Fanatec CSL Elite Racing Wheel - GT Sport Compatibility - UPDATE



  • GT Sport Retail Version with 11GB Update 1.01, does not support the CSL Elite.
    I guessed as much. We will get 30 gig worth of updates in the next 4 months and eventually partial compatability. Rubbish clutch control no feedback on the club's port pedals. No rev lights. Unresponsive rumble on the clubsport wheel rims. No handbrake. No point buying this game it's a dead duck. I was only really interested because they promised vr support but I gathered they messed that up too. Well done Sony.
    As i've said to you before, I think your hopes of VR vs the reality for VR are vastly different with where it currently stands on console. The technology and power is not available on console even the "Pro" version and I think if you want to experience VR to it's capability you have no option but to go down a PC route. As for console the integration won't be anything above what it currently is in my view. 

    As for rims itself I've been very underwhelmed with the BMW GT2 Rim and have raised this with Fanatec. Whilst others have reported a huge benefit in other titles I'm struggling to see a massive upgrade in performance over my old T300rs with a prototype load cell. I like many given Fanatec's global acclaim in the racing industry I think expected more from the product but at the moment with how things stand and the issues surrounding GT Sport I feel like i've wasted my money and should have stuck to my previous setup.

    I don't see enough benefits over what I had before, sure more premium wheels but aside the Formula Carbon the others feel awful the pedal faces are nice but as I had a 70kg load cell before I feel totally underwhelmed and feel like I bought off the reputation and haven't received the performance which I anticipated knowing how good the clubsport line of Fanatec products are.

    Thomas, I feel taken advantage of by Fanatec, when we was informed prior to purchasing what we could expect from the product both in performance and compatibility to own the wheel where it currently sits in its life span just feels like we've been taken for a ride here a little at consequence to our pockets. If we was seeing the performance synonymous with the product line I could excuse the other issues but at the moment Fanatec on consoles has really been a poor experience for me so far. Users have sent back products for firmware updates commented on how poor premium wheels feel and ultimately it's coming out of our pockets buying into the Fanatec name and from our view the performance and quality that goes with it, or not as the case is at present.

    Hope things change. 
  • Buy a used copy. Sony don't make squat. Slap it into them. Idiots pulling a stunt like this. It's a driving sim!! Well supposed to be anyway. They knew exactly what they are doing. They have purposely snubbed fanatec users. No money from me Sony.
  • GT Sport Retail Version with 11GB Update 1.01, does not support the CSL Elite.
    I guessed as much. We will get 30 gig worth of updates in the next 4 months and eventually partial compatability. Rubbish clutch control no feedback on the club's port pedals. No rev lights. Unresponsive rumble on the clubsport wheel rims. No handbrake. No point buying this game it's a dead duck. I was only really interested because they promised vr support but I gathered they messed that up too. Well done Sony.
    As i've said to you before, I think your hopes of VR vs the reality for VR are vastly different with where it currently stands on console. The technology and power is not available on console even the "Pro" version and I think if you want to experience VR to it's capability you have no option but to go down a PC route. As for console the integration won't be anything above what it currently is in my view. 

    As for rims itself I've been very underwhelmed with the BMW GT2 Rim and have raised this with Fanatec. Whilst others have reported a huge benefit in other titles I'm struggling to see a massive upgrade in performance over my old T300rs with a prototype load cell. I like many given Fanatec's global acclaim in the racing industry I think expected more from the product but at the moment with how things stand and the issues surrounding GT Sport I feel like i've wasted my money and should have stuck to my previous setup.

    I don't see enough benefits over what I had before, sure more premium wheels but aside the Formula Carbon the others feel awful the pedal faces are nice but as I had a 70kg load cell before I feel totally underwhelmed and feel like I bought off the reputation and haven't received the performance which I anticipated knowing how good the clubsport line of Fanatec products are.

    Thomas, I feel taken advantage of by Fanatec, when we was informed prior to purchasing what we could expect from the product both in performance and compatibility to own the wheel where it currently sits in its life span just feels like we've been taken for a ride here a little at consequence to our pockets. If we was seeing the performance synonymous with the product line I could excuse the other issues but at the moment Fanatec on consoles has really been a poor experience for me so far. Users have sent back products for firmware updates commented on how poor premium wheels feel and ultimately it's coming out of our pockets buying into the Fanatec name and from our view the performance and quality that goes with it, or not as the case is at present.

    Hope things change. 
    I understand were you come from regarding vr. I do own a pro and use dirt rally which with the update for the pro is really quilted playable. I was under the impression that a first party developer like polyphony gtsport would be great fun. So I guess you are right. I believed the hype. Once again I've been burned.
  • With this now, we need to push for answers because this is unacceptable and people need to be held accountable for this catastropy. Especially when Thomas has said things are working. We've found information that suggests that's not the case. So something needs to be formally produced and submitted outside of a forum. 

