Feedback and Support for the Fanatec App



  • On iOS, the Categories Page of the forum can move horizontally. This is very annoying when scrolling. All the other pages behave fine.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
    edited June 2022
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    It should work to put the app folder into the installment of the new driver

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    1. Put the app folder into C:\Program Files\Fanatec\Fanatec Wheel
    2. Start the FanatecApp.exe

    We've wanted to provide a 442 with App support as well but are currently focusing on the update issues some people were having with 442. With the next version we should again be able to include the app support right away, until that you can use the manual app "installation" explained above.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
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    Like Rene said, you need to install the driver 441 including the Alpha Tray app.

    It is linked here: Download the Fanatec App for iOS or Android [BETA] and compatible PC Driver — Fanatec Forum

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
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    It is our plan to integrate forum access into the app properly, however right now the forum is not yet integrated into the app naively and the app is not yet optimized for showing the forum.

  • Just installed the Tray APP 0.41 into my good ol' reliable 439 driver as detailed above. It all works great! Like it did when I tired working with the 441 driver + tray app before upgrading to 442 then returning to 439 after finding that the ITM with 442 did not work with rF2, a SIM I run quite a bit.

    Thanks very much for providing that opportunity to test it out. I'll look forward to seeing the APP integrated into future (non-beta) Public driver releases - maybe in the follow-up to 443?

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    First time I hear about ITM issues with 442. What exactly was not working? Did you upgraded to FanaLab 1.64.5 as well?

    Just tried rF2 with 442 and 1.64.5 and ITM is working perfectly fine - all supported values are working as expected.

  • Is there a list somewhere that shows what ITM info is available on the P BME in the various major SIMs?

  • edited June 2022
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    Yes, included with every FanaLab Download... Called "ITM-LedDisplay Support.pdf"

    For rF2 the supported ITM values are:

    • Gear
    • Speed Mph / Kph
    • Lap Number
    • Lap Total Number
    • Position
    • Car Count
    • Last Laptime
    • Fuel
    • DRS Allowed
    • DRS Active
    • Oil Temp °F / °C
    • Brake Bias
    • Best Laptime
    • Time Car ahead
    • Tyre Temps

    Not supported ITM values for rF2 are:

    • Current Laptime
    • Max Fuel
    • ERS Level
    • Delta
    • TCS
    • ABS
    • Engine Map
    • Time Car behind

    In order to get the ITM working in rF2, all you need to do is clicking the "Enable Telemetry" button on the Game Profile Tab in FanaLab 1.64.5. It will copy the required dll file into the respective folder, afterwards the aforementioned values will work just fine.

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    That document hasn't been updated for a year. It could really benefit from an update to include the changes that have been introduced since then.

  • edited June 2022
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    It was updated when the ITM was reworked last year and is still up-to-date as of today, there were no changes made to the ITM for the listed games since then so it's still completely valid and there is no reason to update it for the listed games. However, for sure it will be updated soon when F1 22 launched and support was implemented into FanaLab. With this change also AMS2 should be implemented (if thats what you meant because yes, AMS2 is indeed missing in that list as nobody really though about that PDF file when AMS2 launched as there were "real" issues to fix...).

  • Gagaryn .Gagaryn . Member
    edited June 2022
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    AMS2 should have been included last year. The fact that AMS2 is omitted means it is not up to date. It needs updated to include supported titles and should be updated on each release to include any relevant changes, such as the further AMS2 ITM additions in the last Fanalab release.

    If new versions of Fanalab include changes to available ITM that are not reflected in the document you can't sensibly claim that the document is up to date. Arguing otherwise makes absolutely no sense.

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    ok, noted.

  • Hello, i just downloaded the App and the 441 drivers and it seems everything works fine.

    Just for Protocoll:

    • Are you using the Fanatec App with Android or iOS? Android 12
    • Which mobile device do you use? Poco F3
    • Wheel Base Model (product ID): Podium DD1
    • Steering Wheel Model (product ID): Club Sport Wheel Formula V2
    • Driver Version: 441
    • Base FW Version: 662
    • Motor FW Version: 42
    • Wheel FW Version: 44
    • FanaLab Version: 1.63.6
    • Tuning Menu settings -
    • Driver/FanaLab installed on C: drive or else? C (Win 10)

    Very good that u build an free App too show the ITM, just more or different Skins for the ITM would be nice.

    Kind reguards.

  • Armin HabermannArmin Habermann Member, Administrator
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    Thx for the feedback.

    BUT if you hope for an update, please let us also know what you would expect or wish for future versions. Without that it is pretty hard to somehow fulfill your expectations ;-)

  • Dear Fanatec team,

    I have been finally pulling back successfully from driver package 442 to driver package 440.

    Now I read here for the Fanatec App, I would need to install driver package 441. I didn't find any changelog in the download file and nothing in here as well about that driver package.

    Could you kindly share some more details on driver 441 or I'm just misunderstanding something here.

