Fanatec Driver 457 (old discussion incl download) for CSL, ClubSport and Podium (all wheels)



  • I just tried the hotfix (with QR updated to from 457 as well), but still had that disconnect.

    I'll roll back everything to 455 now, someone mentioned it should work when doing 456 first and then 455.

  • edited May 2024

    I just had another disconnect. The wheel started to turn left and I lost all input then it came back after a couple of seconds. DD-+ with base and WQR on 457, Podium hub 6, PBME 24. Going to try the hotfix now

  • Since driver 455 and also with driver 457 I have the situation that most times not all buttons are illuminated on my BMW M4 GT3 wheel after switching on the wheel base or when I connect the wheel to the activated base. All buttons are set to be illuminated in FanaLab.

    When I go to FanaLab then and change the light color of any (illuminated or dark) button, all buttons which were dark get illuminated immediately and stay until next power on cycle.

    Is this issue known?

    CS DD+, driver 457 (all FWs up to date), FanaLab V2.01.32, Windows 10 64 bit

  • That is a known Firmware issue on the CS DD affecting every kind of Button LEDs.

    On the list to be fixed at some point in the future.

  • I'm also asking for help... Upgraded my Podium DD2 from driver 456 to driver 457, therefore including the firmware update (NEW). From this moment I began to have increasingly closer disconnections during my driving sessions with iRacing. Now in practice these disconnections are so frequent that I can practically not drive and as soon as I enter any track, as soon as I take the first corner, the DD2 disconnection occurs. Up until the previous 456 driver (so before updating to 457) I never had any kind of problem. I also tried uninstalling the 457 driver and reinstalling the previous 456 driver but unfortunately, now the problem of disconnections is still and always present.

    What is the correct way to proceed to perform a downgrade that brings my DD2 back to a stable situation I had previously?

    My current setup:

    PC Drivers: 456


    Wheel base:

    Wheel base motor:

    Steering Wheel: 47

    Wireless QR: 7

  • Have to agree w others, overall FF feels a bit weaker and not as sharp on 457. But for now I’ll be sticking w it

  • edited May 2024

    First disconnect tonight after about 3 hrs off play since I installed 457 days ago. Seems to coincide with me changing to my V2.5 wheel from my McLaren wheel. Will give the patch a whirl tomorrow and only use my V2.5 wheel. Will submit back with my findings.

    Oh and my base is not affected by coil wine at all.

  • Mine is also undrivable now. The disconnections start before I have even got out of the pit garage. I have had to remove myself from race 2 and 3 of a championship race tonight as it was happening 3-5 times a lap.

    It was a wet race and seemed worse than ever. It can't be anything to do with high FFB as the grip was low. It also happened on a straight for the first time for me as normally it happens in corners.


    McLaren GT3 wheel showing 63 firmware but has since reverted back to showing 47 as it has previously


    Serial No. GR490311xx

  • edited May 2024

    Hello Marcel.

    I have connected my DD+ at the front USB-C. Since, I have less disconnection, but still some times.

    In effect I have the problem with the noise. I have à RMA, still received the shipping instructions for send it back to Fanatec so Im ready to send.

    I have asked by email ( response to the email the company send ) that I have still the problem of disconnection.

    Do you think I have to wait for the answer before to send ?

    If the problem of disconection and noise are Linked, it will be fixed, but as I can see we are not sûre ( if it is not, they have to work on 2 problems, but I want à confirmation they know I have the 2 .... )

    Im à little bit lost, so if you can give me your feeling about that.

    Thank you very much

    Édit : I saw your patch with FW for the Base, ive just installed it, i ll keep you update. ( still with the mix of old driver, for wheel and for QR, let me know if i have to do à full 457 update + the new )

  • Dan WDan W Member


    Thank you, that worked perfect,

    What a night and day difference in FFB feeling from 457 to 455. 455 feels normal again, not sure what is going on with 457 and the DD+. I know i'm not the only one that noticed the difference.

  • @Dan W good to know it's not just in my head.. Will put effort into downgrading fw.. As with 455 after CSL dd 8Nm it was great upgrade, wheels always was pulling/holding communicating and that was best. 457 just dead zones where I have no clue what the car is about. Like older cars takes a while while weight settles with num steering.

    But in general it's sad if we have to stick to older fw to have the feel

  • Dan WDan W Member

    @Kestutis Grigaliunas

    Glad I seen your post as I thought I was crazy at first, Corentin830672! also posted on the last page that his DD+ felt weaker after 457 if you read his post. Hopefully it gets sorted!

  • edited May 2024

    Guys so for us with the disconnection 455 WB FW + 457 QR FW our best bet at this point in time ?

    I nearly tried all combinations, all with issues so far :/

    PS5 user (ACC), Formula v2.5

    Also, is it only me that everything was working perfectly (with 455 at that time) and all of a sudden it started giving me issues ?

  • For me my best option is to stay completely 457 firmware. That recovers FFB after each reboot. Anything before that including the patch leads to full FFB loss requiring me to power off and on.

  • Sacha VolerySacha Volery Member
    edited May 2024

    I need your help with the updates.

    I have updated my DD2 Wheelbase with this 457 drivers. When the steering wheel F1 V2.5 comes on, it reports that an update is required.

    According to my attached pictures, my version seems to be very old.

    Steering Wheel:

    New Firmware available:

    when I start the update, the display on the wheelbase goes out and it starts to vibrate and then freezes.

    the Fanatec says “Please wait” endlessly

    I have already let it run for 30 minutes and then had to switch off the wheelbase and close the Fanatec driver tool.

    Please excuse me, but I am a complete novice. Are these the wrong drivers for my DD2 and F1 V2.5 steering wheel? 

    does anyone have any ideas?

