Fanatec Driver 457 (old discussion incl download) for CSL, ClubSport and Podium (all wheels)



  • Hi all,

    Little update for me :

    I have a CSDD with coilwhine : 2 first weeks ok, then wheel disconnections started to happen once in a while. Then it happened more frequently, now it's been every 30 sec or so. Having the issue for 1 month and half.

    Playing on PC, USB on motherboard, tried different usb ports and cables, every firmware and driver combination possible.I'm still losing FFb, leds etc... After a few seconds the FFB comes back but weaker.

    And now, for the past 5 days, I lose FFB and I doesn't come back at all.

    The wheel also disconnects when turning it on Fanatec software. Issue happening on every game I have.

    I even had 3 times the base that shut down by itself.

    Had once the wheel turning by itself on Fanatec software.

    Ticket opened 16 days ago, waiting for an answer.

    I'm trying to play every evening but still no luck, some timees I can drive a few minutes and the disconnections happen again :(

    Videos of the wheel disconnectionseverytime you see leds shuting off, I lose ffb :

  • thx @Maurice Böschen, I can buy a APM for 100€ should I bite the bullet? (because atm I cant use my Wheel for GT7 and thats the game I spent most of the time)

  • Hello got my wheel, intentionally only played gt7. Have some issues with jerkiness but this could be because I didn’t calibrate at all.

    So once I connect to pc, can I install 455 without installing any firmware on any of my devices? Does this make sense? Would it work well in case I am on firmware lower than what 455 brings?

    I only played for 5 hours in total but had no coil whine and no problems whatsoever (so far, fingers crossed :)

  • @Nick Sotiriadis

    In my opinion based on my experience with 455 driver/firmware for GT DD Pro/DD+ you can safely go with it. I'm saying this from a PC user perspective not PS console.

  • cant wait for them to waste months and months and months and months and months instead of just admitting its a quality control production problem, not software.

  • Thanks Ovidiu. The thing is… can I install 455 driver without updating firmware? Would that work fine or would the driver expect something from the firmware to work properly?

    Also if I don’t pick a driver and install, how would I know what firmware is it on???

  • @Nick Sotiriadis

    Yes, you can install the driver and then open Fanatec Control Panel. In the left-down corner of the window you will see the information about installed versions on the wheel. For checking if an update is required you need to go on Firmware Update tab.

  • @Nick Sotiriadis

    The driver does nothing except carry a user interface (Fanatec control panel) to update the firmware, which is also included. You can install any driver you want; as long as you don't update the firmware through the Control Center, it won't hurt.

  • Toby BladesToby Blades Member
    edited May 2024

    No issues for two weeks training for a league race with hotfix installed. Race eas today and

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    Please tell me there is some progress on the RCA.

  • Years of waiting for fixes to be applied, and years of bad firmware updates causing problems every time.

    When I upgrade my sim gear later this year, it won't be Fanatec products. There isn't any acceptable excuse for the slow pace and poor quality of updates, and nobody seems to be held accountable for any of it.

  • Thank you Stefanie and Ovidiu for your responses.

  • Dear Fanatec Team, 

    unfortunately I have constant freezes even with the 557 hotfix ( ). Shifter and FFB disappear for a few seconds. The last 2 weeks I had relatively few freezes. The last few days, however, several times in one round. I have tried all FW combinations. All failed. On 2nd May 2014 I already opened a ticket. The content of my ticket was not addressed. I have sent a 2nd message saying that I would like to have my wheelbase replaced. They have not yet responded to this. It is extremely annoying. I can do nothing but wait for a response from Fanatec and that is terrible. I have spent over 2000 euros on equipment in the last 6 months that I can't use now. I have the feeling that nothing is being said here in the forum by the developers. There is no news or notification whether the freeze problem can now be reproduced in the lab. I would like to see more transparency and up-to-dateness from Fanatec. Dear Fanatec team, if you send me a replacement device, you are welcome to have my base and take a closer look at the freezes. I described the problem in detail with videos in my ticket. 

    @Maurice Böschen I can send you my complete support ticket via DM CRM:000000700531xxx

  • I mean, it's popped up for me twice in a month for me. And also both times during long play sessions. I can understand that this is something that can slip through and is difficult to identify.

    Right now I'm thinking it is related to long play sessions as I've only experienced during sessions over 1 hour. I'm going to start reseting my wheel before a race and during pitsstops to see if that stops it.

