Fanatec Driver 464 - Release Version



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    There was never a hotfix promised - it was said a BMR hotfix release is aimed for late this year and AFAIK that is still the plan. But plans can also fail so it might slip into early 2025.

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    The known issues only mention P DDs, but there are users with CSL DDs. Imo the section should be updated.

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    Hi Maurice,

    as recommended by Christophe in the meantime I installed driver 455 and

    downgraded the wheel to firmware and left all other FWs as they came

    with 464 (Wheelbase, Wheel Base Motor, Wireless QR: Great news: The missed shift issue is gone! 😊 Since it now works,

    I decided not to downgrade the CSL DD (8NM) Wheel Base for the time being.

    Hope this info will help to get the firmware issues sorted out with the

    ucoming updates.

    Special thanks to Christophe for your support! 😊

    Best regards,


  • Paul RowanPaul Rowan Member
    edited December 2024

    Anyone had any issues with BME firmware 24 on driver 464 and OLED display not working? (DD2)

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    I can 100% confirm this. CSL DD 8NM + V2.5X wheel.

    Have to run 455 with the old wheel firmware to avoid shifts being missed.

  • Hello,

    Has anyone this issue after install the driver package? I have the latest version V464. It shows that a New Driver Available is, but i have the V464 version.

    Greetings Martijn

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    Same here. I guess something is wrong with the servers.

  • Henry BurneyHenry Burney Member
    edited December 2024

    I have the same message about V464.

    New driver avaliable.

    If you click Any of the green buttons in Fanatec control panel it just closes.

    I have a DD2 Wheel Base.

    Fanalab update button reports everything is up to issues there.

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    Me too, when i open Fanalab and check for updated, it's up to date. I think there is a problem with the Fanatec Control Panel server

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited December 2024
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    ignore that New Driver message, there are no new releases atm

  • edited December 2024
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    Hello, at your service my friend. One last piece of information: version involves the issue of excessively weak vibration motors, which you’ve probably noticed. However, it’s still less problematic than being unable to shift gears in a race car. After reading the changelog, I believe that updating the firmware from version to for the Formula V2 and V2.5 wheels (which are identical apart from the magnetic paddle shifters included with the V2.5) enhances the vibration motor strength (and perhaps improves compatibility with new bases/accessories/wheels, etc.—I’m not sure), but introduces this gear-shifting bug.

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    yes, my bad, I meant to say Thank Goshev

  • Driver 4.55 IS compatible with the last Fanalab? I have a lot of loose of my FFB in ACC and AMS2 2 . With the csl dd it's unplayable ....

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    you need only firmware from 455, drivers self can be latest

  • currently I have version 4 64 and all the other drivers up to date with fanalab too. but I have FFB losses. I was wondering if we should go back to version 4.55?

  • I am testing with WQR firmware from 455. Will see how it goes with single player mode in ACC on PC. Knowing my luck, it will work in one game but not in the other one.

  • I have an issue with Clubsport DD+ on PC with P1 V2 Wheel with QR2 lite

    Driver 464 and most recent firmware for the base and the wheel

    The issue is present in win 11 and win 10 as well.

    The upper bar of the first 8 (on the left) of the display does not work in game and in the test phase, but it is not broken because when the base startup it works well

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    Thats a known firmware issue of the CS DD Base to be fixed at some point in the future.

  • Is there anything getting fixed anytime soon? I'm so sick of this shitty driver releases. Nothing works like it should for over a year now, not to mention issues that are still present for years...

    P.S. Maurice, i have nothing but respect for you, so please don't get me wrong.

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    Any confirmation that she shifting bug on the current firmware of the Forumla V2.5X is being looked at?

    Like I said before, on the current driver/firmrware many shifts are missed. Have to use 455 and the old firmware.

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    miss shift issue not comes from software, you can use old firmware with latest drivers

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    This was confirmed several times and is also listed as an officially known issue in the known issues on the first Page so yes, I it is under investigation but complicated so no ETA for a fix yet other than next year.

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    Thank you for confirming. I wasn‘t sure about it because the known issues section only mentions the P DDs, but it happens on my CSL DD too.

    Maybe the post could be adapted?

  • Just to confirm that I can downgrade the wheelbase firmware to driver 455, but I can remain on the latest firmware for the podium hub and BMR?

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  • I just recently noticed my csl dd ffb being extremely weak compared to usual. ive seen some issues with others after v464 but idk if this is one of them. I saw a comment to get v336 and do bootloader mode and flash firmware, but 336 doesnt have fanatec control panel, and nothing pops up with i go into bootloader mode. im not sure how to go about this issue. any help is appreciated. thanks! i have the csl dd (8nm) and v2.5x wheel

  • edited December 2024
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    PLEASE do not just follow something you have read somewhere without knowing what that comment is all about and without knowing what you are doing. When you dont know what you are doing, you risk to brick your device permanently!

    The comment regarding driver 336 was to get a PODIUM DD, which was flashed in the wrong order, resurrected. This is absolutely nothing for the CSL DD because that driver is so old that it does not know a CSL DD. So of course the bootloader flash can not work with a CSL DD because that base is not implemented in that driver at all.

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited December 2024
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    451 was kind off ok. but as you say you have v2.5x,and if its they new version you may need use 455 as minimum

  • edited December 2024

    Podium Button Module Rally - Display issues

    Anyone facing same issues? 

    Using module with ClubSport DD+ / Podium Hub / Advanced Paddles Module

    Everything is up to date, just did a whole firmware upgrade yesterday to 464 and Module stated to act like this.

    Also, in GranTurismo Cursor\Camera always pushing to the right - looks like D-pad is glitching too :(

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