DD2 macht was sie Will
Sherif Sybertz
von Fanatec bekomme ich leider keine Antwort, da ich hier Antworten Lese hoffe auch eine zu erhalten
Wie sende ich meine Base zu euch, damit sie repariert oder ersetzt wird sie ist gerade ein Jahr alt auf alle
Kontakt Versuche bisher keine Reaktion
Hi there, each case needs to go through a process with our tech support team. If you haven’t already done so, please reach out to our Support Team by logging into your account and clicking on the support button next to your products. Go to "My Account" > "My Products", where you can select the product(s) in question and open a ticket by clicking the "Support" button (if the support ticket is greyed out, make sure to add the product's serial number by clicking on "Add serial number/invoice"). The team then generates an RMA for your product.
We’d like to apologise for the delays, but our support team will be happy to assist you. Your Fanatec Team