Fanatec Driver 457 (old discussion incl download) for CSL, ClubSport and Podium (all wheels)



  • It is the way of course, but it isn't right tbh. It's nearly 6 months since release, many bases are still just paperweights or suffer from random disconnects or freezes. RMA? No response; Firmware upgrade? Not stable. Clueless, out of option.

    Venting obviously doesn't help the current situation, but endless waiting is equally unhelpful. I would tolerate it if this were a $100 item, but it's a thousand-dollar product, marketed as high-end, so I naturally have the right to express my opinion, even vent. They made their users to feel bad, they should bear the consequences.

    Eventually I'll be tired of all these and just switch to other brands. One less whining user, hooray!

  • I completely agree with you, but consider the Samsung Note from a few years ago. Samsung is a little bit bigger than Fanatec. However my main point was more to do with giving a little respect to the only people from Fanatec who are here and doing their best to help us. Yes they are giving extremely limited information out but that isn’t their fault. Just before 457 was released there was a generic message of we are working on it. Literally a few days later 457 appeared. They can’t tell us that an update is imminent because of an issue arrises during their testing they have to pull it. If they have given it all the fanfare then how annoyed would everyone be.

    I completely agree with everyone’s frustration’s. The way I look at it is I made the decision to order despite their very public issues. I can’t then moan when those issues bite me on the arse now can I?

  • @Maurice Böschen

    After working for more than a week without any issues, the 455 bug (losing all buttons, including paddle shifters) is back. Since it is the wheelbase firmware that comes with a 455 driver, there is no auto-reconnect—I had to switch the wheelbase off and on again to make it work again. So, unfortunately, it was most likely not the firmware combo I am using that made it more stable nor the replacement wheelbase.

  • edited May 2024

    Thats as expected though, Firmware of 455 WILL have disconnection issues. Those disconnections could also be reproduced and are no longer problematic.

    It is ONLY still an issue if you experience the "new" kind of disconnections with auto-reconnect with firmware of 457.

  • I have those very Disconnections "never on a straight" issues, using 457 with hot fix. Patiently waiting.... thank you Maurice, for your time, effort and diligence to do everything in your power it seems, always.

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  • Hi all,

    anyone knows why with 454 (going to test also 457) these three wheel bases have the SAME VID&PID?

    CSL DD

    CS DD

    CS DD+

    All of them are presented as 0eb7-0020

    How can I distinguish (for example on Linux) between them?


  • (I don't know what happend to my post above... I was just editing it)


    I have got my CS DD+ yesterday and installed Driver 457. The Wheel-Base was updated first. After the Update finished, the Wheel Center calibration was skipped automatically. The Firmware Manager showed that "Wireless Quick Release Firmware" was After i switched to "Manual Firmware Update" and installed the Firmware for the WQR to I recognized that my Wheels were not detected properly (Even after several restarts (PC and Base)) and the Tuning Menu was not working for all Wheels. I reinstalled the Firmware of the Base and after that the wheels were detected properly and the Tuning Menu worked fine.

    Then I tested my wheel in Action in recognized that after about 5 Minutes of Racing the Wheel-Base is starting to make noises (Coil whines, that's more or less okay for me) but when I turn my wheel from 0° to 5°-20° then it is vibrating and moving a little bit. I can also reproduce it when the USB is unplugged and I go into the softlock and hold it there for about 30-60 Seconds to reproduce full Force strength (You can feel and hear it getting stronger over time). I will test it with Firmware 455 to check if this is Firmware related or a hardware issue.

  • Then why is it the driver on the website? What driver are people supposed to use to avoid these problems, and why are the firmware updates so slow and broken? When will a proper, functional release be issued?

    It's one thing to take a long time between updates and release quality work. It's quite another to be both slow and bad.

  • Hello everybody. I have a Clubsport Formula V2 and I am driving on PS5. Sadly I cannot use the Funkyswitch on the F1 Game. Is that just Not possible or how can I change it so that I can use that Button as well. Thanks in Advance :)

  • @Maurice Böschen

    >It is ONLY still an issue if you experience the "new" kind of disconnections with auto-reconnect with firmware of 457.<

    So, do you recommend updating the replacement wheelbase to 457? I mean, I've been through that already with the other wheelbase, and you know the result.

    I'll check with the other guys who sent me the replacement and then probably send the whole combo (DD Extreme) back and ask for a refund. Not that I am impatient, but if there is no timely solution for it, the DD Extreme is unusable for me.

  • Worth a try before you go the route of a refund.

  • So I have been using my McLaren wheel for days now in gt7 with out a single issue .

    I switch To my V3 wheel for F1 and bang it disconnects within 20 mins. Switch back to gt7 and same issue.

    Back to McLaren V2 wheel and no issues. Could it be something to do with the led/vibration. Can we have this checked by the team.

  • Hello,

    I think I've had every Fanatec problem possible.

    November 2023 I order the GT DD PRO 8nm with shifter and hand brake I play on ACC, EA WRC, DIRT 2.0, F1 23 (ps5) and RBR (PC) 

    A pleasure, I'm enjoying myself. My girlfriend gave me the podium hub and rally module for my birthday in early April. A great steering wheel that unfortunately doesn't work with the shifter on PS5 and doesn't work at all in EA WRC.

    Then my GT DD PRO base did something surprising. I was on ACC and there was a big snap after braking. and since then the FFB is completely hard at 20° and -20° as if the friction had gone crazy. After-sales service request lasting 3 weeks with no response... they've finally decided to take it back sav.

