I updated my dd1 with podium f1 wheel to v456 but could never get the quick release and steering wheel firmware to upgrade.
All previous firmware upgrades were successful.
Everything worked fine for a good amount of time, but on start up recently full fan came on with no forcefeedback. Everything else works on the wheel, leds,wheel vibration and buttons.
Noticed your v457 so I flashed firmware sucessfully, everything went through even the Steering wheel and quick release firmware this time.
But still no joy, the wheel has no ffb fan on max.
I have taken the wheelbase back to v336 using the downgrade option. And updated to v456 flashes perfectly and the led on dd1 relects the numbers as they should on downgrade and upgrade.
Would you have any suggestions please.
The dd1 setup is 1.5 years old purchased from new.
im still clutching at straws, as the last thing i want is to send it back for exchange/repairs, comes back, and still have same issue.
After seeing some 'USB/USB ports' written a couple of times, i now connected fanatec's original usb cable back to the rear of my standard ps5 rather than that on the front.
(i dont have USB-C option)...Tried it for a full hour, was flawless. FBB 75%, In-game 50% (ACC).
Back USB port of PS5 is supposed to be faster, but i feel it gets warmer.
Can it be something really related to USB in general? Maybe since the temperature is rising might affect this ....
(at a moment in time i did realise the V2.5 side 3 leds were stuck into light blue which they shouldnt as i was doing 275km/h), then they did switch off though.
As mentioned above, i am clutching at straws and trying everything possible to try figure out what might be happening
Unfortunately neither our beta testers, internal testers or developers were able to reproduce this issue yet which is also the reason it was not discovered before putting the driver here. We need to learn more about what could be the difference for the affected people in comparison to when we test, so below some more questions and things to try out. Thanks for the help of everyone here trying to understand this issue.
While info from people having the issue is super helpful, it would be also great to hear from people where it works and what kind of setup they have so we can see what the difference might be potentially impacting the issue.
One mentioned that his CS DD shuts off when unplugging USB (in PS5 mode) and won't turn on before USB is plugged in again. Is this the case also for others?
One mentioned that the wheel/base also acts weird, like showing the F in the display without USB connuncted but turning into the endstop. Do others have the same, that with high power output, eg. turning into the end stop the base is acting weird?
One noticed that his Power Plug was not attached well, everyone please re-check all connections from wall socket, through power supply to base.
Some mention front USB is better than back USB on PS5, do others confirm this? But I also see one post where the issue was happening with front USB and not with back USB?! (of course it should work on both USB but if we know its specifically happening with the one on the back we might find the root cause easier)
Some shared their FFB/Tuning settings, thanks this can be very helpful to find out if some having the issue might have similar settings which could differ from ones we use for our testing. In case more can share what their settings are when having the issue could help.
While we are still interested in Serial Numbers where the issue happens, it would also be interesting if here are CS DD owners where the issue doesn't happen and if they could share their S/N as well. It's enough if you share the first 5 digits in case you don't want to share the complete one. You can also write me a PM.
Please do some cross-checks like Base firmware of 457 with QR firmware of 455 and the other way around so we know it is 100% caused by the base or QR firmware.
Old QR FW + new WB FW = ?
New QR FW + old WB FW = ?
Old QR FW + old WB FW = Issue happening
New QR FW + new WB FW = Issue happening
Some seem to get int contact with support regarding this because of an exchange, but if this was happening to you after a firmware update and before the base worked fine for weeks then an exchange won't help. Anyone having the issue and being annoyed by it (understandably) and can go back to 455 where the issue seems not happening should do that instead of trying to exchange the base with support. We need to find and solve the firmware issue. It would be good to not cause additional stress on the support team regarding exchanges as their backlog is already very high and they will take several weeks to get back to your support request. I understand the frustration about the support situation, its awful. But I have to add that its not a fault of the support team, they are doing their best with over hours and weekend days, please be nice to them.
If we continue to not be able to reproduce this issue ourselves we will need to call in one of your bases in exchange with a new one. Best would be if its with someone from Germany or not too far away for quicker shipping. If you are interested, write me a PM
Just experienced a disconnect on my DD+ on 457 (base and WQR). Lost input for a couple of seconds and the wheel started to turn to the right then it all came back. I don’t think it’e a hardware issue as I never had a single disconnect in the many weeks I was on 455 for the base and 456 for the WQR and Extreme wheel.