  • edited May 2024

    Did you make a ticket on May 2, 2014? Currently those from 2010 are responding 😉 I recommend the 455, with Xbox and PC they work well for me, on PC I have used it very little but I solved the first factory problems with vibration, and I only had disconnections on the F1 23 that lost power at the end of the Bahrain straight, but with the 455 it was solved. I didn't provide another firmware because I don't need to update, I play a lot of F1 23 on Xbox and I got to Elite with the DD+ so I guess it's fine :) but it's true that sometimes it feels like you're pulling a piece of gum when you turn , but I have already associated it with the way the steering wheel works and that's it, at least it doesn't get hot at all because now in summer the CSL DD is going to burn a few.

  • For me 455's firmware on DD+ base and 457's firmwares on others gives the stable experience. 457 base firmware introduced this freeze issue.

  • Quennan DavisQuennan Davis Member
    edited May 2024

    Since this update my Podium hub w/ APM that's connected to my Rally module constantly miss shifts now. It's isolated to that one wheel and coincidentally it was the only wheel that was updated going from 455 to 457.

    This problem does not follow my Formula 2.5x with APM nor the Podium hub that's used with my Endurance button module. It's only affecting the Rally module with the podium hub. I'm certain it's related to the Rally module update in driver 457.

    Anyone else experiencing this?

  • Thats an issue under investigation to be fixed at some point in the future.

  • @ Maurice

    Saw your wheel a few months back and liked it so much, that I started putting my own together (GT zero rim, PAPM, PBMR, qr2, and a podium hub). My podium hub is coming in today, so I will now have the final piece.

    My question is what drivers and firmware are you running on yours, and how well is it working. I have a DD+, and I've been reading on here about issues with the PBMR and possibly the PAPM.

    I only play GT7, and any guidance on your part about setting the wheel up would be much appreciated.

  • Hi @Don Collins

    ...these are my mods, but sadly with that combination/configuration it is NOT possible to play GT7, the Cursor moves directly to the upper/bottom left corner when entering the GameMenu in GT7 (and the view goes straight to the left when starting a race). I buyed a PAPM now too to see if I can get around that issue, when setting the paddles to analogMode. Lets cross some fingerz that this could be a workaround ;)

  • @ Jason

    When setting the paddles to analog mode, just what does that do to their functionality. Do they still shift normally, and do you still use the same paddles to shift. I've never used the PAPM before, so I don't know what I'm looking at. Just trying to get a bit of a head start before they get here.


  • @marcel pfister

    Hi, I have had this problem for a month which you can see in the video, the problem already started with the 455 driver, so I installed the 457 but no improvement, now I have installed hotfix v2.1.0.4 and I have noticed a behavior that repeats, I install the hotfix for a few days I have no problems and then the problem returns, I install the hotfix again and the same behavior, two or three days ok then it starts again and the frequency of cases increases. I only play GT7 on PS5.

    CS DD+ GR483011XXX + CS v2.5X + CS V3


    Motor 1.0.2

    St. Wheel 47 

  • edited May 2024

    Hi Maurice!

    I have always read your messages and I have always defended Fanatec and your work, always respecting it, but I think that ultimately you have lost your way a bit... you always respond with the same answers that it seems like there is a bot behind you Fanatec employees , you can't make a decent driver let alone a product and this can even happen, even if it would be better not to, but I think you make a better impression, especially you who are always here and reply to everyone that every now and then you lower your head and admit that you have been doing bad things lately, also out of respect for those like us who spend a lot of money and believe in your products, yes Rome you have your lot of users, but I think you are losing a lot of them and you know it too.

    I have been a Fanatec user since 2019 and I have purchased several products and I have always been happy and proud, never a problem with assistance, in fact once 7 days and I had a food number at home without having sent the old one back, but I'm talking about the 2021 when everything was still working in you.. now you are in total disarray, forgive me, don't take it badly but take it as an outburst from one of the many users who is very disappointed in you and who has proceeded to sell all his fanatec equipment bought in the years and switch to another brand because I'm tired of being teased with messages like "This is a problem under investigation that will be resolved in the future"... practically more than ever in the future but!

     I'm sorry for the outburst but every now and then you can also accept criticism... hoping that things change for now it's just goodbye!


  • @Dan Collins

    The PADM has 6 paddles... 2 for shifting, 2 analog paddles - used for dual clutch/throttle+brake etc. and 2 other paddles (just like normal buttons)

    Does GT7 allow analog paddles to be mapped to gears?

