Advent Calendar - UPDATE



  • I think they should just cancel all further auctions and just send the remaining prizes to my address. Problem solved! ;)
  • Thomas AhrerThomas Ahrer Member
    edited December 2017
    Since the pedals u have Problems with the Script. Yesterday was Horror. I refreshed ans always get an Apache Server Time out. When i get an result it says auction finished. Pls fix it
  • Erik HousmansErik Housmans Member
    edited December 2017
    And again it doesn't work..

    May I suggest a blind bid, put up an e-mail address every day, random which can't be guessed, have people mail their bid and the first to get the correct bid is the winner.
    edited December 2017
    We just want to make a few people happy. If this system does not look appealing for you then kindly ignore it t. Thank you.
    Sorry, but in mho it's rediculous to be so offended. Everyone should have the same chance to bid. It would have been fairer to give all customers a 5 to 20 percent discount on the products if the system did not work properly. So everyone would have been happy...
  • 404 NOT FOUND- again.
  • We just want to make a few people happy. If this system does not look appealing for you then kindly ignore it t. Thank you.
    Sorry, but in mho it's rediculous to be so offended. Everyone should have the same chance to bid. It would have been fairer to give all customers a 5 to 20 percent discount on the products if the system did not work properly. So everyone would have been happy...

    Do you realize that the auction is nly for ONE unit per day and region?
    Fatnatec does not do discounts except on Black Friday.
  • Would be nice to know how much each winning bid was?

  • edited December 2017
    All auctions from now on will start at 18.00 CET in EU and 17.00 PST in US.

    Duration is 2 hours. We will have some downtime before that because we are working on the system.

    We decided to change the terms in order to make it more convenient for you.
    Everyday the auction will start at the same time and will last for 2 hours.
    We are still improving the performance so I hope it gets better everyday.
    So Thomas please ensure that your IT crew who tries to increase your web server performance will get a huge pizza at lunch time just to keep them motivated. 
  • All auctions from now on will start at 18.00 CET in EU and 17.00 PST in US.

    Duration is 2 hours. We will have some downtime before that because we are working on the system.
    The rest of the auction remains the same? You set a secret winning offer and whoever bids on that price wins?

    I hope eveything works out  :)
  • All auctions from now on will start at 18.00 CET in EU and 17.00 PST in US.

    Duration is 2 hours. We will have some downtime before that because we are working on the system.
    I just would like to say  that I myself really do like the effort you guys must be putting in right now to bring us your great products for one person at a time at a greatly reduced price. Off course it's real unfortunate that the IT stuff doen't work like you expected and we all hope it would, but still. I'm happy to have the change to pick up one of the fanatec gear for a great price, even if that chance is a small one. 

    I see this like a lottery, small chance on a big reward and you don't even have to buy a ticket.
    Good luck to you all en may the best (luckiest) man win.
  • From 9 am site is crash and error mesage. Sixth day and I have not been able to bid one time :neutral:
  • Pietro NelliPietro Nelli Member
    edited December 2017
    I am also since 2 December that I try to participate in the auction but it is not possible.
    Almost always comes a page load error.
  • Just wondering, the people who have won so far, will they recieve their price for the actual price they won?
    I'm not one of them, just curious.
  • i love fanatec, great holiday auctions!  :)>-
  • Hi,

    Isn't part of the process guessing when the auction ends in order to win? If everyone knows that the auction is for 2 hours then every one will just wait to big in the last seconds of the auction. This will just slam your server too.

  • Hi,

    Isn't part of the process guessing when the auction ends in order to win? If everyone knows that the auction is for 2 hours then every one will just wait to big in the last seconds of the auction. This will just slam your server too.
    If you do that then you're gonna miss out on the chance to win. It's still going to cap at the predefined price. so it won't last for 2 hours.
  • Hi,

    Isn't part of the process guessing when the auction ends in order to win? If everyone knows that the auction is for 2 hours then every one will just wait to big in the last seconds of the auction. This will just slam your server too.
  • I suppose that there is a limit of time. If you bet and nobody rises in a predefined amount of time, the auction is yours. I really don't know, because the system never worked for me, but if not works in this way, nobody will bet at 18:00.
  • Will you be offering some items multiple times, or which each day be a new item?  For instance, if I miss the bid on the CSL Elite PS4 wheel will it be up again another day?
  • Honestly the way this should all work is you let the user input the highest amount they are willing to pay. If they get out bid then they get out bid. If someone bids the max you are wanting for the item then it ends right away at the price you set. This whole $1 or $5 increase business is just asking for a congested server.
  • What I don't understand is: you're experiencing load issues on your server and to fix this you decide to set the auction at a fixed time so even more people will come to your server. Your tech support needs an upgrade.
  • Site is crash today and this bid is not good. Why only 1€ bid because everyone who is bidding is lost only last who bid reserved price is winner. This is just not a bid :neutral:
  • edited December 2017
    Whell todays csl elite ps4 auction for me went lol way. somehow I was able o load the fanatec page with ticking time and bids are being placed. My goal was to place a bid on 250Eur. And i waited almost 30 mins til my bid appeared. same second I placed a bid... on 250 eur.. and guess what?! auction ended! without registering my bid ! and if you look at the bids time chart, you se that there was 7 seconds between 249 and 250 bid.. well it is sad.. and this system is well.. bad... ;(
  • It needs to be changed so that everyone can bid more times and offer more money. Because this is very bad now :neutral:
  • edited December 2017
    Yesterday the site showed it accepted my bid of $57. I placed it 5 seconds before the auction ended. When website automatically loaded auction results it removed my bid and the person at $56 won. 
    Whell todays csl elite ps4 auction for me went lol way. somehow I was able o load the fanatec page with ticking time and bids are being placed. My goal was to place a bid on 250Eur. And i waited almost 30 mins til my bid appeared. same second I placed a bid... on 250 eur.. and guess what?! auction ended! without registering my bid ! and if you look at the bids time chart, you se that there was 7 seconds between 249 and 250 bid.. well it is sad.. and this system is well.. bad... ;(

    I think the time on our browser is not in sync with the time of their server with all these problems. Placing last second bid didn't work. If you really want last bid have to place bid several seconds before it looks like it is going to end. Could be 15 seconds, 30 seconds, don't know. 
  • It all worked perfectly for me today, well done Fanatec!
  • Yesterday the site showed it accepted my bid of $57. I placed it 5 seconds before the auction ended. When website automatically loaded auction results it removed my bid and the person at $56 won. 
    Whell todays csl elite ps4 auction for me went lol way. somehow I was able o load the fanatec page with ticking time and bids are being placed. My goal was to place a bid on 250Eur. And i waited almost 30 mins til my bid appeared. same second I placed a bid... on 250 eur.. and guess what?! auction ended! without registering my bid ! and if you look at the bids time chart, you se that there was 7 seconds between 249 and 250 bid.. well it is sad.. and this system is well.. bad... ;(

    I think the time on our browser is not in sync with the time of their server with all these problems. Placing last second bid didn't work. If you really want last bid have to place bid several seconds before it looks like it is going to end. Could be 15 seconds, 30 seconds, don't know. 
    It seems so... But then it is no possible way to bid for what you exactly want. today I just felt that the price for the wheel must be 50% off, and I waited for this bid to click.. and clicked!!! so you can imagine how mad and sad I was at the end ;)
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