FanaLab 2.01.32 beta - Post your Feedback here

Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

How to report issues:

  • List which hardware, driver and firmware you are using
  • Cross check with other settings, games and wheels to see if it's a general issue or specific with to a game, wheel or setting.
  • Is it happening with just one game (which one) or all you tried.
  • Go into detail how we can reproduce the issue.
  • Post screenshots or videos if needed.
  • In case of a FanaLab crash, use the "Collect Logs" feature under "Settings" and upload them here.

Changelog (since 2.01.28)

  • Added Brightness slider to Steering Wheels with RGB LEDs.
  • Added new CarsList for iRacing (new: Dirt Micro Sprint - Winged, Dirt Micro Sprint - Non-Winged)
  • Added new CarsList for EA WRC (Game now sends CarId in telemetry)

Compatible Driver Version




  • Am I correct you also added the new Super Formula Lights to the iRacing Carlist?

  • Dan WDan W Member

    Are the Maurice' FanaLab Profiles - V2.01.28 compatible with this version of Fanalab?

  • Gökhan OgulGökhan Ogul Member
    edited April 26

    A question for the future.

    Would it be possible to simulate the fullforce effects (like about the driver FFB test menu) via data input from the game? Can you add a checkbox for "fullforce emulation" or "Fullforce Lite" and then use the car speed and track/motion data to generate the fullforce effects? This would be great for older games that don't support Fullforce, and another feature to buy the new CS DD. Fullforce would be supported by Fanalab with speed and output data from the game. That is better as nothing to have or no support. Just any idea.

    It would be great when this feature could be added to Fanalabs. I just tested F1 23 with driver FullForce test and it works great both at the same time (FFB from game and Fullforce from driver). So I think it should be possible with Fanalabs too.

  • That's something which is planned, yes.

  • Brightness! Yes! It will work for PBMEtoo, right?

  • edited April 26

    Yes, every RGB capable wheel is supported.

  • Awesome, thanks. I saw the change log for CSL DD and was like, meh. And then I got here😎

  • edited April 26

    I cannot enable the Display/Telemetry Data list and RevLEDs for the Clubsport Formula v2.5 within Fanalab version V2.01.21

    I am using Clubsport DD+ and driver version 457

    The led options are greyed out

    I wanted to add a screen shot But The forum gives me error code 403. File jpg

  • You are in the feedback thread of 2.01.32 but use 2.02.21.

    Please update and report back if your issue is fixed.

  • I wrote the wrong version I am using Fanalab Version V2.01.32 see link for screen shot

  • Which Firmware version is flashed on the Formula wheel?

  • edited April 26

    It is working now changed the usb port and that did the trick not sure why that fixed it tho

  • edited April 27

    I might be a little slow here...i cannot for the life of me find the updated profiles V2.01.28 to download anywhere??? Anyone point me in the right direction please? need SF Light for iracing...never mind found it.....

  • Chris WagnChris Wagn Member

    is the LMU support in this version or not ?

  • @Chris Wagn

    LMU has been supported for awhile now. Think it was version .26 or .28

  • I just updated fanalab and the Fanatec drivers for my CS DD. I always connected my CS DD and CSL DD before that via a powered USB hub without any issues. Now after the update the Fanatec control panel doesn't recognize the wheelbase anymore. When connected directly to any USB port it functions like it should. Is this a known issue or just a problem for me?

  • This is not a FanaLab issue at all.

    Please report in the driver thread.

    However, such things can happen when using a USB Hub. Therefore it is strongly recommended to NOT use any kind of extension cable or Hub but only a straight connection directly to the USB Port of the motherboard.

  • Koji HattaKoji Hatta Member

    I accidentally added it using Add Custom Game in Fanalab. I want to delete the wrong Custom Game, what should I do? The trash can does not become active when you hover over that game.

  • Hi, I had to install new drivers and Fanalab app. Since then revs on wheel don't mach game. As far as I understand telemetry is not in sync with ACC.

    Here are my versions of drivers, app and game settings.

  • To get LEDs synced with in game ones you have to find and set the exact correct RPM or % value. A generic setting will never sync for every car as every car uses a totally different RPM curve with different values.

  • Ok, but it worked before. In the meantime I tried v2.01.21 which I had till today now it does not work on either of those two. I had one profile which I used on many cars and LEDs were synced always.

    I noticed also that LED preview shows "Unavailable" beside Dynamic FFB Preview, Vibration preview etc. as you can see on screenshots.

    I was always able to see those.

  • I'm having problems making changes to profiles. If I:

    1) Load a profile

    2) Make a change in the Tuning Menu

    3) Save the profile

    The change I made in the Tuning Menu should be saved to the profile, right?

  • More specifically, my problem is related to the recommended profile settings, saving it as "New Profile", then making changes in the Tuning Menu, Then I save or overwrite "New Profile". If I then reload the "New Profile", the changes weren't saved.

    edited May 4


    If I save a profile using the default name "New Profile", the Tuning Menu preview window goes blank, which is not a good sign! If I using another name, such as "zzz" or "xxx", when I click save, the Tuning Menu preview does NOT go blank. If I then make change in the Tuning tab, the changes can be saved. So the issue is with the default "New Profile" name.

    Also, on a related question, if I create or/or load an "unbound" profile, then launch the game, will that profile be used? What is there is an existing "bound" profile for the car? Will it override and use the "bound profile"?

  • Does this version works with driver 455 and firmwares? There are many problems in 457 thread with the CS DD and I have no issues with 455 so I'm skipping the update for now, but would like to use the latest lab if it's possible.


  • Yes.

  • Thank you Maurice.

This discussion has been closed.