Fanatec Driver 456 (prev release candidate) for CSL, CS and Podium (all wheels)



  • edited February 2024

    Sorry, but this is albsolutely ridiculous! I used my CS DD with my F1 wheel with 455 and in AMS2 after some time the LEDs and display were lost but I was still able to play further. In other games I had no issues at all, i.e. LMU. Now I updated to 456 and get a totally new quality of LOSS: the wheel looses connection at all after a few minutes and sometimes it can be saved by tuning off the base and re-turn it on. This behaviour has been discussed here in detail and it is no exception hat this happens but rather the rule! Even downgrading to 455 does not solve the problem anymore (firmware dorngrade is not accessable: the firmware is up to date)!

    This means I have to wait until march or april until until able to play again. @Maurice, are you serious? This behaviour is not acceptable. I assume that first your delivery problems cause racing sim interesting people to turn away from this rubbish and now you destroy the last interest by telling the people they have to wait month until they can race again.

    The hardware and software are bundled in case of an RMA. So if you don't deliver software that works the complete hardware can be returned to you because it is not usable.

    I was no friend of the "i-will-by-somewhere-else" expressions of people being very dissappointed but now I'm in the same mood!. And please don't tell me tat the driver is not officially released yet! This never happened before in the last four years since I use FANATEC hardware!

    Please don't use words like "still under investigations and will (maybe or not) be resolved" anymore because this means for me: "leave me alone with your problems, not interested very much that your facing problems, you will get it some day." And in the menwhile loose all the rest of your sim racing enthusiams.

    I expect that you deliver at least a beta to enable us to play again and that you deliver something that is at least smoke testet with the main hardware you offer. At that we are able to revert back to a previous version. Else I am sure I will first loose my FANATEC fanboy status and then the last rest of sim racing interest :-( !!!

  • edited February 2024
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    Yes I am serious.

    What else should we do? We are sorry for the issue but we are intensively trying to get this fixed asap but we can also only work the best we can, we are no magicians who can fix something like this over night.

  • @Michael Kailer when you have installed the 455 driver you must manually downgrade the firmware. Open the Firmware Manager and check the box for manually downgrade/update. That works fine. I'm still on 456 because my F1 V2 Wheel problem and will wait until 457 or Hotfix.

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    I’d actually rather it be internally tested longer so that we get a true fix and we can move past this. But it is annoying that out of the box, there was such a big bug.

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    Then it is unpossible to race. 🤨

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    Totally agree with this. It is a real shame😡

  • I have just installed the 455 Driver and Downgrade manually only my CS DD Wheelbase Firmware back to without Downgrade the WQR. I'm now use 455 Base Driver and 456 WQR Driver and my F1 V2 Wheel will recognized alltimes. Seems it was an WQR Firmware problem ( before. I'll test now with some games for freezes.

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    Thank you very much, didn't know that and it worked!!! In this case it is okay for me to be able to roll back to a working version.

  • Gökhan OgulGökhan Ogul Member
    edited February 2024

    I'm glad if I could help you. I'm currently using a hybrid driver with a mix of 455 (Only Base Firmware & PC Driver) and 456 (only WQR Firmware When it happens again then we know what caused it, base firmware or wqr firmware. So may be I can help fanatec help to find the bug. With driver 456 the bug happened very often, with driver 455 it was better but still present. I'll test it!

  • Is downgrading the firmware officially supported by Fanatec? I know you can do it, but if there is an issue, are you covered?

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    I had disconnections on the 256 but changed back to the 255 and I’ve had no disconnections so far though I have a bug now where the traction control which is mapped to the funky switch will increase on its own , I’m using the new gt extreme wheel but when I change to my McLaren V2 it doesn’t

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    Which Steering Wheel Firmware is flashed on the GT X?

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    Did you downgrade all parts? The base, WQR and the wheel or did you only do some?

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    I downgraded all parts , hope that helps

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    Hi Maurice I will check In the morning , I read another post where you mentioned there being an issue with ghost inputs on those secondary shifters which affect the traction , I’ve seen that also where it started to effect the CBP too , is that where the issue is then with that particular function on the extreme ?

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    Correct. You said you downgraded all parts, so also the wheel Firmware, which would explain that you now have that issue again as that was only fixed with Firmware included in 456.

  • Gökhan OgulGökhan Ogul Member
    edited February 2024

    @Maurice Böschen

    Yesterday, I have played over 3 hours without freezing the wheel with my hybrid driver setup. (455 Base Firmware & PC Driver, 456 WQR Firmware

    Currently it works perfectly for me!! iRacing, ACC, PC2 and finished all races . I think you have to seek the bug in the base Firmware from Driver 456, not the WQR! The WQR Firmware works great!

    For me, it works perfectly now. I will continue testing today and give my feedback again to be 100% sure that everything is ok.

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    So the driver what you use is 455, base firmware is and the wheel is 47 and the wqr is the new version. Then should it be oké? Did you test it?

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    If you have Xbox series X, can you test if the steering wheel vibrates in the Forza Motorsport menus with the default base settings and the default game settings?

    Thank you so much

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    So by that logic I’m best to keep wheelbase on the 455 so I don’t get the disconnects and update wheel to the to fix the ghost inputs would that also apply to the WQR firmware update ?

    cheers for your input Maurice

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    This worked for me ,

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    Yes, something can be done.  Release ASAP a new version increasing the firmware version with the rollback of the changes, so people can upgrade and go back to the previous situation without losing ffb. What you can't do is force people to update the base with an older firmware, because it can create a bigger problem.

    And this is from someone who works in software quality 😆

  • In my case I downgrade the driver from 456 to 455 and the firmware of the base/qr to the 455 version and the base come back to work great. With the new driver/firmware the wheel freeze after 5/10 min play. Today I hope to test more long...

  • After 4 days of test (driver 456, CS DD), i had no problem if i use a steering wheel without Led and display (and without Fanalab). But if i use for exemple the formula V2.5 with led and display : i had ffb lost. If i use the formula V2.5 without Led and display (on AMS 2 for exemple) it's OK.....

    The WQR seems to be saturated when it has to give ffb + led/display....

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    How you can Dissble the led en display so I can test it. I use VR headset

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    You have to close firstly Fanalab, and try a game without led/display (like AMS 2). if you try with F1 23, you can't dissble led/display (because led and display are native in the game).

  • For the people who downgraded the base to 455, did you downgrade the dd extreme wheel as well? I understand you kept the WQR at the new firmware level but what about the wheel? I’m kind of afraid of selectively downgrading components. I’d really rather wait for the full fix but I’d like to know just in case I get fed up with it. I’m not sure fanatic will support me if I downgrade and have an issue. I don’t think I’ve ever downgraded the firmware of any product ever.

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    What wheel are you using? And did you download the wheel firmware to the one in driver 455.

  • with 455 the bug is not fixed, but it happens not often, so I can finish more races and can wait for 457 driver. But I have a theory how you can forced the bug. Three times, before it happens, my wheelbase was powered on before and was in idle without any aktivity. When you let your wheelbase for ~1 hours in idle and then starting a game, then the bug will occur to 99%. Maybe can someone confirm that.

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