Updates on Mclaren, Podium Base and GTS



  • Thank for getting back to us. Very much appreciated Brian
  • I am sure this has been covered, but will the Podium Direct Drive base be compatible with the Xbox One console?
  • I am sure this has been covered, but will the Podium Direct Drive base be compatible with the Xbox One console?
    The tests are not complete yet but I see no reason why not
  • WOW guys, that's really fast!

    I ordered my parts on Saturday and received them yesterday (Tuesday). :-bd

    I am very impressed. Thank you very much =D>

  • Excellent service just order my load last week and will be in my hands today since I live in Dominican Republic, just need my MacLaren Rim to be complete hope all the problems solve quick and put it in the store, I was thinking to buy the formula but the GT3 looks amazing so will have some patience........ By the way thanks Thomas for the coupon to get the load cell you know how to convince..... :D
  • That's great news thomas i cant wait to order the podium series! ✌
  • Will the Podium DD Bases be compatible with PS4
  • edited February 2018
    PC for sure as this is the main market and there is no reason that it should not work on Xbox One. The first generation will not be compatible to PS4.
    PS4.Fanatec Podium Series - UPDATE

    But this is a statement was given some month ago. So maybe things are changed meanwhile. But it's up to Thomas to confirm whether the Podium Series will work on PS4 or not. From my point of view technically it shouldn't be a problem. It's just this beautiful licence thing again.
  • edited February 2018
    Is the new McLaren rim gonna be compatible with the new Podium series? 
    All steering wheels will be compatible to our Podium DD bases. But you need to operate the McLaren wheel with the Clubsport QR Adapter to unlock the full torque.
    Hi Mr. Thomas :)...

    now is three months that i have your fantastic CSW 2.5 "damn... it's fantastic"... :)
    just some little issues with one connection pin on my rim's but yesterday i have opened an RMA and i'm waiting... no problem :).

    Mr. Thomas i want to ask you some questions if you have time to reply.

     with "you need to use a clubsport Quick release to unlock full Podium torque".. means that even on the actual Formula RIM/Porsche RIM that have an integrated CB-QR i can unlock the full torque of your top of the line DD ???.. in this case.. just today.. you have selling one porsche rim and one Hub :). and obviously a Podium DD

     If i pre-order "today" a new McLaren rim i'm eligible to receive the CB QR ?.

     To enroll on a Podium beta testing i have to send my personal documents ?.

    Thank you for this updates Mr.Thomas ... really appreciate.

  • hm, maybe that's good news, but not for me :(
    I need a new Wheel but summer (or later) is too late for me. So i ordered the CSW 2.5

    I hope this was the right choice. I don't know :-??
    It was absolutely the right choice. And the prices for used CSW V2.5 will probably be at a high level as we plan to keep them in our product portfolio with no price changes. 
    Hi, Thomas,

    I started to play sim racing and a few days ago and I met great experience without going track.

    In our country, I found distributor of Fanatec but they do not sell CSL Elite Steering wheel for PS4 due to license with SONY.
    So I bought Steering Wheel from US website and bought CSL Pedal from your distributor in our country.

    1. Please let me know you have any plan to sell in South Korea for McLaren Steering wheel?
    I saw explanation that also available with PS4 and I am very worry about that can't be sold in our country due to License problem.
    I would like to purchase from your distributor in South Korea because your web shop do not support delivery to our country and It's too cumbersome to delivery to our country from you. 

    2. I heard that Podium Wheel will not be available with Console such as PS4. Do you have plan to product DD Wheels for PS4 or XBOX? 

    3. Now I am enjoying GTS in Purple Mode but display on Steering Wheel is not working. Your means are after update from Polyphony, Center display will be working and also can operated in Blue Mode. Right? 

    1. This depends on our distributor but there are no license issues to sell the product in South Korea

    2. Don't believe all rumors you hear ;)

    3. In theory the display is working but it is not confirmed to what extent they will make use of it
    Hi Thomas,

    Well you do surprise me in your answer here. I clearly remember your interview during the SimRacing event where you said at the time XBOX compatibility was sure but PS4 compatibility wasn't part of your plan, at least not for the first version of the podium DD. Now you got me confused with your last answer here. I don't believe all rumors out here but I do take your words very seriously... 
    Are you implying here you are currently trying to get the DD compatible with PS4 as well? Because it is a huge question for us and honestly that would save us the use of an additional interface equipment like the drivehub from collectiveminds (assuming they update their firmware soon enough after the release of the DD). Some news about what you're undertaking here would be very welcome :)

