Fanatec Driver 464 - Release Version



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    It costs nothing to hope. A few months ago they said support would arrive by mid-year. They also said that two years ago... maybe this is the year.

  • I have a CS Formula v2 which is in an infinite firmware update loop, I've already tried the factory reset, all possible versions of the Control Panel (451,452,455,463,464...). I managed to get it working again by attaching it to the base with fanalab on (dark magic). But the problem came back the next day (yesterday), and this strategy no longer works.

    I've written to support but I still haven't had a reply.

    Please let me know if anyone has a solution, I think I'm going to be mad.

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    I have used the latest drivers with the older firmware and just ingnore the upgrades untill fanatec are able to fix the shifting issue. since downgrading the firmware, I have had no issues with missing shifts

  • edited March 14
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    I did exactly this, I downloaded the 455 driver and downgraded the firmware and then I put the 464 drivers back ignoring the update... it seems that the base is reacting very well both on the changes but also as ffb, in short everything works fine! now I just have to work on some profiles for iracing and lmu because unfortunately, especially with lmu I can't find the correct settings. do you have any tips?

  • Hi, I have a problem with the steering wheel crashing. The LEDs freeze and the ffb disappears. Everything else works. I have to turn everything off and restart, but it still does it. I have a 15nm Clubsport DD, with Podium Hub, Podium Button Module Endurance, pedal ccl elite and Handbrake v2. This block often happens to me with Acc on ps5, but I read that this happens to many people on PC too. I never had problems like this until a few months ago. I updated the drives to 464 because I bought a new steering wheel but it still gives me problems. It seems that with other games it doesn't happen but I'm not absolutely sure because the problem happens randomly. I wouldn't want the problem to be the podium hub or the podium button module endurance, because in the past sometimes it didn't recognize the steering wheel. Can anyone advise me?

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    Theres no real solution as it seems, youll see plenty of posts by me here in teh forum and on other platforms like reddit, with no real solution sadly.

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    The solution really would be to have the courage to all agree and sell all our fanatec equipment and try not to let other people buy it will then see how their attitude towards us changes!

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    I have this issue for 8 months with my V2.5X, it's basically unusable for this time and this finally gives me hope I can fix it. How did you downgraded firmware? To which version?

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    Since I think the Fanatec developers are twiddling their thumbs and laughing at us seeing us having problems with our peripherals, and since they have no intention of releasing updates since they are not capable of solving the problems, which is perhaps also a good thing so as not to have no more drivers, at least something works! I simply followed what I read here on the forum:

    I uninstalled every Fanatec product from my PC, also cleaning folders and removing devices from the win panel, then I downloaded the 355 driver, installed and downgraded the base firmware, and then I uninstalled everything again, deleting the folder and removing the device from win and then I downloaded the 464 driver and installed leaving it as it is without doing any updates. Everything works and even well .... strangely!

  • edited March 20
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    Thanks a lot, that's driver from this thread right?

    You downgraded firmware for base only (I have CSL DD, which one you have?) or rim as well?

    I couldn't find version 355 on itself, only this

  • edited March 20
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    Sorry, not 355 but 455...sorry!

    this one:

    i just downgrade the base firmware (i have a CSL DD 8Nm + QR2 + Formula V2.5x)

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    Ya know, I have seen this error too, also on a DD1, with driver 455. Seems to happen when I first turn on the base, maybe 1 out of 20 times. As a possible clue, I tend to see it the most when I switch wheels while the power is off - my suspicion is dust or something on the connecting pins, but I don't have any real evidence of that, and it happens seldom enough that I haven't tried to clean them or investigate further.

    I realize this doesn't help you :), but at least now you know you're not the only one to ever see this message pop up!

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    Given that 465 will be of no use to anyone unless they have new hardware that came after 4

  • How about fixing the DPR problem with rfactor2 ? It still broken in this release. Moza, Accuforce, Simcube, and Logitech don't have this problem. Just Fanatec. You've known about this for years.

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    It's a game issue which the game developers need to fix as their game spams the DPR channel.

  • Hi, I'm one of the lucky ones who got the cs dd+ as soon as it was available for shipping (about a year ago) I immediately installed the 455 driver and so far I've never had any problems with any of my 3 podium hubs (with apm). I mainly race on iracing and I've never had any wheel disconnections or problems changing gear. That's why I haven't updated from the 455 driver so far, having read about the various problems.

    Now I'd like to get a formula v2.5 to have a formula wheel, but honestly I'm a bit scared from what I read.

    Is there a chance it will work well with the 455 driver? Should I just leave it alone since everything I have works fine? (I couldn't accept losing races due to peripheral disconnections)

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    I have also since one year the bundle DD+ with clubsport F1 wheel which is basically the V2.5 without motors and as you I installed the 455 , never changed and had no issues, all working well…

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    I have a V2.5, never had issue with 455. On 464 I've disabled the vibration motors. I haven't used the wheel much (I play way more rally with a round wheel), but I also had no issues this way. I've read that vibration motors can cause shifting issues, that's why I disabled it.

  • Thanks. However I didn't understand if Formula v2.5 or redbull arriving now have already pre-installed the new firmware that accentuates these problems and is difficult to downgrade to previous firmwares, or I misunderstood. Since everything works well I would like to stay with the 455 driver, I wouldn't want to have to update to the new drivers to make the formula 2.5 work well and then find problems with the other podium hubs.

  • So I ran into this problem yesterday. My Formula 2.5X is less than one month old and my DD+ base arrived this week.

    464 did not allow my formula wheel to connect to or go into Xbox mode.

    I have reverted the wheel only to 455 which it now works with one minor issue around the toggle switch which on every 3-6 side movement triggers a A button. It did not do this with my CSL DD which was also on 464.

    Also, I know lights do not work but they used to when testing BRF through the CSL DD. They do not work on any wheels now on the DD+.

    Should I revert the base and other wheels to 455 also?

    Thanks for everyone’s input it really does help!

  • edited March 27
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    Not working BRF LEDs is another known Firmware issue of the CS DD to be fixed in a future firmware expected for this summer.

  • Thanks Maurice.

    I assume I have done the right thing to get my formula wheel working currently?

  • Ok new problem. When connecting the WRC wheel it freezes on Xbox mode and won’t do anything?

    This is strange as it worked yesterday?

  • Disconnected everything switched it all off and seems to be ok now. It actually started doing it with every wheel. So DD+ base issue.

    All latest firmware from 464 except the Formula whee which only works on 455.

  • I just installed driver 464 (coming from 402), with a CSW V2.5 base.

    The Fanatec Control Panel says there's a new 693 firmware for the base (currently at 684), so I open Firmware manager by clicking the button, and it says wheel base firmware is up to date...

    From driver 464 changelog on first post, it should actually be at 693 ("CSW V2.5 Base: 693"), so why does it not want to upgrade and says it's up to date?

    (btw, the pics in firmware manager are misleading... why show my wheel base in Control Panel and a DD one in Firmawre Manager? At first I thought it was not detected...)

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  • If it works I would not update it!

    For reference my base keeps freezing solid in Xbox mode and won’t do anything until several shutdowns and resets. It’s less than a week old!

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