Formula v2.5 Rev lights.

I just got the 2.5 couple days ago and I can't get the rpm lights to flash. They work,they will climb up as rpms go up then just stay static until next gear shift. Won't flash on downshifts either. I did everything i can(I think) on fanalab. It still won't flash. Everything is enabled and seems ok to me. Base,wheel and fanalab are fully up to date(as of October 12th 2024) any help would be greatly appreciated..... I know it's not the video but basically looks like that.


  • edited October 13

    On Reddit you say you play on PS5. Changes made in FanaLab do not transfer to console as FanaLab needs to be running in the background to sent the game Telemetry to the wheel which is not possible on console. Nothing you can do, you are bound to how each game developer implement the LEDs.

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