FanaLab 2.01.54 Release - Post your Feedback here



  • Nathan WongNathan Wong Member
    edited November 2024

    I just purchased the BMW M4 GT3 wheel and I configured the lights and when I start Fanalab 3 lights don't come on. It happens all the time. I set the constant brightness on those LEDs to stay on. Fanalab v2.01.54 is being used. I also set them for both constant light and rev lights. It works relatively well in use once all the lights are working. In order to get the three lights to come back on is to go into LED menu and choose one of the buttons. When I turn Rev off then back on the lights come on.

    Also, the button lights don't always correspond to the color they should be. For example, sometimes choosing yellow gives me a different color or white gives something different. The color is hit or miss.

  • edited November 2024
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    That's a known Firmware issue of the CS DD. The CS DD at this point unfortunately still has massive issues with any kind of Button LED function. Issue is on the list to be fixed at some point in the future.

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    Thank you. I hope it'll be sooner rather than later.

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    To be fair, it is unlikely that the issue is going to be fixed "soon" as no work has been done on this issue yet even though I raised the issue several times Already as it's one of my Main reasons why I still did not replaced by DD2 with a CS DD+.

    It definitely wont be this year, that's for sure.

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    sorry im not very technical

    it freezes and just puts a ! in the loaded game icon

    v201.54 462

    csl dd mclaren and wrc wheel

    tried all ways and does same

    they open game via steam

    when i open the game and its running the profiles auto select the cars i pick

    6 already done

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    Check in Fanalab -> Settings -> Log Settings -> Filters menu, are any of the options ticked, I ask because if a good majority of them are, Fanalab can lockup or completely crash at sort of a random time frame (due to excessive CPU and Memory Usage) when it gets so bad windows task management will remove Fanalab from memory.

    As Fanalab is working ok with auto car selection in general but locking up.

    Non Technical solution: Try un-istalling Fanalab, reboot, Re-install Fanalab (Windows Update may have caused issue).

    Technical Solution:

    1) I would be looking at Windows Event manager -> Applications and Right mouse click on Applications and chose "Filter Current Log" -> Filter to look for "error and critical warnings" relating to Applications (with Fanalab.exe or .Net runtime in fault report) to ascertain where the issue might actually be and post those errors on forum.

    2) Would turn on most logging options in Fanalab -> Settings -> Log Settings -> Filters menu and run a few games that will cause your issue to happen, once you finish testing turn off all of the Logging setting and post the "c:\Users\Public\FanaLab Logs\FLControl.log" on forum for hopefully better help.

    3) Monitor CPU and Memory use with Windows Task Manager -> Processes -> Fanalab.exe (CPU = Usually 1-2%, Memory = 230-280MB, Power Usage = Very low) any much higher values than these indicate that you have a lot of Fanalab logging turned on or your monitoring the live telemetry or if showing "Not Responding" issues most likely elsewhere.

  • Nathan WongNathan Wong Member
    edited November 2024

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    OMG, that's so sad to hear. Why is it that I always pick hardware that's incompatible with things I need or want to use. There's this wheel and the funky LEDs where they work sometimes, but not always, like the flag colors or rev lights. Before it was my NVidia 3090ti that wasn't really compatible with the HP Reverb G2 VR headset and required a powered DP port box. Sigh.

    Hopefully Corsair forces them to fix this issue when they integrate everything into one program.

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    The fix has absolutely nothing to do with the new All-in-One Software as it is a firmware issue which is completely independent from the driver and Fanalab part of the Software.

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    Ehy Mauri,

    thanks for the LMU profiles. With CS DD (12Nm) did I must edit something on profiles or are 100% compatible?

  • edited November 2024
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    Fanatec Wheel LED.jpg
    2.72 MB
    This is an embed external element. It can be deleted using the delete key or the backspace key. To view the full element, press the preview button below.
    Fanatec Wheel LED2.jpg
    1.96 MB

    It's really strange but when I press the throttle the LEDs on the steering wheel don't match the car. They are always overridden by the normal LEDs. The LEDs build up from the outside to the inside (green,yellow,red) and then they keep getting overtuned by the normal ones (yellow,red,blue) running from left to right and it switches back and forth all the time. So I don't have a working LED display via FanaLab...

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    That's not strange at all. You simply did not clicked the two green buttons in the game profile Tab in Fanalab to Enable Telemetry and Enable Fanalab support to disable native game support so the native LEDs now interfere with the FanaLab LEDs.

