I will never ever order from this company again

I wil never ever order somthing from this company again 6 months and counting no communication. take my money and wipe your ass with it.


  • Zeke NormarkZeke Normark Member
    edited July 10

    I read somewhere if you are in EU, you can use https://commission.europa.eu/index_en and ask questiion (search) for bought online, didn'nt recieve my order. They have 30 days to send you the stuff you ordered, after that you have the right to get back your money, and with interest. They need to reimburse you with the same amount you would get on your bankaccount if you just had let your money lay on your bankaccount.I think 1.5% or something is the median the used as an example.

    I'm no expert but check that link and it will help you, it's kind of automated if you ask the right questions. Handy.

    But if I was you I wouldn't have waited for 6 months to begin with! Max 2 and then I would simply go to the police, tell them what is not happening and made a fraud charge. Taking someones money, usually ALOT for these things , and not delivering.. that is the pure definition of fraud if they don't update what's going on with your order. (shit can happen- but they must communicate).

    Question: Why didn't you contact paypal. creditcard company or whatever you used and claimed you money back? You can still do that you know?!

  • Thanx for the info m8

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