Fanatec Driver 423 for CSL, CSW and Podium WB (all wheels)

Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

To see the previous changelog of driver 415 please visit this post:

Changes of driver 423 (since 415)

Firmware versions included

  • CSL DD: (NEW)
  • CSL DD Motor:
  • CSW V1 Base: 687 (NEW)  
  • CSW V2 Base: 687 (NEW)
  • CSW V2.5 Base: 687 (NEW)
  • CSL E Base: 687 (NEW)
  • CSL E Base PS4: 687 (NEW)
  • DD1 / DD2 Bas: 687 (NEW)
  • CSL/CSW Motor: 22
  • DD1 Motor: 41 (NEW)
  • DD2 Motor:41 (NEW)
  • SW McLaren: 32
  • SW McLaren V2: 41
  • Formula V2: 41
  • Podium HUB: 6
  • Podium BME: 18
  • CSL SW WRC: 4 (NEW)
  • CSL UH: 3
  • CSP V3: 1.32
  • CSL EP LCK: 1.10

New driver UI

  • Now supports also the following bases: ClubSport Wheel Base, ClubSport Wheel Base V2, ClubSport Wheel Base V2.5, CSL Elite WB + (PS4), CSL Elite WB, CSL Elite WB 1.1
  • Fixed issue of shifter tab showing input indicators when pressing buttons on a wheel.
  • Fixed freezing when collecting logs from the "No Device Found" page.
  • Fixed crash when changing base modes while UI is open.
  • Fixed issue where window of the new UI was stuck minimized and couldn't get opened.
  • Re-located where "New Firmware Available" label is shown.
  • "New Firmware Available" label is clickable and opens the Firmware update page.
  • Improved discrepancy between clutch axis value in driver UI and Clutch Bite Point value shown on wheel.
  • Added support for ClubSport Universal Hub V2 (for Xbox).

Firmware Manager

  • Fixed issue of CSP V3 not updatable if USB-adater is attached at the same time.
  • Fixed "Failed to load default firmware file [-4]" when user name has diacritical marks e.g. Š,, Ł ä, ö, etc.

Firmware Overall

  • Added support for ClubSport Universal Hub V2 and ClubSport Universal Hub V2 for Xbox.
  • Fixed issue where values on the display stopped showing after Clutch Bite Point value was shown.


  • Fixed issue where BMW GT2 funky switch had ghost inputs to all other buttons.

Podium DD

  • Fixed rare issue of specific bases where wheel center position would suddenly jump 360° to a side causing the wheel to rotate to the new center position.
  • Optimizations in communication between base and motor firmware.


  • Enabled more colors for rev-stripe

Known Issues

  • Podium wheel base jolts can happen on ITM or analysis screens of the wheel base display. A workaround is to use the default screen with “Fanatec” logo while driving. We are still working on a fix which needs an extensive re-write of the P DD firmware which is why it takes so long. We are still working on a fix for this issue and it has high priority. It's taking so long because the fix needs a re-write of a big and important part of the firmware.
  • Some customers experience the issue that wheels with 7-segment display are running in low torque on the P DD. This doesn't happen for everyone and we were not able to reproduce this yet. Feedback on this issue with hints on how we could recreate it are welcome.
  • In some cases after all firmware updates are done the wheel might ask for another center calibration which can be done either via the driver UI or the button combination of the connected wheel which is mentioned in it's Quick Guide.
  • Some smaller imperfections of the new UI which will be solved in future updates.
  • USB-Adapter and Pedals plugged in via USB need to get accessed through the USB Gamecontroller overview of windows as they are not yet implemented into the new UI. This will be added in one of the next updates.

How to use the new function to collect log files

  1. Open the new UI via the desktop short cut or search for "Fanatec Control Panel".
  2. Go to the settings page.
  3. Press the "Collect Logs" button.
  4. This may take ~30 sec to collect all log files and put them into a .zip archive.
  5. The folder with the .zip will appear and you can upload it to the forum when reporting an issue.


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213.79 MB

Hotfix Firmware 687 for Podium Direct Drive

  • Fixed issue where some wheels with metal QR would be stuck in low torque mode because the base falsely detected a plastic QR.
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PDW_DD_Base_V687_Low Torque
1.45 MB

Compatible FanaLab Version:

How to report issues:

If you report a driver or firmware issue, please make cross checks:

  1. Update driver and FW separately to isolate an issue and find out if its caused by driver OR firmware.
  2. Which driver OR firmware does show the issue
  3. Which driver OR firmware does not show the issue
  4. Check if you can reproduce the issue again if you go back to the version which seems to have cause the issue
  5. Post the answers gathered from the questions above + a short description of the issue including the following information:
  • Wheel Base Model (product ID): ...
  • Steering Wheel Model (product ID): ....
  • Driver Version: ....
  • Base FW Version: ....
  • Motor FW Version: ....
  • Wheel FW Version: ....
  • FanaLab Version: ....
  • Driver/FanaLab installed on C: drive or else?
  • With driver related issues collect log files and zip them from C:\Users\Public\Fanatec Logs




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    What do you mean?

  • Regarding known issue of low torque on P DD1:

    Using Porsche 918 wheel, driver package 402 works. The problem occurs when upgrading WB FW 684 to 686 or 687.

    Drivers 412 and 423 alone while remaining on WB FW 684 works.

    Motor FW 40 works. Upgrading to motor FW 41 while remaining on WB FW 684 works but the fan remains on all the time.

  • edited October 2021
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    Yes it's known that Low Torque on certain wheels for a very limited number of people is a firmware issue and not a driver issue.

    Motor and Base Firmware are only supposed to be used Together, never update only one if both are available as an update.

