Fanatec Driver 457 (old discussion incl download) for CSL, ClubSport and Podium (all wheels)



  • I have two separate PMBEs, one attached to the Podium hub and one attached to the XBOX v2 hub. Both have the same firmware version, but the different hubs and different in connected shifter paddles (APM versus CS) is the only physical difference (aside from round versus GT wheel, but that's irrelevant for this conversation). In using the same ITM and telemetry settings, in the same game, under the same conditions, I get the two very different responses (Podium/APM works great, XBOX v2/CS has near constant problems).

    I'm curious if anyone else is seeing this difference between different hub types. The physically newer PBME is attached to the XBOX v2 hub and I got both brand new in Q1 '24. The older PBME is attached to the Podium hub and I purchased them both used (I believe I am the third owner) so I have no idea how old they actually are.

    I might try swapping the PMBEs between hubs to see if the problem stays or follows and, if it does, swap the APM/CS paddles and observe again. I do know folks have noted that the PBMR responds differently with APM attached in GT7 (due to the analog clutch axis and interactions with the directional switches on the PMBR), so I think both of these are worthwhile to try out if I decide to invest the time in it.

  • I’ve been quiet since the release of 457. I have the DD+ base and usually use a wheel with a podium hub and button endurance module. I am updated with the firmware in 457 since it was released. The problem with disconnects where you used to have to reboot the base is gone. These last several weeks, I have mainly been doing short gt7 license tests so I am in and out of racing. Two times, the buttons and funky switch halted for a few seconds, mainly in between sessions on the menu screen. It came back in a few seconds but like the speedometer on the wheel was frozen until I start a race again. Is it worth trying Marcel’s hot fix?

    I also have a problem that may been there before. I am in and out of racing a lot due to doing gt7 license tests. Once in a while the ffb increases for a race (starting at the start of the race for the whole race). Usually it goes back to normal the next race. It is random but not unusable. I don’t know if this is a gt7 thing or an interaction with gt7 and the firmware.

  • Raymond XuRaymond Xu Member
    edited June 2024

    Hi Howard Heisler. The input freeze issue has been discussed in previous pages. It's a known issue and Marcel is investigating it. For me it's introduced in 457 and I have two ways to get rid of it (seems like it): Manually downgrade ONLY the base firmware to 454 or 455, or manually install the hotfix Marcel provided. You need to DM him to get it.

    FFB weakening is also noticeable in 457 for me. After all the fuss I just downgraded to 454. It seems like the most stable firmware for the base. Only minor issues.

  • I don’t really see weakening. FFB is normal usually but once in a while the ffb is increased for the duration of an entire gt7 race. The input freezes is a lot less frequent and you don’t have to reboot the base. I will pm Marcel.

  • I received the new base firmware from Marcel (prob Does that firmware plus the 457 standard WQR firmware seem to solve the input drop for a few seconds on the DD+ base? I’ve seen some reports that people still had some issues but there were some hardware issues intermingled with it. I very infrequently get a drop right now. Does Marcel’s hotfix solve the issue completely?

  •  Howard Heisler the FFB issue seems to be something GT7 related, not a driver/wqr issue. I’ve noticed it as well. Using the pause and going back in will usually reset it. Note the PBME on the PS has a few issues. The square and X buttons both send both a Square and X in sequence and the left/right joy axis are reversed - this is in all the base FW versions not the PBME and is stated to be fixed some time in the future TBD. Otherwise its usuable but biggest impact is on text chat in sport races - the Square can’t be used to activate text as X takes precedent

    I’m running base FW from 455 and WQR from 457 but I never had the disconnect issues w DD+ so can’t comment on that

  • Howard,

    The short answer is maybe. I believe the “input drop” (where you lose funky switch and button functionality for 2-3 seconds) and wheel turning input “soft disconnects” (where you lose steering input while driving for 2-3 seconds) are one and the same. From what I have personally experienced with my DD+, the base “soft disconnects” for 2-3 seconds. After those 2-3 seconds, the base resumes complete functionality until the next time it decides to do this. Sometimes, it’s within the next hour. Sometimes it’s within the next few hours. Sometimes it happens within 10 minutes of booting up your favorite driving game. It can happen while driving or navigating a menu screen with the funky switch and buttons. In my case, the times it happens in a game menu is far less frequent because I spend most of the time driving, not playing in the game menus. 

    I tried the base firmware on PC Driver 457 and Marcels WQR hotfix. I’ve heard for many folks it solved their soft disconnect issues. 

    The only way you will know if it fixes it on your end is to try it. 

  • can I also get the new firmware And is the problem with CSL pedals and DD Extreme solved?

  • The hotfix Marcel gave me has only WQR Do I need that older hotfix with for the base? I would think it would be included in the current Marcel hotfix along with the WQR if it was still necessary. I am on base for the DD+ and for the WQR. Should I just upgrade the WQR to Thanks.

  • I purchased CS DD wheel base, V3 pedals, and Esport V2 wheel with QR2. After two weeks of everything being normal, I go to turn on my wheelbase and it will not turn on. I cannot get my wheelbase to turn at all. Anyone able to help?? I have contacted fanatec and has been two weeks with no response. Anyone think this may be a software issue or is my wheelbase really dead after two weeks of use?? I am running on 455 but can also move up to 457 if people think this will help. I am desperate so anything helps.

  • @ Drew

    If you can't turn on your base, how are you going to upgrade it to 457. Sounds like an rma to me, but it's going to be a process.

