downgrade the firmaware

hello there i am not sure i ll manage to understand how works this place but anyway . i just bought some v3 pedals and kept my wheel base csl v1 then i upgraded this wheel base and i find myself with no setups acces in the wheel base , no way to use the xbox white buton as starter as i used to do ,and loads of setups like ;fei and others ffb ... now the wheel feel like shit and no way to fix it .is this normal how can i go back to my old wheel ?nopt able to find a driver to downloiad


  • Don't update drivers when things are working good. I'm sure you saw some features that looked nice, but at the very least wait to see driver reports from other users.

    451 is the last stable driver I had

    452, 453, and 454 have all be troublesome. I tried them because I upgraded to QR2 and Button Module Rally. 454 is ok, but not great.

    I don't know if there is an archive, but this link: Has all the drivers from the past in it. Just grab the ones from the Fanatec Dev post. First Post.

    Good Luck

  • Sounds like you just did not read the Info popup which the driver showed to you which had a 10 second timer to read carefully before proceeding.

    It would have explained to you that after the update the base restarts into the Standard Tuning Menu with limited settings and limited value ranges.

    It would have explained to you how to get back into the Advanced Tuning Menu with all the settings with full value ranges by pressing the Tuning Menu Button for 3 seconds while being in the Tuning Menu.

  • fouqinelle !!!mate you are god in person i never saw that windwo poping up but i guess i must be blind. fortunetly there are nice people with eyes ,like you ,on earth.I pressed that damn button for 3 seconds and eveything is back .this is such a stupid way to make people get rid of there hair .well thinking of it i am wondering if that did not alreay hapen to me before ...but memory goes away with age .thanks a lot again that will avoid to fanatec devices to go right to the tip.

  • Hello everyone,

    I installed the 457 driver because I had a joystick problem on my steering wheel. V 2.5x

    Unfortunately, I lost the Xbox mode and I use Xbox…

    I would like to go back to driver 455 but I saw a message that says you have to use the new feature Firmware Manager downgrade…

    I don't know where to find this program , and how to do it...

    Can someone help me please?

    tks a lot.

  • Yeah, same. Do it the old way, gets stuck in updating mode. cannot find that downgrade feature... 457 I lose inputs in corners. I'm fkd. Its been months and nobody answers this. Why didnt I buy a simucube.......

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