    The wider community deserve to see this. Playstation, Inside Sim Racing, Fanatec, Polphony, Team VVV and a few others just to name!

    This needs to serve as an example that you can't miss advertise or lead customers. Had I of known GT sport wasn't to be playable with a Fanatec wheel I wouldn't have upgraded. Simple. 
  • It's all to do with money. I didn't need to upgrade my csr wheel only for the silly licence agreement. Then when I bought my csl elite I was forced to upgrade less than 3 month later with the csl ps4 wheel. Trust me I've felt the burn. Because I bought day one I wasn't offered the pedal set at the reduced price but at least fanatec offered a code for me to get the pedals so I could atleast sell my wheel with pedals. I don't blame fanatec on this. I blame Sony and microsoft for being greedy corporation's. What can we expect they are out to make money. Our money. But I have cancelled my preorder the same way I didn't buy for a 5. If all of us band together small stings start to hurt. That's all we need to do. Together we are strong. If we all avoid buying the game they will learn to respect us.
  • Forza 5
  • The respect has long since gone from my eyes, you can't false advertise a product that when people buy it turn round and not even inform people that there's been a fundamental error and no assurance that the hardware will be functional. I bought the wheel and LC Package separate then the Formula for F1 and BMW for AC & GT Sport.

    This isn't about what we've bought or why we've bought it. This is about the principals which we were made to believe and confined within and unfortunately those details have not been delivered at a consequence to us which are the consumers. I can see this going the same way with other developers because whilst the titles integrate the CSL base I don't buy in to the notion its being utilised to its fullest potential. Questionable levels, gearing effects on the belt, and general issues. 

    I have to question why they didn't just make the Clubsport base accessible and go with something that's already established performs exceptionally well and has all the guarantees across the range. 

    So where do we go form here?

    I was tempted to try sell my hardware but no one will buy it and then I again have to fork out for all the equipment again which in reality would just make me want to go to PC racing get the hardware i'd like and be done.

    We need to take this forward ourselves instead of waiting for Thomas and potentially not getting any closer to a resolution. We've got to be proactive here. 
  • edited October 2017
    There is no need to update the page as our wheel will be fully compatible with GT Sports No reason to panic.
    Hi Thomas, how about sharing some progress here with your valuable customers?
    Hey guys, I am really sorry to let you guys a little bit in the dark for now. Rest assure that this topic has high priority at Sony and we in direct contact with Kazunori Yamauchi to get a clear picture. We will make a full statement before the launch of the game.
    So as you are in direct contact with Kazunori I guess you have all the details. If I were you I would feel somehow obligated to inform my customers about this issue and the progress frequently. But obviously I have a complete different understanding in terms of customer service...

    But I'll give it a try again. WHEN can we expect the FULL support of our PS4 wheel in GT Sport, this year, this month, ...?
  • There is no need to update the page as our wheel will be fully compatible with GT Sports No reason to panic.
    Hi Thomas, how about sharing some progress here with your valuable customers. As you are in direct contact with Kazunori I guess you have all the details. If I were you I would feel somehow obligated to inform my customers about this issue and the progress frequently.
    For me it has gone beyond that, they being Fanatec would have known in advance of the private betas which were released months ago as to whether there would be any potential issues that they would encounter with GT sport. We as a community we never informed and the information remained on the game list as being fully integrated. These discussions would have been on going for some time so to leave us in the dark till one week prior to launch is totally unacceptable for a company with the profile of Fanatec. 

    Whether in their control or not something has broken here either a joint statement or individual acknowledgement should have been made to inform the console market of this issue even if users themselves don't own Fanatec product lines. I feel it's shambolic and embarrassing to see how this has unfolded and no one has taken responsibility on either side only passing the buck from one another. We deserve the truth and answers and that's why I and others feel so mis lead and cheated here. This is our money not the companies.

    I don't find Thomas's words assuring at all, more just something to put out to get sweep the issue under the carpet. Whether its Polyphony, Sony and or Fanatec that's irrelevant here. They're all equally responsible when it comes to integrating a product into a gaming title and should have declared this a long time prior to us finding out for ourselves. 

     We must use this as an example to fellow creator and gaming communities to prove that nothing is bigger than your community and audience and as for this it's not something that should be swept under the carpet or forgotten. Even when or if GT is playable with a Fanatec wheel it doesn't excuse what's gone before and we should stand against it and get some form of respect back from our development community.

