The same problem on the firmware 455 with my CSL pedals if i am using DD+
Downgrading the firmware from 457 to 455 does not give any result, the problem still remains. The fact that she was identified only now is because we only noticed her now! It's possible that not many people play on such pedals, but I have a son who wants to drive a simulator and he just uses such pedals on my cockpit. I drive a V3 myself, but it's still small and can't reach them, so I bought him CSL pedals. And so, when I started setting them up and tried to go to GT7, I immediately realized that something was wrong. And here we are on this forum trying to get through to you so that you can change that. I also remind you that the base freezes completely if you remove the pedal wire from it. It seems to me that this is also a rather serious problem!
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well that could work as compromise till fanatec finds out why it not work in 457.
but question is why release then the next driver "what you say what is almost finish" if that would not resolve this?
its like releasing a driver but still need use 455
There are reasons why a driver needs to be released at certain Deadline dates. I am not happy with these decisions as well, trust me, but that's nothing I can influence as those decisions are done on a much higher level.
I tried 455 but it didn't solve the problem. Why don't you solve this problem and include the solution in the next 458 driver? All you need to do is provide the ability to adjust the dead zone on these pedals, just like on the V3.
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I tried 455 but it didn't solve the problem. Why don't you solve this problem and include the solution in the next 458 driver? All you need to do is provide the ability to adjust the dead zone on these pedals, just like on the V3.
To adjust a deadzone is technically not possible on Analogue pedals, therefore such a feature can not be added. Also this would not be something you can just easily do in some minutes or hours. To program something like this would takes quite some more time.
The issue first needs to be reproduced (done already) and then analyzed / investigated by a dev (in progress) who then can try to fix it in the code. This Potential fix then needs to be tested and verified. And then finally it needs to be merged into the Main branch of the firmware without breaking something else, which also needs to be verified again. All this is not done in some days.... And as I said sometimes there are hard Deadline dates where a driver needs to be released and when a fix did not makes it into that release cycle in time then it cant be easily added to that cycle anymore but needs to wait for the next cycle.
is-int better for company finish the product and then go to new project? i see a shitloads firmware updates. but where is a new hardware's what users could buy?
Yes, of course it is. But you think a company will delay a new product because the existing products need fixing? it doesnt work like that, or there wouldnt be any new product launches
oh yea and thats the exact reason why I did not thrust Fanatec anymore. They told us for months that they cant send out the DD+ Bases cause of $ony makes trouble with the Licenses, if that realy was the truth why did not Fanatec take that time to fix such Problems?!? They can't tell us that they didn't know about these problems, when there is an QualityControl then they have to test such Base/Pedal/ButtonBoxes combinations with that DD+Base.
Look what I did to get my DD+ with my PMBR working on the PS5/GT7, I have to buy an really expensive APM for the PBMR, otherwise that thing didnt work. Now I cant use the top paddles of the APM, and the reason is, you can guess three times : IT IS DD+ FIRMWARE RELEATED :(
Please find photo attached. I have also tried drive 455 and encounter the same issue.
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On Gt7 with the 457 driver i think its twice now the dd cs+ wb for maybe a 2 or 3 seconds not freeze like in 456 when you need to restart the base , but lost control and then regain control like nothing happen other than i go off the track :) .
I understand its not ok to purchase something that not working properly. Me also had to send my dd extreem wheel in the first week for rma because has a problem and had to wait 1 month to repair it and send it back to me and thats my firs DD base and believe me it was a big disappointment and how much money i invest, but Maurice is one of the few people here who's trying to speak with us and explain what are trying to do and fix and is little unfair to blame him for all.
social media by default this days are very strong. one failure may lead example 10 customers to go other direction depends how big tree is behind new customer self.
Exactly! When I buy your product, I want it to work out of the box, right away. And when I installed this, it turned out that the base and pedals do not work together as they should and we found out that the problem is in the driver, but I am just user and I can’t do anything about it, because the driver is developed by Fanatec and it is completely due to fault, what is it happened. I just wanted to play, but now my equipment has just been turn off around for a week and I can't do anything about it! So we still have to wait for a solution to the problem for who knows how long.
Please note that the 457 driver was released on April , several months have passed and now we are told that the 458 driver is ready, but not yet released. Should we wait several months for a solution to the problem? Why, when people wrote that their DD Extreme was shutting down, did you release a hotfix to solve this problem, we also want to get a hotfix!
I said this before and I’ll keep saying it. The guys who work for Fanatec who frequent these forums work their arses off on our behalf. An example of that is i have regularly seen Maurice answering people’s questions at midnight. Do you think he is still at work then or just going out of his way to help us out. Please show him and the others the respect that they deserve. Remember that these forums are the only place where we can actually talk to a member of the Fanatec team. If we loose this then where will we be.
