Fanatec Driver 457 (old discussion incl download) for CSL, ClubSport and Podium (all wheels)



  • edited May 2024

    Which M3 GT4 wheel?

    You mean the M4 GT3 wheel?😅

    Of course it is compatible like every other wheel (with the exception of a firmware issue that button LEDs are Hit and miss on the CS DD and very often not working properly).

  • An update on my issue. Whilst I was experiencing shifting, FFB and steering issues on 457, a couple of days ago I reseated my QR2. Since then no issues. Perhaps the firmware upgrade timing was just a coincidence and the QR2 had worked loose over the last 6 months. I have my fingers crossed.

  • Hello,

    since update 457 my CSL DD no longer works.

    Like many, there is a disconnection in game (EA WRC) after a few seconds. Already in the menus there are latencies with the keys. When I play, the gears stop shifting, then the steering wheel disconnects. The red light is dimmed and then the steering wheel no longer reconnects. I had to restart it manually. Impossible to play any sim racing game.

    Before this version of drivers, everything was always perfect.

    Whell Base Motor :

    Wheel Base :

    Wireless Quick Release :

    BMW GT2 Wheel

    Please help me, it's a great frustration.

  • Raymond XuRaymond Xu Member
    edited May 2024

    It appears that version 455 is the latest stable driver / firmware pack. Later versions have introduced persistent issues that significantly impact the user experience. It seems that the developers and the testers either lack awareness of these issues or are simply unable to reproduce them themselves.

    This situation is concerning. Whether it's due to a specific batch of unit, or a result of a misunderstanding or communication gap between the designers and manufacturers, it's alarming to see that both new and old hardware from Fanatec are plagued by numerous issues that the developers are unaware of. The standardized design and production of the product seem to be lacking in quality.

    As a new user, this situation is really disappointing.

  • @maurice. Good to know that it is still compatible, as I did not see those bases listed on the BMW product page. Is a firmware fix being worked on? Or perhaps a simhub api if you guys don’t want to fix?

  • edited May 2024

    Simhub API wont come and wouldnt fix a firmware issue where some button LEDs dont get lighting up.

    A firmware fix for the button LEDs is currently not being worked on. Hopefully it will be fixed at some point in the future though.

  • I agree, my new gear stands here sinds Christmas as an 'ornament' right now (like somebody said before) because i am to afraid to update my driver or firmware for now because of all the issues. I really hope Fanatec will come with a solution soon because this is problematic for them and for us now. Maybe they need more people to be working on it but I don't know what problem lay with the company and wish them all the best. Make Fanatec great again guys !

  • edited May 2024

    Wanted to add in a data point:

    -Updated to 457 just as it came out (DD Extreme package + McLaren GT3 v2 with QR2 + CSL V3 pedals) and did not apply hotfix, so versions are all appropriate to the 457 package.

    -Have consistently been putting the console (PS5) to rest each night and after all playing sessions. I do not use the base on PC yet, but am planning on it.

    -The base is plugged in with original cable into the back of the PS5.

    -I drive for about 2-3 hours per day. Currently that's a 99% to 1% mix of GT7 and F1 23.

    I still have not experienced a freeze again like I used to pre 457. Unsure what makes my setup unique, unless I'm one of the two(?) people in this thread that despite having a positive experience, posted some sort of feedback on a troubleshooting forum (which isn't uncommon, people unproportionately post negative experiences and obviously that makes sense) and there's a lot more positive cases of the firmware working just fine that we're simply not hearing about.

  • edited May 2024


    habe auch Probleme mit dem Treiber 457/455. Lenkrad oder Base frieren kurzzeitig komplett ein. Nach 2-3 Sekunden fängt sich alles wieder als wäre nix gewesen.

    Hatte den Treiber 457 versucht aber da ist es bei 1 von 10 rennen wo es mittendrin einfach einfriert. Habe dann base wieder auf 455 gedowngradet und heute war es mitten im Rennen wieder eingefroren. Die Renn sind dann natürlich fürn Arsch und nervt tierisch.

    Spiele ausschließlich ACC auf der PS5. Verbindung USB vorn.

    Base: DD+

    Lenkrad: f1 V2,5 & McLaren GT3 V2

    Pedale: V3

    QR2 Adapter

    Treiber von Lenkrad, QR2, Pedale alles aktuell. Nur Base wurde mit 455 & 457 versucht.

    Was könnte ich noch versuchen? Kann die Base kaputt sein oder doch nur Treiber Sache?

    hier mal ein link. Ab 1:58:39sieht man wie es mitten im Renn einfriert.

    This is an embed external element. It can be deleted using the delete key or the backspace key. To view the full element, press the preview button below.

  • Hi my good people I'm still using 451 driver for CSL DD do i have to update or can i stay here lol

  • I was running the FW from 450 on my DD Pro up until I got the DD+ and felt it was really fine. From reading the threads not seeing further updates on the CSL DD or Pro getting much comments indicating significant improvements, so it maybe its more about the newer stuff primarily the PBMR which still has some isssues. So if its working fine I’d say stick w it for now as the team seems mostly focused on addressing the issues for the CS DD/+

  • @Ovidio Candelaria

    You can safely go for 455 because its very stable. I used it on my GT DD Pro without any problem.

    456 it was bugged and 457 needs some updates to work properly and stable.