    Sorry, but this is bad professional operations by all parties and we deserve better!
  • I'm not being a fan boy here as I'm just a pissed off a's anybody here. But I bet Thomas is in the same boat as the rest of us. Fanatec have been shafted more than anybody. We need to focus our attention on Sony. They are the ones calling the shots. We gave our money already to fanatec so all we have to do is not give anymore money to Sony. They are the ones who created this crap. They knew exactly what was going to happen and they are trying to bully people into buying wheels that they choose. As I said before the hardware will dictate the software purchase's. We already bought into fanatec, let's face it, it's the best out there. So let's just not buy any game that's stupid enough not to utilise the best set up. If you make a driving sim you want a great shifter a great wheel and pedal set,as much force feedback as possible, feedback in the pedals and a handbrake. Fanatec is the only option. Sony can't see that it's there loss. I've faith in project cars 2 and dirt 4 assetto corsa. Forza 7. I wanted gts to be up there with them games but clearly it's not. Just don't buy it...I won't. Until it's all fixed and by that time I'll have bought it used and Sony won't see a penny.
  • edited October 2017
    Actually you are right. So let's see whether the responsible people will take their responsibility.
    Whether its Polyphony, Sony and or Fanatec that's irrelevant here. They're all equally responsible when it comes to integrating a product into a gaming title and should have declared this a long time prior to us finding out for ourselves. 

      Even when or if GT is playable with a Fanatec wheel it doesn't excuse what's gone before and we should stand against it and get some form of respect back from our development community.

    Sorry, but this is bad professional operations by all parties and we deserve better!
  • I do believe Thomas will get this straightened out with sony to have GT Sport supported as the PS4 CSL Elite is officially licensed and hope sony would have to support it. As for others saying there's better options out there to the PS4 CSL Elite I disagree but it's my opinion. Owned a Fanatec GT2, CSR ,CSW V2 , Thrustmaster T500, T300 Logitech G25/27/29 Now a CSL Elite Ps4 version.  Glad to finally have a Fanatec Wheel officially licensed. Thanks Fanatec
  • edited October 2017

    "...and we are working hard with our engineers and partners with the aim of rectifying this for the games launch. We will continue to update you and appreciate your patience. "

    GT Sport Retail Version with 11GB Update 1.01, does not support the CSL Elite.
    So there are two days left till the official launch. Not just from timeline perspective it's getting more and more serious.
  • The launch is getting here and no words from Sony or Fanatec.
  • edited October 2017
    That seems to be the way how they value their customers.
  • I do believe Thomas will get this straightened out with sony to have GT Sport supported as the PS4 CSL Elite is officially licensed and hope sony would have to support it. As for others saying there's better options out there to the PS4 CSL Elite I disagree but it's my opinion. Owned a Fanatec GT2, CSR ,CSW V2 , Thrustmaster T500, T300 Logitech G25/27/29 Now a CSL Elite Ps4 version.  Glad to finally have a Fanatec Wheel officially licensed. Thanks Fanatec
    You're totally missing the point here. It's not about what people think of the product or comparing it to what else is on the market it could be any manufacture of wheel. The fact is we've all been under the impression from the developer and manufacturer that a title and a wheel would be fully integrated from launch due to the acquired license which is why the majority in this instance brought the product. Had they not of guaranteed a license I wouldn't have purchased a product.

    The issue many have in this forum is putting their personal views into what they're writing as a form of basis and structure instead of looking at it from the outside in and seeing what a fiasco this really is. It's not about who makes what or what consumers can purchase this is fundamentally about a company and organisation promising to fulfil something influencing peoples buying habits and not delivering them.

    As for then just having some mediocre "We're working on it" that doesn't help us nor our pockets. Companies don't need to worry they sell units establish there own brand a market share if you will but the people that suffer are the consumers and it's totally unacceptable. Fanatec shouldn't be defended nor exploited, but it should serve as an example to future projects that things like this are unprofessional especially when you consider if people hadn't downloaded the demo we'd all of been in the dark till launch.

    Simple really. 
  • edited October 2017
    ... Had they not of guaranteed a license I wouldn't have purchased a product.

    ...this is fundamentally about a company and organisation promising to fulfil something influencing peoples buying habits and not delivering them.

    Thanks Jonathan! That is exactly the point here!
  • I've just requested to return my PS4 elite wheel and pedal for a full refund. I have canceld my order for gt sport but my pro up for sale. fanatic fault is it mislead customers. I do blame Sony and polyphony for the whole situation therefore will no longer be loyal to them.
  • You can re
    The launch is getting here and no words from Sony or Fanatec.
    What exactly do you want to hear from us now?
  • You can re
    The launch is getting here and no words from Sony or Fanatec.
    What exactly do you want to hear from us now?
    The truth as to when we can expect the integration to happen and an explanation as to why we as the consumer were left in the dark till one week prior to launch. We was informed by yourself of updates following your discussions with Polyphony but nothing as yet. 