There are 2 points missing from the check list above:
Don't use USB Extender
Don't use Rest-Mode for PS5 at the moment
For me my CS DD works fine with 457 on PC and Xbox Series X. No one disconnection with different Steering Wheels like F1 Wheel V2, RS Wheel, McLaren GT3 Wheel. Base SN: LN4230019xx
Tested Games:
ACC (PC - no FFB issue, no less FFB), LMU, rFactor2, R3E, F1 23 (knowing FFB Bug & Alt/Tab), AMS2, Project Cars 2, Forza Motorsports 8 (PC and Xbox X), iRacing
habe eine DD+ seit release, und seitdem den 455 Treiber installiert. Hatte bis jetzt keinerlei Probleme ich spiele auf PS5/GT7 sowie PC Sims und bis jetzt hat alles wunderbar geklappt.
Serial : KX443015400
leider klappen meine Podium Button Module Rally nicht mit der PS5, ich hatte im Vorfeld meine beiden älteren Fanatec Wheels (McLaren V2 und das R300 Bundle) verkauft um mir diese leisten zu können, und nun kann ich diese nicht mit GT7 nutzen :(
10 hours of driving since 457 and i had my first glitch on dirt 2.0 On playstation streering freeze for few seconds and gear shifting Up for no reason while stayed full throttle.
It came back to life after 2 or 3 seconds and worked well since (1 hour).
I also felt that the ffb seems less strong and increased the values up to 70% from 50% before
I don't know it will help. But its free to report that case.
I was on max ffb (dd+). Have no means to up to what it was.
I thought it was just me. But looks like more folks reporting it.
Could someone from Fanatec amswer? You lowered it to cope with disconnects? Or people that have /feel lower FFB with new driver should open support ticket for a faulty unit?
I don't mind even measuring it, but can't revert to 455 base FW. Gets stuck in upgrade mode
may be it’s a static electric problem too on the PS5. Static electric could causing shut downs of USB for a short time on the PS5. It‘s better if the rig and pedals are grounded. Just a possible point.
I'm absolutely convinced that the disconnect issues on my specific Wheelbase are a hardware defect.
I have the steering wheel loss of FFB /Disconnect as soon as I start to turn the wheel itself.
Nothing is attached, no USB cable nothing no Console no game.
I turn on the Wheelbase it shows the boot sequence info, Wheel firmware, Motor Firmware and Base Firmware.
The screen turns off.
I slowly start to turn the wheel and it just looses the connection.
The Resistance in the Wheel drops and the Wheel shows the Fanatec F Logo.
After a few seconds the Fanatec Logo disappears.
After a few seconds I can feel the resistance coming back.
I slowly start to turn the Wheel and plop the resistance goes away and the wheel once again shows the Fanatec F Logo.
This happens all the time.
So I'm very sure it can't be a firmware issue but more like definitely a hardware issue.
And it's also definitely or most likely got something to do with the Pins within the QR2 shaft either not getting enough power/contact or just a mechanical problem.
It must be something within the QR2 Shaft 99%.
But only when the Wheel Rim itself is attached.
If I try turning the shaft WITHOUT a wheel attached, I never feel the resistance drop or that sudden loss of resistance.
So I'm pretty sure the whole disconnect issue or the root of the problem lies within the QR2 Shaft.
Not the Wheelbase. Not the firmware.
Some QR2 Shafts are more stable, some like mine seem to be very delicate.
I had not a single disconnect with Driver 455 from day 1 after I got my Bundle and updated everything.
But then suddenly for no reason, it started to develop this issue.
There was no Ps5 firmware update.
I didn't change any settings.
It just started to disconnect randomly.
Maybe 2 or 3 times over the day.
But it got worse and worse within a few days.
And now it's just completely bugged.
I tried all different Firmware combinations and cable combos and even tried it on 2 different PS5 consoles.
But like I said it even happens without ANYTHING attached.
So yeah, my Wheelbase is definitely dead.
I haven't read of anyone here having this kind of issue.
I have CSL-DD 8NM not sure SN# it's one of the very early units and the only issue I have is once in a blue moon under full load in a long corner the FFB will sort of skip and reset but that could be data stream to wheel. I use 3 fanatec wheels and a LeoxZ. As a note whenever I install drivers or Fanalab I always DELETE the previous version before installing New I have never been a fan of the Upgrade thing this may have some effect on my positive reliability.
I have the Fanatec DD+ and installed the 457 driver. No Problems on PC and Xbox. Steering wheels are the CSL Elite WRC, CSL Elite McLaren GT3 V2, Clubsport Formula V2 and the Clubsport Universal Hub V2 and the Podium Endurance Button modul. I tested all the wheels with xbox and PC. The Games i used are AC, ACC, Le Mans Ultimate, Raceroom, Automobilista2.
I have the DD+, no issues with my PS5 connection. I use the front port exclusively.
