No order confirmation or anything

I ordered a set of V3 Pedals on Monday (29.7.19) and I still haven´t heard anything from Fanatec as of today. No E-Mail confirming my order or anything. I tried calling about 5 times now on the times that the hotline should be open but no one answered. I also sent an E-Mail to support but didn´t get a response. I really don´t know what to do now.
I just ordered the CSL Elite around 1030 PM Eastern time and my account definitely had 516.15 taken out of it. I have the reciept on my PayPal account but Fanatec hasn't sent me a confirmation of the order and it does not show up on my account under "orders" I emailed Fanatec support as well as the email address that paypal has on file for them. I just checked my email because I made an order for the Csl elite pedals on the 21st of January but Fanatec didnt send me a confirmation until the next day sometime in the afternoon. So maybe its because it takes them a day or so sometimes to recieve the payment. I hope that's the case.
My money was withdrawn from my accounts but the order did not take shape. Please tell me what to do.???