  • The more info and updates on the podium series the better I have almost $3,000.00 burning a hole in my pocket iv waited to buy anything else since I found out about this release. I have a ps4 pro and will be getting pc as well but would die a happy man if this supports all 3 systems flawlessly because id buy an Xbox just for forza all I want is the v3 pedals DD motor and wheel with shifter so I can make all my friends jealous. :)

  • edited February 2018
    Henri R said:
    Hi Thomas,

    Well you do surprise me in your answer here. I clearly remember your interview during the SimRacing event where you said at the time XBOX compatibility was sure but PS4 compatibility wasn't part of your plan, at least not for the first version of the podium DD. Now you got me confused with your last answer here. I don't believe all rumors out here but I do take your words very seriously... 
    Are you implying here you are currently trying to get the DD compatible with PS4 as well? Because it is a huge question for us and honestly that would save us the use of an additional interface equipment like the drivehub from collectiveminds (assuming they update their firmware soon enough after the release of the DD). Some news about what you're undertaking here would be very welcome :)

    i think Thomas has given us enough "hints" to conclude that the DD wheelbase will be PS4 compatible in the near future, probably all depends on licensing again at Sony side... so he cannot make any commitments yet.
  • Hey Thomas, and Fanatec wizards.

    It was great to read this update. I wondered here to see if there was any news on the Podium line and there is which is great. I signed up for the beta program a while ago and had assumed I'd not made it in. I'll hold fire on any potential purchases until March in which case. I was starting to get a slightly restless clicking finger. xD

    All the best, looking forward to 2018.
  • All those playstation questions can not see the point of a dd wheel on a arcade machine
  • I have a gameboy will the dd wheel be compatible???
  • edited February 2018
    I have a gameboy will the dd wheel be compatible???
    thats a really silly question and totally unnecessary.
    But to answer your question: no.
  • .
    Realy a great video from SimRacingGirl. I thought it's worth to be mentioned.
  • All those playstation questions can not see the point of a dd wheel on a arcade machine
    This is like saying: So what's the point of driving a Porsche or Ferrari outside of Germany with all those speed limits? 

    Perhaps you still enjoy quality and driving is a lot of fun although you cannot use 100% of what the car is capable?
  • mr. thomas .. the csw 2.5 it's fantastic.. thank you mr. President ☺️ can't wait for your next Podium Series ...
    All those playstation questions can not see the point of a dd wheel on a arcade machine
    This is like saying: So what's the point of driving a Porsche or Ferrari outside of Germany with all those speed limits? 

    Perhaps you still enjoy quality and driving is a lot of fun although you cannot use 100% of what the car is capable?
  • Hi Thomas! The beta tests will be confidential or we can expect some reviews soon??
  • Hi Thomas! The beta tests will be confidential or we can expect some reviews soon??
    I assume beta testers will be under NDA, so I wouldn't expect anything soon. At least not until really close to release.
  • All those playstation questions can not see the point of a dd wheel on a arcade machine

    ... maybe because most ppl have console(s) too, not just pc for gaming? i have, have always had, PS4 and Xone(X), so you think that it's practical for ppl like me to buy several different wheel's to be able to use them in all platforms? When it could be possible with just one wheel/base..You happen to know that ppl use bodnar etc top end wheels even with consoles(with adapters of course)?
  • I say let Fanatec make as much money and notoriety from pc and consoles as they can so we can keep getting goodies.
  • Hmm, I can not see any Button Caps to get rid of XBOX Logo etc? 
    I can see some Stickers? 

    hmmm :(
  • .
    That was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen
  • A little more patience....... looks amazing!!!!!!!!
  • Damion PrevoDamion Prevo Member
    edited February 2018

    That was great! Love the music! :)
  • edited February 2018
    All those playstation questions can not see the point of a dd wheel on a arcade machine
    This is like saying: So what's the point of driving a Porsche or Ferrari outside of Germany with all those speed limits? 

    Perhaps you still enjoy quality and driving is a lot of fun although you cannot use 100% of what the car is capable?
    In the case of the PS4 / Podium, could you build a new "compatibility mode" (new led color) to make the Podium bases act as a CSL ? :)
    Just an idea...
  • Hello, will it be possible to use Podium DD wheelbases on a desk? If so Table Clamp v2 will be compatible with it?
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