  • I would say I have activated it but I will test it and let you know if it worked

  • Hello, I often have the problem in LMU that I have no (or almost no) FFB when the race starts. But everything is good in training and qualifying :( it's strange. Is it LMU or Fanatec? I have a Fanatec DD1 wheelbase (PS4). Thanks for help.

    im using maurice' great profiles with fanalab

  • edited November 2024
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    I'm using Maurice's profiles too. No problem for me. I'm using CS DD.

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    hi its just not switching between games automatically not car profiles they work fine

  • MadDog-ICMadDog-IC Member
    edited November 2024
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    Technical Solution:

    1) Would turn on some logging options in Fanalab -> Settings -> Log Settings -> Filters menu as shown below, run a couple of games to capture data that could be useful to diagnose issue, once you finish testing turn off all of the Logging setting and post the "c:\Users\Public\FanaLab Logs\FLControl.log" file on forum for hopefully better help, can't help if I can't see what is happening within the program.

    2) My attached Flcontrol file will show you an example of the Fanalab info that would show that steam games are detected, setup correctly and auto detection is working or not, the Example is done with the original Assetto Corsa game as a test, jump into a car on track and drive for a little bit, quit and load new game and repeat.

    3) Monitor CPU and Memory use with Windows Task Manager -> Processes -> Fanalab.exe (CPU = Usually 1-2%, Memory = 230-280MB, Power Usage = Very low) any much higher values than these indicate that you have a lot of Fanalab logging turned on or your monitoring the live telemetry or if showing "Not Responding" issues most likely elsewhere.

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    FLControl_Autodetect game.log
    40.41 KB

  • NutPodSan68NutPodSan68 Member
    edited November 2024


  • Missing NDP, NFR, NIN, & INT settings.

    It's been several months since I've fiddled with sim racing and am wondering if I missed something along the way. I'm running the Clubsport DD+. Just updated Fanalab to 2.01.54 and the PC driver to 462. Wheelbase, wheel, and QR firmware are all up to date.

    In Fanalab's tuning menu I see all tuning options as normal. But when going direct into the tuning menu on the wheel the NDP,NFR,NIN, and INT settings are all missing. Where these removed for some reason? I've tried two different wheels with the same result.

    Curious if anyone else experienced this. Thanks!

  • edited November 2024
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    When things are missing in the Tuning Menu of the wheel then it cant be a FanaLab issue....

    Restart the base is the trick here. The missing settings in the wheel Tuning Menu are a known issue after a WQR update which you say you just recently did. The settings come back after you restarted the base.

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    Thank you Maurice. That was exactly it. I powered off and then back on my wheel base and all was back to normal. Thank you! I should have tried that before posting.

  • @Maurice Boschen or anyone else that has in-site to Fanalabs workings.

    Could you please explain to me why "Project Cars 1 and 2" never got the CDALP auto selection of the correct car profile in Fanalab when changing cars in game, the telemetry seems to pass the Car Name amongst other things.

    Is this because of the following, what would be required from the games to have CDALP working:

    1) These games use "Shared Memory" mode ?

    2) UDP is sent in a wide broadcast mode and not to a specific Port, ie Fanalab's 20888 ?

    3) Not enough correct telemetry data or sent in an incompatible format ?

    4) Other reasons.

  • edited November 2024
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    Simply because the games are too old.

    Implementing CDALP for a game is a massive Task and takes several hours for the Dev which we cant justify for a game which is EOL and almost nobody is playing.

  • Fair enough, shame though, thanks for the reply.

  • My leds are not working on my BMW wheel. I have a cb dd base but i cant get my leds to work on iracing. i set the limits in fanalab but its not working still

  • I cant even download the file:

    is it broken or is it available at specific time?

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    Working fine. What happens when you click on it?

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    If you're speaking of the BMW in the image at the top of this page, it's thoroughly covered why.

  • Hey Maurice, is it possible that some LMP2 liveries are not yet tied to the profile? (LMU)

    for example:

    2023 season: LMP2 Car #9 Livery: WEC #1

    the normal WEC paintwork on car #9 works fine...


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    Jup indeed, some 2023er liveries are missing.

    They will be added to the CarsList and my ProfileCarsList in the next Lab release.

This discussion has been closed.