DD2 Max torque output 2.5nm

Hello guy, I haven's use my wheel for a couple of months. Now I decided to hope back in Sim racing but I noticed that in Fanatec Control Panel it says that my max torque output is 2.5nm, as it says in title.

Not sure when exactly did this happened, all I did is update PC driver, not sure what did it said before update and I don't know witch driver was installed before.

I tried unplugging the base from power supply, restarting PC, changed ubs ports, reconnect torque key, swap to my other Formula V2 wheel and tried changing FFB, FOR and some other settings witch doesn't seem to change this value, only FFS can drop it to like 1.5Nm.

Any ideas?

- Podium DD2 with torque key

- Universal Hub V1

- Formula wheel V2

- Club Sport V3

- Shifter SQ V1.5

- Handbrake V1.5

You can see Max torque output below with different settings:

Everything low

Everything low + linear

Everything High


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