  • Agreed Riccardo, I don't understand how a product thats been out for 6+ months (Clubsport DD and DD+) are still this broken firmware wise. Let alone 456 and 457 seem to break stuff for existing bases that have been around for years. Seems ever since the Black Friday fiasco that product support in terms of Drivers, Firmware, Software, Forums and even general use support has taken a complete backseat. I mean the forums have still not been updated to provide any recommended settings for the DD and DD+ or even added categories for the new games. Sure Fanalab has recommended settings for some but you have to update firmware to use the latest version apparently and given the firmware track record I don't want to touch that anytime soon.

    They claim the shipping logistics have been fixed and are working on customer support. Maybe firmware, drivers, software, forums and support will be next.

  • Having issues at PC start after 457 install. Every time I start my PC it no longers sees the CS DD 12nm base. It just sits there with no response in Fanalab. As soon as I open Fanatec Control software it says it is updating Firmare again and it goes through its thing and works eventually. Per below screen shots. But after I do a PC shut down the next day it goes through this exact cycle every day. Its like it never remembers it did the update.

    I have Base FW


    Current wheel today CS Formula V2 FW 47

    Many wheels that all do the same thing, I believe its base related. Works well once it goes through its update but no changes to the listed FW numbers and yet I must do this every day since 457 or it will not run. This is so frustrating since I have not had hardly any issues.


  • Have people ever thought that there is nothing to say? I don’t know where they are up to but I know that I received an email asking for my base to analyse. Unfortunately I didn’t see it and by the time I replied the gentleman who emailed me went on annual leave.

    My point that I know they are still actively trying to solve the issue. These things do happen. Even to the largest of companies which Fanatec isn’t. I can almost guarantee Maurice is given what to say and if I’m right his hands are tied. At least he is here everyday giving us help and advice. More than can be said for the service department at the moment.

    i know how frustrating it is, i have a ticket in for a faulty wheel. They have messaged me once and then gone quiet. Targeting the main person who is trying to advise us the best he can isn’t the way forward. I understand the need to vent but we should leave all of their staff who run these forums alone. It’s not their doing.

  • When will you fix the issue with The Crew Motorfest and the GT DD Extreme wheel? There's a constant UP signal from the wheel, in this game only. The same DD+ base works well with the McLaren Gt3 v2 wheel in Motorfest. 😎

  • Nothing other than simply wait is what we can do for now. Fanatec is in turmoil, it's expected that their service is slow and unresponsive...

    BUT, we got defect units. A device that broke out of nowhere during an important race (at least for us!) is not reliable and totally untrustworthy. Whether it's a hardware or firmware/software issue, it's disappointing to see the developer got absolutely no clue why things happened like that and can't reproduce, which means the different batch of hardware may have drastic difference, which means the situation is kinda out of control, which means the fix may never come, or come at some point but we are actually their testers, not end users. We paid thousands to be testers, how ironically funny.

    As for Maurice, he seems like a passionate and nice guy, I thank him for his tireless replies in this forum and also in other places like reddit. But as a freelance tester for Fanatec, he simply can't solve the problem other than telling people to wait or RMA. RMA should be a way out but it's full of horror stories now... Fanatec is kinda broken and stuck in the middle of restructuring.

    This is just a frustrated user venting. The realistic approach is still to wait, for Corsair to step in, for the support to respond, for the black friday orders to ship, for the firmware to be stable, for other DD brands to have PS compatibility. Fanatec = wait.

  • If anyone chooses to buy a product on release then you are testers. It’s the way of the world now. It’s the same for every single thing out there. I normally wouldn’t buy something on release for this exact reason.

  • Hello everyone 

    what is frustrating ++ also is when you receive an extreme DD on 18/2 which is broken which leaves in rma on 15/3 which returns on 25/3 completely hs . It leaves on 15/05 for and returns on 27/05 with a “new” base, and the axle snaps in all directions. On top of that, the package isn't new because the box isn't sealed (the adhesive pad that seals the package is missing) and the base has a very strange number GR034006... whereas everything starts with 480...... .

    In short, today I paid full price for a product over 3 months ago, only to never have had a base that wasn't faulty, and in the end never to have been able to use it. 

    And when they change it, it's for an even more defective product that comes out of nowhere. 

    I sincerely pity the people working in the company who have to pick up the pieces for all the incompetents who ran the company and brought it to such a debacle. 

This discussion has been closed.