  • @Maurice Böschen

    Your wrote that: Missed shifts with BMR are known and under investigation to be fixed in the future.

    My question: Are missed shifts with Formula 2.5 Wheel are also under investigation?

  • DD+ / FW455 / FW 457 Wheebase Disconnection / Ps5 / Gt7 

    Driver 457/ Wheelbase / Wheel RS 4 / QR FW :

    - PS5 Disc Version. 

    - Disconnection for about 2 weeks FW455, then change to FW457 + Hotfix

    - Disconnection for 1-3 seconds. FFB, shifter go out. Steering very limited. LED screen goes off then appears faulty for a few seconds (see video) 

    - Every Usb port affected ( front, rear, USB C ). 

    - Playstation notification does not show disconnected connection. 

    - Firmware 457 with hotfix seems to run more stable than 455. 

    - Wheel base has no noticeable/audible coil beeping. 

    - Wheelbase settings : SEN-auto FFB-80 FUL-off NDP-25% NFR-8% NIN-off INT-7 FEI 100 FOR- 100 SPR 100 DPR 100 

     I have also tried other settings. Also disconnections 

    - GT7 In game settings are FFB 7 SEN 5 or FFB 5 SEN 5 

    Sometimes I drive 3 laps of a race without any disconnections. Sometimes I have 5-6 disconnections within a 3 lap race. 

    -Full Force Test the wheelbase makes very unhealthy noises 

    I have sent you a support message with respective videos I hope this helps you to recognize the error. I somehow don't think it's a hardware error. Since I got the dd + I never had any problems. 

  • edited May 2024

    Hi Marcel,

    I have replied to your PM regarding the disconnects. I tried the hotfix, first race was okay (30 minute Sarthe race in GT7). The following day I did the same race, with about two minutes left I had a disconnect. I have now downgraded the base firmware to from 455 and left everything at 457, will report back

  • Where can this "hotfix" be found?

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  • Today I gave the latest Hotfix a try and installed it.

    Of course as expected, it didn't change anything.

    But like I've written a few days ago, my DD+ Wheelbase most definitely has a hardware defect.

    The root of the issue most likely is to be found within the QR2 Base side shaft itself.

    Most probably something with the Wireless Infrared Datatransfer/Power supply.

    I mean it could be a combination of hard - and software related bug too with some other Wheelbases, but mine is 99% an hardware issue.

    One question though.

    If I was to order a new DD+ Wheelbase which firmware version would it be shipped with.

    Because my DD Extreme Bundle had Firmware 454 components installed when I first got it.

    I didn't even run the Wheelbase under Firmware 454 and first thing was to update to Driver 455 and its latest Firmware for all components.

    I assume it'll still be shipped with Driver 454 Firmware.

    And it would be interesting to know if an update is even necessary in case it should work out of the box.

    And one more thing, today I just figured out the new FullForce Test Section.

    Wow, just awesome.

    Although I had quite a few disconnects with my DD+ even just running the test loop, I still was very impressed with this new FFB Technology.

    I had the chance a year ago to test the Logitech G Pro with the Trueforce and in comparison this is even more nuanced and way more detailed, like really really a completely different approach, and most of all it's absolutely quite.

    No Wheelbase rattle or resonance of the housing itself.

    The amount of detail is so fine and granular, just awesome looking at it from a technical perspective.

    Very impressive.

  • Most probably something with the Wireless Infrared Datatransfer/Power supply.

    This is used in Podium DD, in CS DD there is a slip ring.

  • edited May 2024

    The patch is worse than ever for me, how do I go back to I uninstalled but is still showing

    Edit, google it all sorted

  • So really did not love the FF from 457 but the WQR is the best so far, so reverted to ClubSport DD(+) Base: from 455 and kept ClubSport DD(+) WQR : from 457

  • Back on full 457 and haven't had a drop out whilst hot lapping. It seems in my case it's always in a race scenario as I get a good few laps in constant. Could it be a heat issue??

  • Okay so I’ve done a little over 2 hours of racing since downgrading my DD+ from to (455) with WQR at (457) and not a single disconnect yet. Had disconnects with 457 and the hotfix. When downgrading the base from 457 to 455, it was successful and even had me calibrate wheel center and the shifter. Was able to cycle to PS5 mode from PC mode but pressing the PS button did nothing. Had to reboot the base, and almost had a heart attack because it was unresponsive and I thought it was bricked. It was stuck in update mode and I had to downgrade first to 456 before successfully downgrading to 455. What a stressful experience.

  • I just tried WB (455) with WQR at (457).....

    Disconnected after 30mins.

    PS5, V2.5

  • @James Anastasi

    Out of curiosity, the old disconnect (only buttons not working, manual reset necessary), or the new disconnect (all inputs frozen, recovers after a few seconds)?

  • edited May 2024

    @markus T

    old disconnect, as it was with WB fw of 455.

    with 'old' disconnect I get frozen paddle shifters, LEDs turn off, ffb gone. But steering rotation still works.No automatic restart.

    new disconnect all same but it reconnects alone after some time/seconds, not always the same time though...

    I think I tried all combos now...

  • Oscar HarrisOscar Harris Member
    edited May 2024

    @Kestutis Grigaliunas @Dan W

    I noticed the same thing, I don't think it's terrible though. In F123 I was able to bring the peak torque back up simply by switching assists to expert (and then back to custom after the torque weirdly came back). The reason I was in assists in the first place is because it has felt like I've had TC on or something since 457, I am wayyyyy faster on the throttle etc. 455 it felt like I was either crawling for traction or would bin it the second I gave it too much gas on exit, now it won't lose the back so aggressively and I have time to catch it when it does.

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