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@David Mullally: Try to start your base without attached Steering Wheel and take a look in the driver menu. If your WQR Firmware is correctly displayed, then it's OK (then attach the steering wheel and check for recognizing of steering wheel). When you still see WQR Firmware, even after reflashing with new firmware, then you have to contact the support.
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@David Mullally: Try to start your base without attached Steering Wheel and take a look in the driver menu. If your WQR Firmware is correctly displayed, then it's OK (then attach the steering wheel and check for recognizing of steering wheel). When you still see WQR Firmware, even after reflashing with new firmware, then you have to contact the support.
I’ll try that thanks. Do I need to
delete and download the link from here again for 462 as well? Also do I try to a manual flash on the wqr?
just install the wqr firmware manually again after trying my tipp above (and when still displayed You don't need to download the single wqr firmware Go to Firmware Update Menu, check the box for manual update and click on WQR Update (Dont choose for a file). The Driver on your pc has nothing to do with recognizing of steering wheel and WQR modul. You don't need to reinstall it.
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just install the wqr firmware manually again after trying my tipp above (and when still displayed You don't need to download the single wqr firmware Go to Firmware Update Menu, check the box for manual update and click on WQR Update (Dont choose for a file). The Driver on your pc has nothing to do with recognizing of steering wheel and WQR modul. You don't need to reinstall it.
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just install the wqr firmware manually again after trying my tipp above (and when still displayed You don't need to download the single wqr firmware Go to Firmware Update Menu, check the box for manual update and click on WQR Update (Dont choose for a file). The Driver on your pc has nothing to do with recognizing of steering wheel and WQR modul. You don't need to reinstall it.
Ok just back on. Iv removed the wheel and then connected and it’s saying now not Will I connect the wheel now or what.
just before I went in it told me this update is available
@David Mullally Can you try to booting up with attached steering wheel and then to take a look to the drive menu? If it still shows firmware, you win! otherwise you have to attach your wheel after booting up. This was a problem with old wqr firmware from driver 455 but the new wqr firmwares since 456 has fixed this problem. If you don't have another steering wheel to try, I would contact support when your attached steering wheel don't recognize after booting up.
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@David Mullally Can you try to booting up with attached steering wheel and then to take a look to the drive menu? If still it displayed firmware, you won! otherwise you have to attach your wheel after booting up. This was a problem with old wqr firmware from driver 455 but the new wqr firmwares since 456 has fixed this problem.
I have a few time. Happened once again but then went to normal every time after. Gonna try that once more now though.
Done a full reboot of dd and went back in with wheel attached. And it’s all good.
Thanks for the help. Looks like starting it without the wheel earlier first did the trick. Maybe it didn’t finish properly yesterday or we put wheel on to soon after wqr update.
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In regards to 462 it’s working well again today. No drop outs. I also have not had any miss shifts on podium wheel and the curser in gt7 has stopped floating around the screen.
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Just set the FOR value from 90% to 100% and voila, the 1.5 Nm return so your 15 Nm Base, which you paid for, is a 15 Nm Base again. MAGIC DONE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
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Then it would show for more users - which is not the case.
isint there difference between and when it actually show only 0 ?
i notice that when user actually had 0 then wqr was most likely dead, or it was only DD1/DD2 thing ?
He just said a bad sign without explanation and now I’m panicking about it.
No difference, no. is CSL DD and CS DD, 0 is P DD. Both mean that something is wrong with the WQR.
So what should I do. Is it the base itself
it should be by default the by read changelog. but you tell everything works. so that makes me just fonder if its just glitch
Everything works fine .check the ye link I just posted. Others had same issue.
i had similar issue with my DD2, some time ago, after i reinstall firmware everything worked
i posted that problem in Driver 455 section, but it was like last year. so not fully remember anyone all the details
I’ll try that maybe. So remove the 462 from the laptop and reinstall again?
no, it not worked for me like this. i needed install old firmware and then update again. i really not fully remember atm anymore the full steps
it could be because this remove the steering wheel pop up not show.
Maurice and suggestions? Please don’t say contact support this base has already been back for coil whine.
@David Mullally: Try to start your base without attached Steering Wheel and take a look in the driver menu. If your WQR Firmware is correctly displayed, then it's OK (then attach the steering wheel and check for recognizing of steering wheel). When you still see WQR Firmware, even after reflashing with new firmware, then you have to contact the support.
I’ll try that thanks. Do I need to
delete and download the link from here again for 462 as well? Also do I try to a manual flash on the wqr?
I was told this is straightforward and look
at the hassle I’m having.
@David Mullally
just install the wqr firmware manually again after trying my tipp above (and when still displayed You don't need to download the single wqr firmware Go to Firmware Update Menu, check the box for manual update and click on WQR Update (Dont choose for a file). The Driver on your pc has nothing to do with recognizing of steering wheel and WQR modul. You don't need to reinstall it.
I’ll have a go later ill
update u. Thanks.
Ok just back on. Iv removed the wheel and then connected and it’s saying now not Will I connect the wheel now or what.
just before I went in it told me this update is available
Ok. Just connected wheel and it’s saying all good.
@David Mullally Can you try to booting up with attached steering wheel and then to take a look to the drive menu? If it still shows firmware, you win! otherwise you have to attach your wheel after booting up. This was a problem with old wqr firmware from driver 455 but the new wqr firmwares since 456 has fixed this problem. If you don't have another steering wheel to try, I would contact support when your attached steering wheel don't recognize after booting up.
I have a few time. Happened once again but then went to normal every time after. Gonna try that once more now though.
Done a full reboot of dd and went back in with wheel attached. And it’s all good.
Thanks for the help. Looks like starting it without the wheel earlier first did the trick. Maybe it didn’t finish properly yesterday or we put wheel on to soon after wqr update.
David Mullally Congratulations. With a bit of luck it will work. Otherwise you can downgrade to previous firmware and try again.
So far so good. Didn’t even need to flash manual one. I’ll recheck tomorrow.
And make sure every screws of your QR/QR2 are tightly fastened. If not weird things can happen.
Rechecked today all seems good. Only thing I can think of that happened was we put wheel on too soon last time or something.
In regards to 462 it’s working well again today. No drop outs. I also have not had any miss shifts on podium wheel and the curser in gt7 has stopped floating around the screen.
Following update, I just realized that my base is at 13.5 instead of 15 NM for my base CS DD+ WHEEL BASE.
I paid to have 15 nm not to have 13.5 thank you to make me return my 1.5 nm AS SOON AS POSSIBLE !
Suite maj je viens de m'apercevoir que ma base est a 13.5 au lieu des 15 NM pour ma base CS DD+ WHEEL BASE.
J'ai payé pour avoir 15 nm pas pour avoir 13.5 merci de faire me rendre mes 1.5 nm AU PLUS VITE !
mon achat
Just set the FOR value from 90% to 100% and voila, the 1.5 Nm return so your 15 Nm Base, which you paid for, is a 15 Nm Base again. MAGIC DONE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
your FOR is 90%, that reduces the NM
I reset all and it's ok ! MERCI