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Hi! I am on an DD+ and had constant FFB-Loss and malfunctioning Shifters on my F1 wheel on PC in F1 2020 running in pc comp-mode.
I noticed constant rumbling from the Rumble-Motors inside the wheel. I decided to deactivate them in the Fanatec Control Panel and voila: No more FFB-Loss even in the highest possible FFB-Settings.
maybe this is helpful to others.
btw, everything else works fine. No problems in pc-mode or on ps5.
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Hi! I am on an DD+ and had constant FFB-Loss and malfunctioning Shifters on my F1 wheel on PC in F1 2020 running in pc comp-mode.
I noticed constant rumbling from the Rumble-Motors inside the wheel. I decided to deactivate them in the Fanatec Control Panel and voila: No more FFB-Loss even in the highest possible FFB-Settings.
maybe this is helpful to others.
btw, everything else works fine. No problems in pc-mode or on ps5.
greetings from austria!
really? well they to changed recently the stuff at vibration. maybe they made bug at there.
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fanatec increased the vibration strength at least they tell that, you say that they lie ?
The vibration strength can not be increased above the maximum what the rumble motors can do and the maximum was 100 before the aforementioned change to OFF/ON where ON also was 100% strength.
What you mean is the FW issue of the Formula V2.5 wheel with new chip (the ones with semantic versioning). V0.3.5.0 indeed had an issue that the vibration strength was too low, this was fixed with But this change ONLY affected the new-chip Formula wheels. Stefan has an old-chip wheel with Firmware 47 - no change in strength was done here so nothing which could indicate a bug with the vibration stuff.
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The vibration strength can not be increased above the maximum what the rumble motors can do and the maximum was 100 before the aforementioned change to OFF/ON where ON also was 100% strength.
What you mean is the FW issue of the Formula V2.5 wheel with new chip (the ones with semantic versioning). V0.3.5.0 indeed had an issue that the vibration strength was too low, this was fixed with But this change ONLY affected the new-chip Formula wheels. Stefan has an old-chip wheel with Firmware 47 - no change in strength was done here so nothing which could indicate a bug with the vibration stuff.
over years i been learn one thing. if you fix one thing, you may make same time a new bug if user not know what he changes
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but he turned that feature off and he tells he not get anymore the ffb loss, so there are happening in that feature something
He also said that he got constant vibrations, this more indicates something in general is wrong with his rumble motors which of course can overload the wheel when they are constantly vibrating as they are not designed to do that. For sure it was not a recent change to vibration stuff (which was your assumption into the blue) because nothing regarding the vibration stuff was changed for his wheel.
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He also said that he got constant vibrations, this more indicates something in general is wrong with his rumble motors which of course can overload the wheel when they are constantly vibrating as they are not designed to do that. For sure it was not a recent change to vibration stuff (which was your assumption into the blue) because nothing regarding the vibration stuff was changed for his wheel.
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Yes, but there was no change regarding vibrations also on the SDK.
Also, almost no game makes use of the steering wheel vibrations. F1 2020 definitely does not which is the game Stefan mentioned.
how you know this exactly anyway? as far i understand you not a Dev, when they make changes in software/firmware , they not talk everything what they are doing, and why they should?
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how you know this exactly anyway? as far i understand you not a Dev, when they make changes in software/firmware , they not talk everything what they are doing, and why they should?
Because I work for them, I am in direct contact with the devs and I can see every code change to the firmware and SDK. And I know which games support which features and F1 2020 does not support steering wheel vibrations natively.
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Because I work for them, I am in direct contact with the devs and I can see every code change to the firmware and SDK. And I know which games support which features and F1 2020 does not support steering wheel vibrations natively.
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In fact ONLY the ClubSport Pedals do have rumble motors and they also do not cause the disconnections.
We really dont need to speculate here about what could cause it - this is something the devs are investigating and speculating about it here just causes confusion for everyone so I think we should stop it here now as it doesnt help anybody.
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In fact ONLY the ClubSport Pedals do have rumble motors and they also do not cause the disconnections.
We really dont need to speculate here about what could cause it - this is something the devs are investigating and speculating about it here just causes confusion for everyone so I think we should stop it here now as it doesnt help anybody.
well. good news is that he tell that this turning off fixed issue for him. bad news is that devs still investigating
Welcome to the Alan show. Seriously can't he be given a friendly time out or something? All I see is him causing a lot of unnecessary noise on this forum with assumptions and presumptions. I'm sure he's only trying to help, but really.
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Welcome to the Alan show. Seriously can't he be given a friendly time out or something? All I see is him causing a lot of unnecessary noise on this forum with assumptions and presumptions. I'm sure he's only trying to help, but really.