Since updating the 457 I have had no issue on PS5/GT7, I have had one issue on iRacing where the pedals dropped out. On Oval and under caution lucky for me, rolled into Pit lane and power cycled the base and was fine for the next 2 hours of running.
I will update my V3's to the latest FW version and see if that helps
Analog Joystick, Both Axis directions are reversed - up sends down, left sends right"
I have the same problems with BME (911 steering wheel) in GT7.
Additionally, yesterday during the GT7 race on the starting straight, the wheel disconnected for 3 seconds, the buttons didn't work and everything was fine again
Here is a test export firmware where we've reverted a change which was made between 455 and 4557 and we are wondering if this might have an impact on the issue. So in case people are right that 455 doesn't have this issue then there is a chance it might be resolved with this change. Please let us know.
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@Gökhan Ogul said there is an issue with rest mode on the PS5, can you elaborate how we might be able to reproduce this?
Is someone else able to confirm this? As there are many people reporting this also for PC I'm however wondering how PS5 specfici the rootcause might be
Regarding contradicting information
There are some infos coming in which don't match and make it hard for us to have a more precise look. This is not a complaint to you, just an observation and we are trying to get our head around why this could be or how we could get that one puzzle pease that brings all together.
Some say it happens specifically at higher forces but then we see several videos where the issue happens on straights without steering input. (So maybe after all the force is unrelated unlike previously thought?)
Some say front USB works better, other used front USB and had the issue. (I guess USB might not make a big difference then at its just random?)
Some say the issue was not happening with 455 and happened after updating to 457. Can they also confirm the issue dissapears again when downgrading firmware to 455? Because there are also quite some reports of people where the issue seemlingly started happening with 455 already (after it was working fine for weeks). Because of this we can't be 100% sure if its a firmware or hardware issue.
Before driver 457 there was a similar issue with 455 but it was a disconnection issue of just the functions of the steering wheel, meening button inputs and display, maybe FFB as well. But with 457 the issue seems to be more ovrall USB dependent losing connection to the PC/Console completely and then also pedals stop working (which was not an issue wit hthe wheel disconnection of 455) Because of that everyone should try to make it very clear which kind of issue he is talking about, there is a big risk of info of two different issues being mixed together, making it hard to understand what is actually happening with each.
Its quite hard to follow the forum, especially in its currently bad condition, when info is spread across 10+ pages from 10+ people while not every post ist very precise and there is a lot of room for interpretation or making wrong connections, it would probably help if with every post people could (again) mention their setup and the issue description after providing new info, this way its easier to know where it belongs to. I know this creates extra effort for you and I'm very sorry for all the hassle you are having with the issue and all the communication around it.
I felt the difference (less ffb), i added some more ffb in game gain (ACC) and still is good for me
Hi Maurice,
I updated my dd1 with podium f1 wheel to v456 but could never get the quick release and steering wheel firmware to upgrade.
All previous firmware upgrades were successful.
Everything worked fine for a good amount of time, but on start up recently full fan came on with no forcefeedback. Everything else works on the wheel, leds,wheel vibration and buttons.
Noticed your v457 so I flashed firmware sucessfully, everything went through even the Steering wheel and quick release firmware this time.
But still no joy, the wheel has no ffb fan on max.
I have taken the wheelbase back to v336 using the downgrade option. And updated to v456 flashes perfectly and the led on dd1 relects the numbers as they should on downgrade and upgrade.
Would you have any suggestions please.
The dd1 setup is 1.5 years old purchased from new.
Thanks Grant
im still clutching at straws, as the last thing i want is to send it back for exchange/repairs, comes back, and still have same issue.
After seeing some 'USB/USB ports' written a couple of times, i now connected fanatec's original usb cable back to the rear of my standard ps5 rather than that on the front.
(i dont have USB-C option)...Tried it for a full hour, was flawless. FBB 75%, In-game 50% (ACC).
Back USB port of PS5 is supposed to be faster, but i feel it gets warmer.
Can it be something really related to USB in general? Maybe since the temperature is rising might affect this ....
(at a moment in time i did realise the V2.5 side 3 leds were stuck into light blue which they shouldnt as i was doing 275km/h), then they did switch off though.
As mentioned above, i am clutching at straws and trying everything possible to try figure out what might be happening
To people having issues with BME Triangle button on PlayStation
Regarding the CS DD disonnection issue
Unfortunately neither our beta testers, internal testers or developers were able to reproduce this issue yet which is also the reason it was not discovered before putting the driver here. We need to learn more about what could be the difference for the affected people in comparison to when we test, so below some more questions and things to try out. Thanks for the help of everyone here trying to understand this issue.