I completely understand why people are frustrated with the situation they are in but the vast majority of us knew what was happening when we bought our equipment. Me included.
Vent if you need to but please respect each other and the Fanatec team in here. These issues are not their fault and they either don’t know the answers or are not allowed to tell us if their answers are vague
We respect Maurice and we understand that it is not his fault, but now I am very upset about this problem, understand me, and all I want is to get a solution as soon as possible to this problem and that's all.
Im resorting to buy 3rd party button boxes/wheels that connect thru a regular USB cable, expensive solution but im going nuts with miss shifts in all my Fanatec wheels on the podium DD1, not sure whats causing it, tried everything, different firmwares, grounding the base and yet every now and then i have miss shifts with all of my 3 wheels... not even sure anymore if this a known problem or just a problem i have ... not acceptable to have 600+ euros hardware and not trust something as simple as a paddle shift ...
Also one of my Rally button boxes ( i have 2 ) died and more then 1,5 month waiting for a reply for a RMA is kinda matter how confusing or messy stuff is at Fanatec... ive spent over 20K in hardware from Fanatec and up until recently i had nothing but good things to say, that unfortunatelly changed drastically...
@Allen Lehtla I completely get that they are a company but people seem to think that issues like these are unique to Fanatec. Every company who deals with firmware has the same issues. Bugs in firmware are common place and have been since the option to update over the air. You name a company and I guarantee you they have had similar problems. Thrustmaster have said they will never release a firmware update for the TLCM’s because the one time the tried they bricked every set of peddles where the owner tried installing it. The had to replace them so gave up on the idea. Samsung, Apple, Sony…… all have released firmware that has broken devices. Apple for example broke iMessage on some devices for a couple of months after an update. Samsung released a phone that set on fire and then blamed their customers only to have to recall the all because it was their fault.
As for the process for releasing firmware anyone who has anything to do with it knows it takes time. Time to find the problem, time to fix it and time to test it. They can’t do everything all at once because fixing something breaks something else then they know where the issue is. As soon as that is released they start work on the next thing in the list. It’s how it works. Every now and again something comes along that takes precedence and an issue may get bumped down the list. Again it’s just how these things work.
I feel for you, I have been lucky in the fact that I have been able to backdate to 455 and mine seem stable. However I did needed to go the RMA process for a different issue. So I get the frustration. All I’m saying is don’t aim it all at the only Fanatec employees who you can actually talk to without waiting weeks for a reply.
you don't need feel for me because my fanatec hardware works, but i to feel all off others who have issues with the DD/DD+ especially new users who buy they hardware first time and they get disappointment
But that’s the point. I’m one of them. I bought the Extreme after using Thrustmaster for my whole time sim racing. I bought it knowing 2 things,
1, Fanatec were in having massive issues. I read up on it and made the decision to go ahead anyway.
2, Every new to market device, be it car, phone, TV, game console or sim racing wheel will have issues for the first 6 months. I never buy anything other than phones on release for this exact reason. I broke my own rules and bought it anyway and I don’t regret it. I understand more about the product I’ve bought thanks to these issues. Would I do it again? Probably not, but if you don’t want to be in this position never buy anything until it’s been out for 6 months. The bugs will normally have been fixed or be close to being fixed by then.
Ive rolled back to 455 and still the same issue, not sure anymore which one to use... dont know if its hardware or firmware, if hardware can only be on the DD1 since i dont believe 3 different wheels decided to start miss shifting at the same time ... also regarding firmware theres like 4 diff firmwares for the entire thing to work , base, motor , QR, wheel etc... kinda hard to downgrade when you dont know wich one is causing issues if its really the firmware ... i tried the grounding thing since ive seen some people complaining about bad shielding but that doesnt work either... ence the go for a direct USB steering wheel and see if all good to have some piece of mind ... its just money ... screw it ..
At some point Maurice stated its a known issue and will be fixed in a future update, but i dont see it on the known issues, and on a "future" update is unacceptable to me, i know he cant say anything else and im not blaming him or Marcel... but the fact is that i have a 300 Euro and 2 600 Euro wheels that i do not trust since i spend more time pissed with every miss shift then racing...
Maurice Böschen
well that could work as compromise till fanatec finds out why it not work in 457.
but question is why release then the next driver "what you say what is almost finish" if that would not resolve this?
its like releasing a driver but still need use 455
The same problem on the firmware 455 with my CSL pedals if i am using DD+
Downgrading the firmware from 457 to 455 does not give any result, the problem still remains. The fact that she was identified only now is because we only noticed her now! It's possible that not many people play on such pedals, but I have a son who wants to drive a simulator and he just uses such pedals on my cockpit. I drive a V3 myself, but it's still small and can't reach them, so I bought him CSL pedals. And so, when I started setting them up and tried to go to GT7, I immediately realized that something was wrong. And here we are on this forum trying to get through to you so that you can change that. I also remind you that the base freezes completely if you remove the pedal wire from it. It seems to me that this is also a rather serious problem!
