Advent Calendar - UPDATE



  • The final day! I wish all of you good luck. Thank you for participating and have a great evening with your family and friends.
  • Thanks a lot for this great Event. Sadly i had no luck, 2 times i was 3rd or 4th in the list, only 1Euro difference  , but thats life.

    The todays Auction did not start ? Now we have 18.29 next to Aachen :/
  • 19:00 o'clock here, auction didn't start yet?
  • Die Auktion hat noch nicht begonnen? Ich dachte ich hätte eine Chance ;(
  • Ja, komisch :/
  • Great... Great... Come on Fanatec ! Give 20% for the real interested buyers... I wait to offer a bundle for my christmas...
  • haha I submitted my bid at €99. You never know. The final price of this complete bundle is still a bargain but above my budget.

    Thanks for daily auction! Was some good fun and also made me laugh at certain times. Looking already forward to next years version. And in the meantime happy holidays, happy simracing and counting down for my preordered McLaren steering wheel over the next two months
  • edited December 2017
    Congrats to the winner of this great mega simrace package.

    I tried but lost :(

    Thomas Awesome event, I have bid everyday with great excitement, I didn't win but had great fun nonetheless
    I have ordered (and received within 2 days) CSW v2.5 , bmw rim and formula rim, the old fashion way :)

    Thanks for giving us this opportunity, really loved it, hopefully next year again.
  • Sorry, but this Page is so slow thats more than ridiculous in 2017!!!! And today the Auction did not Start until now? I am very upset that i didnt have a Chance
  • ??? Hat doch immer noch nicht begonnen.. oder doch?
  • Actually for me it still shows that the auction has not yet started
  • Bei mir hat sie auch noch nicht begonnen... Wirklich schade....
  • @ Daniel Hochstetter
    Scheint so als ob´s schon vorbei wäre, Schau mal den Post von Sylvester Sleeman.

    BTW: Zeigt noch immer an "Auktion nicht begonnen"
  • Wer morgen gewinnt, ist Glückspilz auf dem Planeten: Smiley:

    Heiß verdammt!
    Das ist super heiß: Smiley:

    Ja. Hätte nichts dagegen, diesen zu gewinnen! Was ist der Gesamtpreis dieses Systems?
  • Strange, with me the auction has not started !!!!!! Or DOCH ????
  • The Auction has not started , whats happen with this system??? 
    Thomas i think you dont know what you do sorry. This auction system is for nothing.
    The auction is not started is on my screen.
  • Ich hatte es auch die ganze Zeit lang versucht, aber die Website hat immer angezeigt: "Auktion hat noch nicht begonnen" :-w
  • Same here. Unfortunately I still get the message that the auction has not started yet.
  • Hier steht noch immer, dass die Auktion nicht gestartet ist ...
  • Same here Auction has not started yet :((
  • Ja, bei mir steht auch noch "nicht gestartet". Aber in der Adventskalender-Übersicht sieht man die beendete Auktion. 
    Schade, hätte gern mein Glück versucht ;)

  • Stefan MenzelStefan Menzel Member
    edited December 2017
    Bei mir steht nach wie vor "Die Auktion hat noch nicht begonnen". Wenn die nun schon gelaufen ist, ist das extrem Ärgerlich und ich hätte mir das Gemecker meiner Frau, warum ich zur Bescherungszeit ständig an den PC renne auch sparen können. :-(
    Smells fishy.
  • edited December 2017
    Tja leider bei mir leider auch... noch nicht begonnen aber unten schon abgelaufen. Schade aber trotzdem Glückwunsch an den Gewinner. Ich hatte ja auch ein mal Glück Danke an Fanatec und allen ein frohes Fest weiterhin
  • Had to Google translate several comments (I thought this was an English only forum...)...I watched this last EU auction from start to finish. It started right on time as advertised: 6PM CET or 12PM East Coast USA time and I live closer to north america (or about 6 time zones/7,000+ km away from Germany) fact I refreshed the page at least 3 times and got on...and I have crappy internet (6 Mbit max speed). Yes, there was one or two times I didn't get in, but eventually I would get on, and for at least 45 mins straight I was consistently getting updates. So, if you didn't get on for over an entire hour to bid and somehow I could watch it all the way over here, it's not Fanatec's fault. CONGRATS to the winner!!
  • Thus, It loox I'm really unlucky guy =D
    I'd prefer random flash discounts for a little short time of few hours with some kind of limits or something...
  • Thank you so much Fanatec team for give me the opportunity to thrill this new experience. I went close a few times on bidding.
  • edited December 2017
    Merry Christmas to all!!!

    Congrats to the lucky winner of tonight's auction =D>
  • (Part2) Merry Christmas to all of you and happy new year..
  • Hi,

    congratulations to the guy who won this incredible christmas-bundle.
    My website showed "auction has not yet started" the whole time unfortunately, but anyways this christmas calender was a fantastic idea.

    What about having a special offer now or then during the year? ;)

    Merry Christmas everyone!
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