  • beautiful good day
    I am one of the first to receive the DD Extreme. 
    Now, since Update 457, my base freezes very often and just stops for 2-3 seconds. All options with other updates, test versions for QR, etc. did not bring any improvements. I opened a ticket about 5 weeks ago and Fanatec only responded after 4 weeks, which is unacceptable. Their suggestion didn't even refer to my DD+ but to the DD Pro, thanks Fanatec. Now you wanted a picture of the steering wheel pins and the base. Now I can wait again and hardly play because this error occurs very often. I would like to send in the base but Fanatec is so slow that I have now spent a lot of money and can't race properly. In any case, the problem cannot be solved for me with updates. What else can I do ?

  • @Mandy Gutperle

    What platform are you disconnected on?

  • @Mandy Gutperle Seems like the frequently discussed "input freeze" issue. Is your base with firmware from 457?

  • I have CSL DD + V2.5X. I'm playing iRacing and am on pretty old drivers (if it works don't touch it). I had twice issue where all my buttons and paddles stopped working and then few seconds later my FFB followed. I had to stop and turn the base off and on again. So I don't think it's related to any drivers, because that issue started occuring to me without any driver update

  • The CSL DD is destined to fail, normally it is due to disconnection of the shaft, but it begins to fail due to wear, I have one, and they already repaired it once, but I know that sooner or later if I use it a lot it will have another problem, for I got the CS DD+ because the axle gave me more confidence than the CSL

  • Hello!. I have sent a couple of messages to Marcel for the beta firmware but have received no response. He tells me that I should wait for acceptance. Am I doing something wrong??...thanks!!

  • edited June 2024

    @YouTube Letro82


    Yes I currently have 457 installed, I have now tested all updates without success

  • edited June 2024

    @Jason Lindeman

    I was curious about your problem so I did some testing. I moved my PBME from my Podium hub (with APM) to a CS Hub V2 for Xbox (with the included magnetic shifters). I played both GT7 on PS5 and ACC and AMS2 on PC. I did not encounter any issues with the CS Hub V2 for Xbox + PBME. No missed shifts or loss of controls, FFB, leds or ITM. it worked perfectly. Only issue I noticed was that the left analog stick did not work - pressing down works but up, left, down, right does not work in GT7 or in the Fanatec app

    DD+ base at, WQR at, PBME at 24 and CS Hub Xbox V2 at 2.

  • New Report - PBMR Incorrect Inputs - Xbox Series X

    Base Model - DD+

    Wheel Model - Uni Hub V2 for Xb

    Base FW -

    Motor FW - None listed

    Wheel FW - 2

    BMR FW -

    WQR FW -

    Tuning Menu Settings - N/A

    Fanalab Version - N/A for fault

    Driver installation location - N/A for fault

    Other connected equipment - Podium APM, CSL Elite Pedals c/w LC, CS SQ V1.5 Shifter, CS V1.5 Handbrake.

    The buttons on the Podium Button Module Rally do not line up with the manual. My buttons are as follows:

    Manual No = Xb Input

    3=Xb hub, 5=Y, 6=B, 7=A, 10=Menu, 11=X, Missing View Button completely.

    Cheers guys, if you want me to try anything for you, let me know. P.S. No disconnections or any other issues as mentioned in this thread for me and my configuration.

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    Your testing inspired me to do a bunch of switching around. I think the issue is with this one particular Xbox v2 hub I have. I swapped the two PBMEs around between the podium hub and another Xbox v2 and everything checked out. I'll be testing the suspect hub separately, but I'm wondering if it's a bad physical connection. I'll retest again and then remove and reinstall the wheel-side QR related stuff.

  • Hello, I had sent my CS DD back to the support center after the unit was bricked when trying to turn it off while powering up.

    I received the unit back but I was experiencing the issue where it was booting in Update Mode all the time. As of now, if I pressed the power button really fast it powers up without any issues so it seems that if you press the power button for a longer time it boots into Update Mode.

    The only problem left is that for the first few minutes after powering up. The unit emit the following sounds (please see file attached).

    Now I received another RMA for the initial problem I had starting in update mode but I wonder if I should send the unit back a second time. I would like the expert opinion of the people if this forum.

    PC driver 457

    Wheel Base:

    Steering Wheel: 47 Formula V2

    Wireless QR:

    Thank you in advance

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  • Raymond XuRaymond Xu Member
    edited June 2024

    @Keyder Coraspe

    Stuck in update mode: I solved this by downgrading the base FW to 454. Many did as well but a few still can't solve it. It's up to you whether you want to try it out.

    Coil whine: Same as mine as shown in this vid: I also have a strange vibration at the same time. If you Google you can find several guys had the same issue in reddit and here and the only concrete solution is to RMA the base. The guys also shared that after RMA their bases are dead silent. Fanatec have to replace the defect capacitors on the PCBA. But RMA horror stories are common these days so you have to take a leap of faith. I myself am waiting for them to repair my coil whine and vibration issue. Hope things go well.

  • Hallo an alle,

    kann mir einer sagen warum genau sowas zuhören ist? Ist es mechanisch und Kaputt? Hab auch FFB Ausfall seit neustem. Gas und Bremse funktioniert, Lenkung ohne FFB funktioniert aber sonst nichts. Keine Schaltung und alle Knöpfe ohne Funktion.

    bitte um Hilfe

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    Yes. That is the same noise I have. Mine it's loud when I first start the unit and then it can only be heard if I place my ears next to the wheel base so the volume is way lower.

    The weird thing is that the starting in Update mode stopped about 2 weeks ago. I thought it was about the timing pressing the power button.

    This would be my 2nd RMA in the row :-(.

  • :

     This is my Problem and nothing is comming from Support to help or send an Rma

  • It's dead and you need to wait for an answer from Support, which can take over a month atm.

  • I know its dead🤬🤬 is their no way to send an RMa faster

  • No. Unfortunately not.

This discussion has been closed.