There are reasons why a driver needs to be released at certain Deadline dates. I am not happy with these decisions as well, trust me, but that's nothing I can influence as those decisions are done on a much higher level.
I tried 455 but it didn't solve the problem. Why don't you solve this problem and include the solution in the next 458 driver? All you need to do is provide the ability to adjust the dead zone on these pedals, just like on the V3.
To adjust a deadzone is technically not possible on Analogue pedals, therefore such a feature can not be added. Also this would not be something you can just easily do in some minutes or hours. To program something like this would takes quite some more time.
The issue first needs to be reproduced (done already) and then analyzed / investigated by a dev (in progress) who then can try to fix it in the code. This Potential fix then needs to be tested and verified. And then finally it needs to be merged into the Main branch of the firmware without breaking something else, which also needs to be verified again. All this is not done in some days.... And as I said sometimes there are hard Deadline dates where a driver needs to be released and when a fix did not makes it into that release cycle in time then it cant be easily added to that cycle anymore but needs to wait for the next cycle.
You think a bit too easy here...
Maurice Böschen
is-int better for company finish the product and then go to new project? i see a shitloads firmware updates. but where is a new hardware's what users could buy?
Sure. As I said, I dont decide when a driver goes live. Thats decided on a much higher level.
And what date has been decided on a much higher level to release the next driver`?
Idk (and I would not be allowed to share such information anyway).
@Allan Lehtla
Yes, of course it is. But you think a company will delay a new product because the existing products need fixing? it doesnt work like that, or there wouldnt be any new product launches
darren shepsman
they released the CSL DD and the DD1/DD2 long time ago. i think they to had plenty off time test the DD/DD+ and finish that for launch day.
currently it looks like. it was some-sort hurry work and lets fix it later
if thrustmaster would work like this . they would be at in bankrupt as well
That's a very wishful thinking, which is only maybe possible in a dreamland in a parallel universe. In reality this is basically impossible.
@Allan Lehtla
oh yea and thats the exact reason why I did not thrust Fanatec anymore. They told us for months that they cant send out the DD+ Bases cause of $ony makes trouble with the Licenses, if that realy was the truth why did not Fanatec take that time to fix such Problems?!? They can't tell us that they didn't know about these problems, when there is an QualityControl then they have to test such Base/Pedal/ButtonBoxes combinations with that DD+Base.
Look what I did to get my DD+ with my PMBR working on the PS5/GT7, I have to buy an really expensive APM for the PBMR, otherwise that thing didnt work. Now I cant use the top paddles of the APM, and the reason is, you can guess three times : IT IS DD+ FIRMWARE RELEATED :(
Please find photo attached. I have also tried drive 455 and encounter the same issue.
The new drivers , what will be fixing?
On Gt7 with the 457 driver i think its twice now the dd cs+ wb for maybe a 2 or 3 seconds not freeze like in 456 when you need to restart the base , but lost control and then regain control like nothing happen other than i go off the track :) .
Jason Ben Schneider
if customer loses a trust for company what is been a marked over 20 years, that is by default very bad thing and not may end good for company self
yeah allot decisions comes from top. but sometimes worker can tell. no that is wrong . don't to it
I understand its not ok to purchase something that not working properly. Me also had to send my dd extreem wheel in the first week for rma because has a problem and had to wait 1 month to repair it and send it back to me and thats my firs DD base and believe me it was a big disappointment and how much money i invest, but Maurice is one of the few people here who's trying to speak with us and explain what are trying to do and fix and is little unfair to blame him for all.
Nikolay Simeonov
social media by default this days are very strong. one failure may lead example 10 customers to go other direction depends how big tree is behind new customer self.
Exactly! When I buy your product, I want it to work out of the box, right away. And when I installed this, it turned out that the base and pedals do not work together as they should and we found out that the problem is in the driver, but I am just user and I can’t do anything about it, because the driver is developed by Fanatec and it is completely due to fault, what is it happened. I just wanted to play, but now my equipment has just been turn off around for a week and I can't do anything about it! So we still have to wait for a solution to the problem for who knows how long.
Please note that the 457 driver was released on April , several months have passed and now we are told that the 458 driver is ready, but not yet released. Should we wait several months for a solution to the problem? Why, when people wrote that their DD Extreme was shutting down, did you release a hotfix to solve this problem, we also want to get a hotfix!
Thank you Maurice Böschen , it is working now.
I said this before and I’ll keep saying it. The guys who work for Fanatec who frequent these forums work their arses off on our behalf. An example of that is i have regularly seen Maurice answering people’s questions at midnight. Do you think he is still at work then or just going out of his way to help us out. Please show him and the others the respect that they deserve. Remember that these forums are the only place where we can actually talk to a member of the Fanatec team. If we loose this then where will we be.
