Podium Button Module Rally - Incorrect Button Mapping

Gareth EvansGareth Evans Member
edited June 23 in Fanatec Other

Looking for a bit of advice, can anyone help?

Not the usual XB compatibility question - Yes as always, an update on the release would be nice, but not expected and not the reason for this post.

My kit - DD+, Universal Hub V2 for Xb, PAPM, PBMR, Handbrake, V1.5 Shifter, V2 Pedals. All completely upto date on Driver 457. Connected to Xbox Series X.

The buttons on the Podium Button Module Rally do not line up with the manual. My buttons are as follows:

Manual No = Xb Input. 3=Xb hub, 5=Y, 6=B, 7=A, 10=Menu, 11=X, Missing View Button completely.

Does anyone have any ideas? Xb doesn't allow for remapping/additional mapping. Fanalabs doesn't transfer to xb, as far as I'm aware anyway so I haven't even opened or tried anything with it.

I'm at a loss, don't know what to try next to resolve. Anyone come across this before and have any advice/ideas for me to try?


  • Gareth EvansGareth Evans Member
    edited June 23

    Tried to add picture of manual but getting:

    Request failed with status code 403

  • Don’t have the PBMR or XB but the PBME w DD+ has similiar issues for PS. Two buttons send both signals and the joy stick axis are reversed. Problem is in the base FW for DD+ all versions so far so wouldn’t shock to find they had similar issues for the PBMR. A fix is somewhere in the future.

    You should check the FW release discussions to see if others have mentioned it if not the log it there

  • Cheers for the reply Neil, yes the issues sound very similar, DD+ with a console and a PBM

    Thank you, yes, I'll start the deciphering of the fw thread, but with an idea of what to look out for.

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