issue would be not being able to drive with it. Is it possible to drive or not?
Gran Turismo 7 has a fundamental issue of clipping with its FFB which was reported to Polyphony many times now from us and other people. We can only hope for them to improve their FFB. It affects pretty much all brands and kinds of wheels.
That helped. Thank you. 👍🏻
Just use or similar to host the downloads and link to that from here. Sure a company of Fanatec's size could stretch to the minimal cost that would incur.
I also look forward to new forum software but have given up hope - there was talk of that when I joined! :-)
Takes way too long but will eventually come :D
Just a quick question, do you delete the old drivers before installing the new ones ?
Well that is an unfortunate response, but I appreciate the candor!
It's nice to know that you guys do actually take the time to try and label the files in a useful manner. Hopefully new forum software comes about someday and the issue will then be resolved.
however you like, you can just install the new one and then do a restart or you can delete the old one, restart, install the new one, restart. I prefer the first method, some others swear on doing it the complex way.