I completely understand why people are frustrated with the situation they are in but the vast majority of us knew what was happening when we bought our equipment. Me included.
Vent if you need to but please respect each other and the Fanatec team in here. These issues are not their fault and they either don’t know the answers or are not allowed to tell us if their answers are vague
fanatec is company.
they sell we buy.
in other words , its they job
they are not some school class buddys where they build they stuff in garage and sell for fun
We respect Maurice and we understand that it is not his fault, but now I am very upset about this problem, understand me, and all I want is to get a solution as soon as possible to this problem and that's all.
Im resorting to buy 3rd party button boxes/wheels that connect thru a regular USB cable, expensive solution but im going nuts with miss shifts in all my Fanatec wheels on the podium DD1, not sure whats causing it, tried everything, different firmwares, grounding the base and yet every now and then i have miss shifts with all of my 3 wheels... not even sure anymore if this a known problem or just a problem i have ... not acceptable to have 600+ euros hardware and not trust something as simple as a paddle shift ...
Also one of my Rally button boxes ( i have 2 ) died and more then 1,5 month waiting for a reply for a RMA is kinda matter how confusing or messy stuff is at Fanatec... ive spent over 20K in hardware from Fanatec and up until recently i had nothing but good things to say, that unfortunatelly changed drastically...
Lino Carreira
perhaps is this 457 what cause this. i seen allot reports lately.
with dd1, good thing is that there is allot older drivers what may work just fine. and not necessary need use latest
or there is issue at hardware. if its hardware there are some youtube videos what may help
or you mean steering wheels self miss shifts ?
in this case dunno
there was once miss shift with other hardware what caused by bad contact with terminal. maybe inspect those if its steering wheel issues
@Allen Lehtla I completely get that they are a company but people seem to think that issues like these are unique to Fanatec. Every company who deals with firmware has the same issues. Bugs in firmware are common place and have been since the option to update over the air. You name a company and I guarantee you they have had similar problems. Thrustmaster have said they will never release a firmware update for the TLCM’s because the one time the tried they bricked every set of peddles where the owner tried installing it. The had to replace them so gave up on the idea. Samsung, Apple, Sony…… all have released firmware that has broken devices. Apple for example broke iMessage on some devices for a couple of months after an update. Samsung released a phone that set on fire and then blamed their customers only to have to recall the all because it was their fault.
As for the process for releasing firmware anyone who has anything to do with it knows it takes time. Time to find the problem, time to fix it and time to test it. They can’t do everything all at once because fixing something breaks something else then they know where the issue is. As soon as that is released they start work on the next thing in the list. It’s how it works. Every now and again something comes along that takes precedence and an issue may get bumped down the list. Again it’s just how these things work.
I feel for you, I have been lucky in the fact that I have been able to backdate to 455 and mine seem stable. However I did needed to go the RMA process for a different issue. So I get the frustration. All I’m saying is don’t aim it all at the only Fanatec employees who you can actually talk to without waiting weeks for a reply.
you don't need feel for me because my fanatec hardware works, but i to feel all off others who have issues with the DD/DD+ especially new users who buy they hardware first time and they get disappointment
But that’s the point. I’m one of them. I bought the Extreme after using Thrustmaster for my whole time sim racing. I bought it knowing 2 things,
1, Fanatec were in having massive issues. I read up on it and made the decision to go ahead anyway.
2, Every new to market device, be it car, phone, TV, game console or sim racing wheel will have issues for the first 6 months. I never buy anything other than phones on release for this exact reason. I broke my own rules and bought it anyway and I don’t regret it. I understand more about the product I’ve bought thanks to these issues. Would I do it again? Probably not, but if you don’t want to be in this position never buy anything until it’s been out for 6 months. The bugs will normally have been fixed or be close to being fixed by then.
Ive rolled back to 455 and still the same issue, not sure anymore which one to use... dont know if its hardware or firmware, if hardware can only be on the DD1 since i dont believe 3 different wheels decided to start miss shifting at the same time ... also regarding firmware theres like 4 diff firmwares for the entire thing to work , base, motor , QR, wheel etc... kinda hard to downgrade when you dont know wich one is causing issues if its really the firmware ... i tried the grounding thing since ive seen some people complaining about bad shielding but that doesnt work either... ence the go for a direct USB steering wheel and see if all good to have some piece of mind ... its just money ... screw it ..
At some point Maurice stated its a known issue and will be fixed in a future update, but i dont see it on the known issues, and on a "future" update is unacceptable to me, i know he cant say anything else and im not blaming him or Marcel... but the fact is that i have a 300 Euro and 2 600 Euro wheels that i do not trust since i spend more time pissed with every miss shift then racing...