    Thank you.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    Hi Peter,

    Driver 441 is pretty much the same as 440, it just added the Tray App which is needed for the communication between driver and phone.

    This is the link: Download the Fanatec App for iOS or Android [ALPHA] and compatible PC Driver — Fanatec Forum

    You can also use driver 440 or update to 443 which got uploaded yesterday and insert the Tray App manually.

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    1. Put the app folder into C:\Program Files\Fanatec\Fanatec Wheel
    2. Start the FanatecApp.exe

    We'll probably add the TrayApp also the 443 after it finished beta testing.

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    I have my monitor in front of the wheelbase, and quite low, so it blocks the display on my DD1. Having the FFB graph and the other screens on the wheelbase showing in the app would be very nice :)

  • edited July 2022

    Hi Devs,

    I'm excited for the mobile app and it's future functionality.

    Is it possible to connect/link to the wheelbase/PC, if my PC is connected via LAN, and the mobile device is on a separate WiFi network?

    I would assume most people would have their Sim PC connected via a LAN cable.

    If this is not possible, you may need to consider introducing a Bluetooth module that can be connected into the wheelbase or PC.

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    Yes that is possible when it's the same network both are connected to.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
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    Yes that works, I always have the PC connected via LAN cable and not WiFi

  • I am waiting to install the request until I can use it to select Fanalab profiles . That is the biggest pain with Fanalab - having to tab out every time you change car or game.

    Is this possible?

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
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    We are currently working on a FanaLab feature so it's able to change profiles automatically depending on the currently driven car.

    So far it's not planned to have profile saving also on the mobile app as well but if its a popular request we can think about it.

  • edited August 2022

    Hi again! I just installed the new 444 drivers and also the new 1.66 fanalab ones and i tried again the App. I found two things that doesnt work for me that at the beggining they did. The rev graphic just flash in all the ITM screens but doesnt show it growing or decreasing (I did a video screen capture if it was necessary to show).

    Also, if i use the app to change tuning menu if i press A (auto) at fanatec and/or fanalab program didnt change nothing, if i press 1 in fanatec/fanalab means Auto, 2 means 1, 3 means 2, 4 means 3, 5 means 4

    • Are you using the Fanatec App with Android or iOS? iOS 15.6
    • Which mobile device do you use? iPhone 11 Pro 256 GB
    • Wheel Base Model (product ID): Podium DD1
    • Steering Wheel Model (product ID): Club Sport Wheel Formula V2
    • Driver Version: 444
    • Base FW Version:
    • Motor FW Version:
    • Wheel FW Version: 45
    • FanaLab Version: 1.66
    • Tuning Menu settings -
    • Driver/FanaLab installed on C: drive or else? C

    Thanks again!

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
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    Hi Ignacio, thanks for the feedback.

    With which game did you recognize the rev bar issue? There is an ITM test you could run and check if the issue is also happening there:

    The issue with Auto Setup I can reproduce and will forward to the developers.

  • edited August 2022
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    Never seen such a thing like that... I didn't even know such phone holders exixted before this post!

    Anyway, I surely will not complain for a feature more, even if useless to me, I complain instead beacuse till now I was not able to use the app in the same time with Fanalab and rev led on my formula wheel: tuning menu works (meaning that the ip adress on the local net ar set correctly and the phone and PC they see each other) but ITM remain stuck in the 'waiting for data' screen... the demo works fine,instead...

    If this depends from using Fanalab and Rev Led at the same time with the app, well, there is NO WAY I give up Fanalab and Rev Led for using the app (and like me many, I think)... so... take your logic conclusion.... ;)

    • iOS 15.6
    • Iphone 7
    • Wheel Base Model (product ID): CSL DD 8Nm
    • Steering Wheel Model (product ID): Formula 1 2021 Limited Edition
    • Driver Version: 444-445
    • FanaLab Version: V1.66
    • game: F1 22

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
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    I think its not an issue of FanaLab running at the same time as the mobile phone app because this is normally not a problem and worked fine in my testing. The issue rather seems that F1 22 is not yet supported by the phone app and was just implemented into FanaLab 1.66. We need to carry over the implementation of F1 22 to the phone app as well and eventually merge the backend of both so implementations of new games don't need to be done twice. As the phone app is still in alpha, its still running separate and games are added a bit slower to it than to FanaLab at the moment.

  • Hello, I believe I have connected the app to my PC properly, however, I cannot access the tuning menu as it shows 'No Tuning Menu Control compatible device detected. Auto Setup locked'. I am on driver 445. Please help me make it work. Thank you.

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    Which Wheel Base?

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    Hi, it is a CSL DD pro.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
    edited August 2022
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    Hello Dennis,

    We have updated the TrayApp to now also support F1 22. Would be great if you could give it a try and let me know if it works correctly. We will also do some testing on our side and then make the improvements public with one of the next driver versions.

    Overwrite the files in:

    C:\Program Files\Fanatec\Fanatec Wheel\app\

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