  • Fülöp BélaFülöp Béla Member
    edited May 2024

    DD+ (PS5, ACC)

    Unfortunately, I can't find a stable version since the 457 update. I didn't have a problem with the 455 update in the past. Even though I put it back, it was no longer stable. I just put back the 454 update, it's been flawless for 3 days and there are no errors.


    Base :

    wheel F1 V2: 47

    QR :

  • I have dd+ and recently acquired podium wheel hub advanced button module and clubsport pedals.

    all good on 457 just 2 small things regarding the wheel.

    odd miss shift they just don’t work shifting up or down. But rare.

    in main menu on gt7 ps5 the cursor on the screen moves around on its own.

  • So, I am getting my DD+ and RS wheel tomorrow jopedukly. Assuming they arrive with their default firmware, bass on the current status, which driver / firmware combo is best to use?

    I am afraid to update on 457 at the moment, my time is very limited and can’t afford to experiment at this time :/

  • @Nick Sotiriadis

    Driver and firmware from 455.

  • @Nick Sotiriadis

    Definitely DON'T update anything in case it works out of the box.

    I'm using the Factory Firmware it got shipped with and have absolutely NO issue with it.

    It's working perfectly.

    I only play on Ps5 so can't comment on PC compatibility.

    But on my Ps5 playing GT7 and ACC and Motorfest I have zero problems using the default pre installed Firmware.

  • edited May 2024

    Two weeks ago, Fanatec asked me to send my DD+ in for investigation while they sent me a replacement.

    Until then, I had the same problems as most people here: short disconnects of FFB, buttons, paddles, etc. It was pretty annoying.

    Now I have received the replacement. Since it only came with basic firmware, I updated to driver 455 firmware, while I left the DD Extreme rim firmware to (driver 457, I believe) and the QR firmware to 1.0. 0.3 (also driver 457). Since then I have played for about 12 to 14 hours with about 600 to 700 miles without a single problem.

    That doesn't mean it's fixed for me, but at the moment it looks promising. If it works like this for a long time, it could very well be due to the firmware combination I'm using, or the old wheelbase had a hardware problem that doesn't occur with the replacement.

    A Youtube streamer is using the same firmware combo now and hasn't had a disconnect either so far.

  • Hello Stefanie,

    which game do you have? Are you playing on the PS5?

    What settings do you have for the extreme?

  • Thank you for the responses Ovidiu and David. Looks like I am going to stick to the defaults.. expecting the base + wheel today!

  • GT7 on PS5 and iRacing on PC.

    I didn't change the settings yet to my liking, so still stock/default settings except BRF.

  • Are they working on fixing this update or now working on a new update. This is terrible.

  • You cant fix an update without working on a new update.

  • BWX 232BWX 232 Member

    Tried to edit spelling correction in post and it's now gone.

  • BWX 232BWX 232 Member

    7th try on posting this:

    Well even though it was working for several days/ many hours of play time, I finally had another freeze in GT7, PS5.

    USB on front of PS5, not using rest mode on PS5. Turning on wheel after PS5 booted up. That was working before.

    GT DD X, PS5, PSVR2 - Driver 457

    Wheel FW (from 457)

    Wireless QR FW (from 457) + (using metal QR2)

    Wheelbase FW "CS_DD_v2.1.0.4_hotfix_disconnection_issue_test_release.eff" manually installed after installing all 457 drivers.

    Base S/N:GR01401xxxx

    GT DD X Wheel S/N GQ47302xxxx

    There is some slight coil whine on base but it isn't loud. And yeah I tried all the 457 firmwares but was getting freezes with them so I used the hotfix Supposed to be getting RMA soon but have not heard back. My wheel display has loud coil whine on boot up and wheel feels like it has screws loose in it that I can't get to because they are covered in pleather. It creaks and makes noise and isn't solid feeling.

    I had my old but compatible sequential shifter plugged into wheel to try it out. I did not get any freezes without shifter for several days. First time I plugged in shifter it had a freeze that day. It recovered but display was garbled in some menues, but then that fixed itself too. I still ended up rebooting wheel.

    I do have the ClubSport Shifter SQ V1.5 but need to modify rig to install it. Using the old XBOX CSR shifter. Maybe it's a coincidence but freezing only happened when that old shifter was hooked up.

  • edited May 2024

    @Yves Walzer @Marcel Pfister @Maurice Böschen

    I read somewhere, when we using the APM together with the PBMR there is a workaround, but I can’t remember exactly how to do? Maybe it was changing the menu to APM module?

  • Which workaround for which issue?!

  • thx for answering @Maurice Böschen

    The Issue :

    When I start GT7 the Cursor goes straight to the bottom or upper left corner, and so when I try to start a race My view goes straight to the bottom/upper left corner, so its is impossible to start a race in GT7 when the PBMR is attached.

    The (maybe) Workaround: set the the analog paddles of the APM to look around or menu don´t know exactly.

  • edited May 2024

    Ah that is a known issue affecting every wheel without an analogue joystick. No ETA when this issue will get fixed.

    I dont know of any workaround for sure but I guess setting the ACP mode to Analogue Axes could work.

  • thx @Maurice Böschen, I can buy a APM for 100€ should I bite the bullet? (because atm I cant use my Wheel for GT7 and thats the game I spent most of the time)

This discussion has been closed.