If we continue to not be able to reproduce this issue ourselves we will need to call in one of your bases in exchange with a new one. Best would be if its with someone from Germany or not too far away for quicker shipping. If you are interested, write me a PM
Just experienced a disconnect on my DD+ on 457 (base and WQR). Lost input for a couple of seconds and the wheel started to turn to the right then it all came back. I don’t think it’e a hardware issue as I never had a single disconnect in the many weeks I was on 455 for the base and 456 for the WQR and Extreme wheel.
Is there an explanation about the lost of ffb power with 457. Is that means that now we have a CS DD with 9-10 nm (and no 12 nm ) ??
There are 2 points missing from the check list above:
For me my CS DD works fine with 457 on PC and Xbox Series X. No one disconnection with different Steering Wheels like F1 Wheel V2, RS Wheel, McLaren GT3 Wheel. Base SN: LN4230019xx
Tested Games:
ACC (PC - no FFB issue, no less FFB), LMU, rFactor2, R3E, F1 23 (knowing FFB Bug & Alt/Tab), AMS2, Project Cars 2, Forza Motorsports 8 (PC and Xbox X), iRacing
mines working fine since I received my base on feb 8th and had no issues with 455/456.
457 didn’t cause any issues so far
CS DD+ // GR48300xxxxx // CS RS Wheel // CSL Pedals+LC.
Connected to PS5 (CFI 1116) via Front USB and original cable.
@Markus Strauch
i have clubsport dd extrême 15Nm
here not have setting for clubsport dd extrême
Where idéal setting for cs dd extrême on gt7 ?
@maurice ??
Hi Marcel,
habe eine DD+ seit release, und seitdem den 455 Treiber installiert. Hatte bis jetzt keinerlei Probleme ich spiele auf PS5/GT7 sowie PC Sims und bis jetzt hat alles wunderbar geklappt.
Serial : KX443015400
leider klappen meine Podium Button Module Rally nicht mit der PS5, ich hatte im Vorfeld meine beiden älteren Fanatec Wheels (McLaren V2 und das R300 Bundle) verkauft um mir diese leisten zu können, und nun kann ich diese nicht mit GT7 nutzen :(
@robertino. Wrong thread here for questions about settings. Please use the Settings topic to keep the overview of the driver issues here. Thanks.
Hello again,
Gt2 wheel
Gearbox + handbrake
10 hours of driving since 457 and i had my first glitch on dirt 2.0 On playstation streering freeze for few seconds and gear shifting Up for no reason while stayed full throttle.
It came back to life after 2 or 3 seconds and worked well since (1 hour).
I also felt that the ffb seems less strong and increased the values up to 70% from 50% before
I don't know it will help. But its free to report that case.
Have a nice day
I was on max ffb (dd+). Have no means to up to what it was.
I thought it was just me. But looks like more folks reporting it.
Could someone from Fanatec amswer? You lowered it to cope with disconnects? Or people that have /feel lower FFB with new driver should open support ticket for a faulty unit?
I don't mind even measuring it, but can't revert to 455 base FW. Gets stuck in upgrade mode
Good for me, i can use my V2.5
DD + here on latest drivers. Not an issue here tried on Xbox SX , ps5 and pc.
Had disconnects before the latest update. 456 was terrible but 455 made it better. 457 haven't had a single drop yet.
may be it’s a static electric problem too on the PS5. Static electric could causing shut downs of USB for a short time on the PS5. It‘s better if the rig and pedals are grounded. Just a possible point.
I'm absolutely convinced that the disconnect issues on my specific Wheelbase are a hardware defect.
I have the steering wheel loss of FFB /Disconnect as soon as I start to turn the wheel itself.
Nothing is attached, no USB cable nothing no Console no game.
I turn on the Wheelbase it shows the boot sequence info, Wheel firmware, Motor Firmware and Base Firmware.
The screen turns off.
I slowly start to turn the wheel and it just looses the connection.
The Resistance in the Wheel drops and the Wheel shows the Fanatec F Logo.
After a few seconds the Fanatec Logo disappears.
After a few seconds I can feel the resistance coming back.
I slowly start to turn the Wheel and plop the resistance goes away and the wheel once again shows the Fanatec F Logo.
This happens all the time.
So I'm very sure it can't be a firmware issue but more like definitely a hardware issue.
And it's also definitely or most likely got something to do with the Pins within the QR2 shaft either not getting enough power/contact or just a mechanical problem.
It must be something within the QR2 Shaft 99%.
But only when the Wheel Rim itself is attached.
If I try turning the shaft WITHOUT a wheel attached, I never feel the resistance drop or that sudden loss of resistance.
