Advanced Podium Module

Just got my APM and installed it on my F1 2018 wheel. The shifter and
clutch paddles work just fine but the two top paddles are not recognized
as buttons or axis at all. Anyone else experiencing this?
Wheel Base Model CSW 2.5
Steering Wheel Model F1 2018
Driver Version: v335
Base FW Version: v639
Wheel FW Version: v27
Will try beta drivers when i am at my PC.
just ordered today the Podium Advanced Paddle Module and I hope it will work perfect on my F1 208 LE rim and my CSW 2.5 Base. Just would like to know which driver version I have to install, currently I'm running the latest official released Drivers 64Bit V334.
I would like to know also, which buttons (numbers) are mapped to the additional paddles and axis and how the mapping is looking. I guess that I will receive the module on friday this week, meanwhile and in advance I would like to configure my future button assignment for several sims I'm driving.
For the rim there is the detailed button mapping available in the manual, not so for the paddle module and haven't found anything related on that. by example, button no. 5 & 6 are mapped for Shifting up/down on the F1 2018.
That's why it would be great to get these information in advance.
You need at least driver 336 to get the APM recognized by the Base, better is driver 347.
Hi Maurice
thanks for your quick reply. 3.36 or versions above are still betas, no problem to install? What is the best mapping for sims like PC2, F1 2019 and R3E together with the F1 2018 LE rim and CSW 2.5 base?
Could you mention me the technical mappings, like button no 6 is assigned to the default left shifting paddle, 6 for the right by example. I guess the bottom paddles are 2 new axis which will be available then, but which button numbers have the shifting and the 2 top paddles on the module?
Would be great to hear from you again and many thanks for your kind support.