    So with all firmwares Prior to 687 you are supposed to only use motor firmware 40 and not 41. Use 41 only with 687. Do not use 41 with 686 or 684.

  • For the CSL DD, there is only a new firmware for the CSL DD base and not the motor nor the WQR, is it still ok to just update the base? McLaren V2 no new firmware too.

  • edited October 2021
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    Yes of course.

    Wheel firmwares are extremely rare, the McLaren v2 is developed to an end so maybe there never ever will be another firmware.

    WQR most likely also will never get a new update.

    Motor firmwares are also extremely rare. In this driver there is a new motor firmware v41 included for the Podium DD and it's the first one after 2 years.....

    In almost every driver there is only a new base firmware as that is the most important one.

  • I can't download the driver package. It keeps stopping halfway through with "network error." I've tried both Chrome and Edge.

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    Sounds like an issue with your Internet connection or so.

    Loading fine here.

  • With the update to driver 423 and the firmware of the DD1 base to 687 and that of the motor to 41, I can set the frequency in the FFB menu back to 333 Hz in ACC and drive with it without the game freezing and a warning message about too high CPU Load out!

    In general, I can say that the generated resistance and the feedback from it feel more harmonious. A clear improvement for me. If the H - Shifter problems, miss shifting at Dirt Rally are now resolved, I am really happy!

  • just updated so far i noticed the rumble missing in my v2 wheel when i brake i hope this will come back or i have to download if i miss it too much

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    Do we still need to erase the motor sensor calibration with this new Motor Firmware for the PDD?

  • edited October 2021
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    you dont need to but I suggest to do so, yes.

  • Hey,

    seems like there is still no option to set the ffb higher than 100 % for csl dd? I think it was planned for this driver update? :-(

    Even if xbox player are only a small target group, i would wish to have that option. Because of the weak ffb signal of acc on xbox its unplayable.

    505 games isn't doing anything about the problem so far.

    Hope to have option then with the next driver update... :-/

  • I still can't activate High Torque mode on my DD1 with BMW GT2 wheel.

  • edited October 2021
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    Yup. As mentioned in the first post under known issues.

    You still need to stay on firmware 684 (included in driver 402) if you experience this issue.

  • "Optimizations in communication between base and motor firmware."

    What this means in more words :)?

  • good afternoon ! I just upgraded to 423. (dd1 ps4) playing f1 2021. I got this message in the base. Which may be due ?

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    You turned the wheel too much and the center position was lost. It's a new feature of the new firmware.

    What's your SEN and in which Situation did you got the message? After a Crash where you tried to catch the car by maybe overturning the SEN range into the bumpstops?

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    Not sure which wheel you're using, but for instance on my McLaren v2, I can set the FOR, SPR, and DPR values beyond 100, up to 120. Perhaps you can do the same if you haven't already? I'm not sure how much ACC actually utilizes those particular settings, but it's worth a try.

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    He needs FF to be able to set up to 200 which is not possible yet.

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    what does NEE mean? I was on the Monaco track and the steering wheel started with strong jerks and I managed to brake and stop it. and when looking at the base the message came out. I use SEN 360 on the wheel and the game. it's the only f1 track that experienced those strong shakes

  • I installed the new driver and updated the csl DD with the new firmware.

    Unfortunatly the ghost buttons is exactly the same as before on the BMW GT2-wheel. 😢

  • Updated to this driver yesterday without any issue at all. Went from 415 to 423. All wheels incl BMW GT2, Formula Black and McLaren V1 work in high torque.


    • Delete 415
    • Reboot
    • Run CCleaner to clean registry (probably overkill)
    • Install 423 and folow the instructions.
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    CCleaner is indeed overkill. That Tool usual makes more trouble and can break more things than it can fix...

  • Just received my DD1, install drivers and update the firmware of wb and motor as it shows that ther is newest version available. But after all the wireless quickrelease firmware shows as 0. Should I update it manually?

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    You can not update the WQR manually. WQR can only be updated during an automated update process.

    Usually when it shows 0 even after a base restart it means the connection from the Base to the WQR is broken and you need to contact the support as that would be a hardware issue.

  • I updated everything including my CSLv3 Pedals, DD1, and everything else. Again, in order for my Fanatec Sequential/7Speed to be mapped to my Podium Paddle Shifters, I have to load up Fanatec Control Panel and toggle it. It doesnt stay saved between PC reboots, and doesnt load with FanaLab. (Ive tried to toggle it/enable and then resave my profile many times, but it doesnt work.)

    While my Pedals wont vibrate when I hit the test buttons, they will vibrate when going past my set braking force.

    Just an update from my post in the previous driver thread.

    That said, I can say my DD1 - FEELS - better than it did before, especially in games that used to have crappier FFB feel to them. Ive been able to really dial in all the major games very nicely, and the DD1 feels fantastic.

  • Nathan RowNathan Row Member
    edited October 2021

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    I had read the known issues in the first before installing and it is NOT listed there, now my DD1 and BMW GT2 wheel are on low torque as well. I have two questions; 1) What are you referring to when you say its mentioned in the first post under known issues - i cant see it? 2) when will a fix be available? Also the link to Driver 402 appears dead.

  • DD1 and Formula Black Wheel here.

    I still get the low torque fault due to having incorrect quick release ?

    Perhaps Fanatec will send me the new quick release so I can run the new updated drivers and fanalabs. I have had to go back to the old drivers

  • edited October 2021
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    Ehm... See picture attached.... It's well written there in the first post in the Known issue list...

    As Fanatec still writes they cant reproduce the issue it might take a while until it's fixed.

This discussion has been closed.