Podium Wheel DD1 high torque suddenly unplayable?

Hi all
I have the Podium Wheel DD1 and the blue F1 Steering wheel since a year and i always played with high torque F1 with the recommended Settings in the forum.
Yesterday i set up a new PC and then i adjusted the Profile on FanaLab. I checked everything also on the wheel, so that the profile matches with the recommended settings in the forum.
However, since then, if i enable high torque, the steering wheel is almost unsteerable, as it is sooo hard to steer. If i enable LowTorque it's close to what i had prior.
But i always played with high torque and the recommended settings. Did something change within the last weeks?
Thank you very much and kind regards
LowTorque i think acts like csl dd , high torque been always different at me in dd2 base
Define the High torque value you are actually using 8nm or higher I assume, also assume a F1 based game.
I always have high torque mode enabled on My Podium DD1 and with blue F1 Wheel I only run it in Fanalab / Tuning at 50% strength in linear mode (7.5nm) as Peak mode for the same setting is far to strong for me at (10nm).
I very rarely use recommends for any game as a lot of them use PEAK mode and this is just not needed for most people and feels unnatural to me (Way to stiff), however your mileage may vary. I also don't use NDP=50 which can make the wheel very heavy and sluggish losing FFB details.
Some times the NFR=10 settings causes the WB motor to feel gritty and broken so have to run with out it sometimes, it a known bug in Fanatec drivers.
My General WB settings for most racing games that I play, not including F1 20xx variants as I don't own any.
FFB = 50
Most racing games internal setting I use 50 - 60 Gain / Self centering force.