If he wouldnt have stopped with the off-topic then this would have been a possible consequence, yes.
Sure, he just wants to help but indeed this is causing a lot more unneccessary noise and confusion when someone just drops some assumption into the blue without knowing and understanding the products and whats going on behind the scenes...
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If he wouldnt have stopped with the off-topic then this would have been a possible consequence, yes.
Sure, he just wants to help but indeed this is causing a lot more unneccessary noise and confusion when someone just drops some assumption into the blue without knowing and understanding the products and whats going on behind the scenes...
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something for you and those emf back impulses what may happen when turn motors on and off .
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does devs play also race simulator games or they only dev?
Dont know why this is important for you but during their development work they also of course drive Simracing games to test issues and possible fixes.
Hi! I am on an DD+ and had constant FFB-Loss and malfunctioning Shifters on my F1 wheel on PC in F1 2020 running in pc comp-mode.
I noticed constant rumbling from the Rumble-Motors inside the wheel. I decided to deactivate them in the Fanatec Control Panel and voila: No more FFB-Loss even in the highest possible FFB-Settings.
maybe this is helpful to others.
btw, everything else works fine. No problems in pc-mode or on ps5.
greetings from austria!
really? well they to changed recently the stuff at vibration. maybe they made bug at there.
Nothing was changed regarding vibrations in years.
Only change was 2 years ago or so where the old scale from 10-100 was replaced by just OFF/ON.
fanatec increased the vibration strength at least they tell that, you say that they lie ?
The vibration strength can not be increased above the maximum what the rumble motors can do and the maximum was 100 before the aforementioned change to OFF/ON where ON also was 100% strength.
What you mean is the FW issue of the Formula V2.5 wheel with new chip (the ones with semantic versioning). V0.3.5.0 indeed had an issue that the vibration strength was too low, this was fixed with But this change ONLY affected the new-chip Formula wheels. Stefan has an old-chip wheel with Firmware 47 - no change in strength was done here so nothing which could indicate a bug with the vibration stuff.
over years i been learn one thing. if you fix one thing, you may make same time a new bug if user not know what he changes
As I said... Nothing was changed/fixed for the wheel Stefan uses.
but he turned that feature off and he tells he not get anymore the ffb loss, so there are happening in that feature something
He also said that he got constant vibrations, this more indicates something in general is wrong with his rumble motors which of course can overload the wheel when they are constantly vibrating as they are not designed to do that. For sure it was not a recent change to vibration stuff (which was your assumption into the blue) because nothing regarding the vibration stuff was changed for his wheel.
Rumble motors can also be controlled by SDK
Yes, but there was no change regarding vibrations also on the SDK.
Also, almost no game makes use of the steering wheel vibrations. F1 2020 definitely does not which is the game Stefan mentioned.
how you know this exactly anyway? as far i understand you not a Dev, when they make changes in software/firmware , they not talk everything what they are doing, and why they should?
Because I work for them, I am in direct contact with the devs and I can see every code change to the firmware and SDK. And I know which games support which features and F1 2020 does not support steering wheel vibrations natively.
so where that issue comes then? hardware self ?
As you can read in the first post of this thread, exactly this is still under investigation.
well, motors can make noise and electronics can be sensitive for those. wondering if ferride would fix that if add that for this motor
it would not fix this constant vibration what he talk, but it could fix noise what may cause ffb loss issues
by default diode used for this as well but if that burns down then it not work anymore
Disconnections happen also with wheels without rumble motors, so that is definitely not the root cause of the disconnections in general.
what about pedals?, they have also motors
Not every pedal set has rumble motors, no.
In fact ONLY the ClubSport Pedals do have rumble motors and they also do not cause the disconnections.
We really dont need to speculate here about what could cause it - this is something the devs are investigating and speculating about it here just causes confusion for everyone so I think we should stop it here now as it doesnt help anybody.
well. good news is that he tell that this turning off fixed issue for him. bad news is that devs still investigating
Welcome to the Alan show. Seriously can't he be given a friendly time out or something? All I see is him causing a lot of unnecessary noise on this forum with assumptions and presumptions. I'm sure he's only trying to help, but really.
there are one solution where user can self test this if its a motor what cause this or its a software.
its when disconnect motor from hardware board and enable that button, that would tell right away the answer
If he wouldnt have stopped with the off-topic then this would have been a possible consequence, yes.
Sure, he just wants to help but indeed this is causing a lot more unneccessary noise and confusion when someone just drops some assumption into the blue without knowing and understanding the products and whats going on behind the scenes...
something for you and those emf back impulses what may happen when turn motors on and off .
Thx but not interested in this as its again off topic.
probaply we would not talk this issues anyway atm. but its already a September
i not know how you see it but for me as customer it looks already very weird