What is up with this company? I think they’re close to insolvency.

I ordered a new Extreme wheel with pedals, and in my excitement about my purchase I viewed this forum and its threads regarding customer support. A couple hours later, I cancelled my order. That was a month ago . Nearly $2k, and Fanatec would NOT refund my money, would NOT confirm my cancelation, would NOT respond, and that was June 5th.

I contacted PayPal and they reached out to Fanatec a week ago. They indicated Fanatec was non-responsive to them as well and refunded my purchase today. This is scary folks! This company has MAJOR cash flow issues. I’d bet they’re insolvent in the next couple months.


  • There is a lot of news out there about Fanatec's fiscal situation. There is currently a bit of a war going on about who will end up owning them. But Someone is going to win and that means they'll be around for a while.

    The bad news for us right now is that all of that has amplified some of our access to a lot of things. But the good news is that if you are an owner, it looks like they will be around one way or another. And hopefully when this is situation, our issues will be resolved eventually?

    But Support in every aspect is a mess right now. Contacting them, Updated Drivers, Full Force Support, and everything else have been very very slow since that situation went public.

  • That’s a pretty optimistic view of their future. So happy I went with the Logitech G Pro. Love it!

  • Support has gone very quiet at the moment. They were in contact but now nothing. They have the defective wheelbase but I still have the remainder of the order for a refund. Not sure if that refund will ever happen. They've probably all left. LOL.

    Someone will probably buy the IP but the Fanatec brand name has too bad a reputation for any company to want to use.

    The IP will be just absorbed by the buying business.

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