    Furthermore when you say what exactly do you want to hear? Implies that we're at fault for wanting to get answers and the truth on a situation that affects us all given we've paid for the products that Fanatec assured us would be fully functional from the outset not whenever it can be agreed.

    People including myself bought on false pretences believing this would be fully functional with GT Sport and other titles. The base has it's flaws and so do the clubsport rims that I've had attached (BMW GT2) it appears to be a level of naivety and the feeling that let's just get something to the console market.

    I have concerns Thomas I'm sorry to say. I hope your engineers and technology team put these things right and instances like this don't happen again because it's very bad publicity for Fanatec and poor professionalism and in this modern era being so new to the market isn't acceptable prior to the launch of one of the industries biggest title to leave the community in the dark till a weeks prior. 

  • edited October 2017

    What exactly do you want to hear from us now?

    Hi Thomas,
    seriously you are asking this question??? That makes me speechless. Actually I'm really perplexed now!
    But anyway here are those topics I would like to get some answers from you.

    1. What exactly went wrong in the past which led us to this mess finally?
    2. When can we expect the full support of the wheel in GT Sport?
    3. What is the progress so far?
    4. What is your own opinion about this situation?

  • You can re
    The launch is getting here and no words from Sony or Fanatec.
    What exactly do you want to hear from us now?
    Are you really asking this? A solution to use all the equipment that we bought to play GTSport.
  • I just bought CSL Elite and it will come to me by the end of the day today. I believe that wheel and pedals will be fully supported in the final release of the GTS as I have pre-ordered it already... If not - I have PC2 with AC and I will wait. There is no need to panic and I do not expect anything special from GTS as my T300 Alcantara was giving me very weird ffb and weird feeling of the car. The Real Driving Simulator ffs
  • You can re
    The launch is getting here and no words from Sony or Fanatec.
    What exactly do you want to hear from us now?
    What kind of response is this? Maybe you could provide us with a simple update as to where things are. Or omething on the response from Kaz/Sony. A simple “hey, I’m really sorry, but I still don’t know anything yet” would’ve been nice. You come across as copping an attitude with us like we’ve done something wrong.
  • edited October 2017
    Guys, do you really think that Thomas wouldn't post it on the forum if he had news and/or a date when this issue would be solved? I fully understand that you are all disappointed, but you're barking up the wrong tree here. Everything related to implementing Fanatec wheel support in GT Sport is in Sony/PD's hands, there is nothing the Fanatec can do or say to speed that up or even to have prevented the current situation.

    It's fine and understandable that you are disgrunteled about this, but blaming everyone and everything just because you have consumer rights is not going to help anything. Pushing aside facts is not how it works.

    Fanatec is working on this to get the situation solved, but they are at the mercy of Sony, they have no power. That is something you have to accept, and be patient until it gets solved.

  • edited October 2017

    Fanatec is working on this to get the situation solved, but they are at the mercy of Sony, they have no power. That is something you have to accept, and be patient until it gets solved.

    It's not just about solving the sutuation. I take this for granted!

    It's about giving us the full transparency about what went wrong here. And actually I don't care about Sony or PD as they never ever offered to me that their game will be compatible with the Fanatec wheel. But in fact it was Fanatec who offerd to us that their wheel will be supported by PD's game.

    When it comes to the CSL Elite vwheel Fanatec is my contractual prtner, not Sony or PD. That's a slight difference.

  • Fanatec is working on this to get the situation solved, but they are at the mercy of Sony, they have no power. That is something you have to accept, and be patient until it gets solved.

    It's not just about solving the sutuation. I take this for granted!

    It's about giving us the full transparency about what went wrong here. And actually I don't care about Sony or PD as they never ever offered to me that their game will be compatible with the Fanatec wheel. But in fact it was Fanatec who offerd to us that their wheel will be compatible to PD's game.

    When it comes to the CSL Elite vwheel Fanatec is my contractual prtner, not Sony or PD. That's a slight difference.
    Couldn't agree more! I'm just fed up of always repeating myself to people who don't see the reality of the situation and the purpose behind what we've said collectivly 
  • edited October 2017
    So now as we answered Thomas question 'What exactly do you want to hear from us now?' I would assume we can expect a reply from him soon.
  • Just wait a bit please. The game is not even out yet. We will make a more detailed statement on or before Wednesday. You might be surprised ;)
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