    I decide to order the CS DD+ that I've been eyeing with the F1 steering wheel.

    Now the podium module rally works with the shifter but still not on ea wrc

    After a week of good operation, my CS DD+ base began to show weaknesses!

    My Podium Hub steering wheel and rally module were detected one time out of 5. Then the next day, a disconnection occurred while playing on ACC (ps5) with my Fomula one steering wheel. The next day, after an hour, the same problem occurred, except that every 5 minutes it reconnected. (unplayable)

    So I came across this forum and installed the 457 driver. If there's no improvement, what should I do? wait? ask for a refund? GOING CRAZY? THROW THE BASE OUT THE WINDOW?

    No, but seriously, Fanatec makes great equipment. I'm really sad to have all these problems unresolved.

    I just want to keep having fun behind the wheel. 

    Best regards,


  • @maurice I'd like a refund, how to proceed please?

    I'm tired of waiting with a useless brick

  • Has anyone else experienced downshift issues with GT DD Extreme?

    I initially thought it was me then I noticed that it occurs on first or second corner on GT7 when downshifting from 3rd to second, and it shifts to 1st by itself.

    I tried pressing the shifts up and down before the race starts ( when in auto drive) and this seems to workaround.

    Noticed that after upgrading from 455 to 457. It was also the first time the wheel was upgraded, for some reason I missed the wheel updated during my first update to 455. So it had the out of the box firmware if that makes sense.

  • I'm currently also suffering from the gear shifting problem...luckily only on Forza Motorsport at the moment. But I have a CSL DD with a McLaren V2 steering wheel. Fresh from rma with basic drivers having installed. I think that never before has the problem been more with the game than with the steering wheel itself. Otherwise you will also have problems with Forza Horizon and Acc.

  • Sometimes I can solve the problem for a while by restarting the console, game and base. Update me if it helps.

  • Hello!. I have not had any disconnection problems. But I did have problems with the funky mouse switch that is activated only by pressing the button to enter the steering wheel options. It is already my second DD+ base. And the second one still has the same problem. Porsche steering wheel with PBME. I know it's not a PBME problem since I plug it into my old DD1 base and it works perfectly. That said, I have discovered that if I do not use ITM in fanalab the problem disappears. I would recommend removing the LEDs or ITM from the steering wheel so that the steering wheel only receives data from the FFB and the shift paddles and test if the disconnections stop occurring. If so, perhaps Fanatec could address the problem from another point. Try it and comment. Thanks greetings!!!

  • When will 457 go official?

  • Never.

  • ....und wann kommt 458 ;-) ????

  • edited May 2024

    I see people on Facebook and discord having rma in 2 weeks.

    It's been more than 3 weeks and still no answer from support. Please, @Marcel what can I do???

    Wheelbase not working, no answer from Fanatec, no answer from you too.

    God I'm so frustrated

  • Is there a way to revert the firmware on the Rally Module? I reinstalled 455 on the PC but the firmware that flashed to the hub is still tied to 457 so I still get the miss-shifts from my podium hub/rally module.

    Hoping to go back to 455 on the button module so I can use my 700+ dollar wheel again.

  • Has no one tried this or have I missed something??...would this be a possible solution. Does anyone have problems with the mouse pointer that is activated when pressing the steering wheel menu button?? Thank you. Greetings!!!

  • @Alian-philippe Girardin. I know it’s hard to be…… but be patient. It took them just short of 4 weeks to reply to mine and then another 20 odd days to reply to my reply. I have now been passed to the team who issue the RMA number, they have been quite efficient and messaged me on the same day I was passed to them. Maybe it’s from that point people on FB are talking about.

    The issue has been exacerbated by people sending request after request because they are struggling. There seems to be signs that they are starting to get a handle on it but people need to show some patience otherwise we are just adding to their issues. It like they have been hit by a DDos attack. Although it’s of their own doing we need to understand that the people who are trying to help us are doing all they can and aren’t the ones responsible.

    Hope you get dealt with soon.

  • With podium Rally Module and Podium Endurance module ( with the Fanatec shift padles ) miss shifts are absolutelly atrocious, do not understand how such a long standing matter is not on the top of the priorities, lost count of how many times the paddles screwed me over on a race. And no need to ask me for logs you can see the paddles failing every now and then on the Fantec control panel.

    Also the Endurance button module freezing whenever it feels like freezing is another long standing issue ... that seems to me some coding issue on fanalab ( not sure ofc )... these are podium products that have been on the market for quite some time and arent exactly cheap ... im sure that if simhub can read the shared memory and works with near zero issues fanalab is able to do it too since this doesnt seem game dependant, also, no matter how bad the info on shared memory is on game X ( and its not specific to any game ) the wheel shouldnt simply crash ...

    PS: tell the boys from RMAs to at least acknoledge the mails ... sad state of affairs.

  • Sorry, but I object to the idea that I, as a customer, should be partly to blame for the fact that Fanatec support is overloaded.

    The fact is: Endor AG sold a product that was faulty and the customer is right to complain about it!

    Over 3 weeks of waiting for a response, in which you are then told to do this or that and send a video, you respond to that and then wait weeks for a response.

    In the meantime, I have received two replacement deliveries, both supposedly new products, but they were just as defective.

    I understand that Endor is having problems at the moment, but now I have the impression that we are being led by the nose.

    My repeated request for a refund was also deliberately ignored.

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  • Sorry clicked quote accidentally and couldn’t get rid of it.

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