So I'm pretty sure the whole disconnect issue or the root of the problem lies within the QR2 Shaft.
Not the Wheelbase. Not the firmware.
Some QR2 Shafts are more stable, some like mine seem to be very delicate.
I had not a single disconnect with Driver 455 from day 1 after I got my Bundle and updated everything.
But then suddenly for no reason, it started to develop this issue.
There was no Ps5 firmware update.
I didn't change any settings.
It just started to disconnect randomly.
Maybe 2 or 3 times over the day.
But it got worse and worse within a few days.
And now it's just completely bugged.
I tried all different Firmware combinations and cable combos and even tried it on 2 different PS5 consoles.
But like I said it even happens without ANYTHING attached.
So yeah, my Wheelbase is definitely dead.
I haven't read of anyone here having this kind of issue.
So my Wheelbase has the worst bug of all.
Podium hub BME Playstation 5 Blue mode issues:
Button 8 - Cross, sends both Square and Cross
Button 9 - Square, sends both Square and Cross
Analog Joystick, Both Axis directions are reversed - up sends down, left sends right
PMBE SN UJ47100670 FW 24
Podium Hub SN RG192014820 FW 6
ClubSport DD(+) Base :
ClubSport DD(+) WQR :
I have CSL-DD 8NM not sure SN# it's one of the very early units and the only issue I have is once in a blue moon under full load in a long corner the FFB will sort of skip and reset but that could be data stream to wheel. I use 3 fanatec wheels and a LeoxZ. As a note whenever I install drivers or Fanalab I always DELETE the previous version before installing New I have never been a fan of the Upgrade thing this may have some effect on my positive reliability.
I have a happily working setup:
CS DD+ (driver 457)
Intel Gen 12 i7 based PC with Nvidia 4090
asus Maximus motherboard (z690 chipset)
Win 11
**** powered industrial usb 3.1 hub by startech
podium based steering wheels
1 simracinghardware.com converted steering wheel (Fanatec Porsche 918 to QR2)
main games are Iracing, WRC, etc.
None of you have the same issue as me?
If i make update to 456 or 457, the base don't t go into xbox mode with formula 2.5x. With McLaren GT and universal hub works well.
If i go back to 455, the base switch into xbox mode with formula 2.5x
Base is CS DD.
I have the Fanatec DD+ and installed the 457 driver. No Problems on PC and Xbox. Steering wheels are the CSL Elite WRC, CSL Elite McLaren GT3 V2, Clubsport Formula V2 and the Clubsport Universal Hub V2 and the Podium Endurance Button modul. I tested all the wheels with xbox and PC. The Games i used are AC, ACC, Le Mans Ultimate, Raceroom, Automobilista2.
I have the DD+, no issues with my PS5 connection. I use the front port exclusively.
Since updating the 457 I have had no issue on PS5/GT7, I have had one issue on iRacing where the pedals dropped out. On Oval and under caution lucky for me, rolled into Pit lane and power cycled the base and was fine for the next 2 hours of running.
I will update my V3's to the latest FW version and see if that helps
457 driver has been great other than that
@Marcel Pfister
I already send you something plus I posted a message in here...
"Podium hub BME Playstation 5 Blue mode issues:
Button 8 - Cross, sends both Square and Cross
Button 9 - Square, sends both Square and Cross
Analog Joystick, Both Axis directions are reversed - up sends down, left sends right"
I have the same problems with BME (911 steering wheel) in GT7.
Additionally, yesterday during the GT7 race on the starting straight, the wheel disconnected for 3 seconds, the buttons didn't work and everything was fine again
driver 457
PMBE SN UJ27100500 : FW 24
Podium Hub SN RG301015610 : FW 6
ClubSport DD+ SN NIK049300xxxx :
ClubSport DD+ WQR :
Regarding the disconnection issue of CS DD
New test export firmware
Here is a test export firmware where we've reverted a change which was made between 455 and 4557 and we are wondering if this might have an impact on the issue. So in case people are right that 455 doesn't have this issue then there is a chance it might be resolved with this change. Please let us know.
PS5 restmode related to issue?
@Gökhan Ogul said there is an issue with rest mode on the PS5, can you elaborate how we might be able to reproduce this?
Is someone else able to confirm this? As there are many people reporting this also for PC I'm however wondering how PS5 specfici the rootcause might be
Regarding contradicting information
There are some infos coming in which don't match and make it hard for us to have a more precise look. This is not a complaint to you, just an observation and we are trying to get our head around why this could be or how we could get that one puzzle pease that brings all together.
Does it make a difference for PS5 users if they switch to one of the other PlayStation modes (PS4/compatibility)?