What the hell is Bootloader mode?

I have a DD+ that was working for a total of 3 weeks before it stopped turning on. In the troubleshooting section it says to connect the wheelbase to bootloader mode on your pc, but I have no idea what the hell that is or how to get on it. Google and youtube doesn't really help because I don't have the computer literacy necessary to understand what they're going on about.

It's been a week of silence since I've emailed Fanatec and I'm getting desperate.


  • I am also looking for the answer to this question. Seems like it doesn't apply to every wheelbase. It's been more than a week for me.

  • Hello, there isnt a manual for the DD+ online that I could find. I did find some information regarding bootloader mode for a different manual though which i'll include below...

    "To initiate the firmware update the Podium Wheel Base DD1 first has to be connected to the PC by USB cable and then it has to be switched to Bootloader mode. You can switch to Bootloader mode in two different ways:

    • by PC driver, on page ‘Update’ press the button Update Podium Base Firmware when the Podium Wheel Base DD1 is switched ON, see previous chapter ‘PC driver’

    • by pressing the ON/OFF button “ ” on the back plate of the Podium Wheel Base DD1 for about 8 seconds when the Podium Wheel Base DD1 is switched OFF.

    When the Bootloader mode is active the LED of the ON/OFF button “ ” will be flashing."

    Again I know that doesn't probably help too much as it's for a different wheelbase, if you still have your manual I would suggest looking there in the firmware update section.

    I did also see someone suggest the following in a different thread...

    "Disconnect the power line from the back of the base...wait about 15 seconds...plug it back in....now hold the power button for about 15 seconds."

    The light should flash blue to indicate you are in bootloader mode I believe. Hope this helps some, again probably best to consult the manual first if on hand.

  • chris Evanschris Evans Member
    edited May 2024

    If your DD+ isn't powering on at all it's probably time to try (good luck) to contact technical support

    EDIT: Sorry just seen you say you've already emailed them

  • Hi guys, I recently sent an email to Fanatec support because my CSL GT DD PRO had an issue starting the wheel base. They wrote me this: "In case there are no visible hardware issue, try to start the wheel base in its bootloader mode.

    To enter the bootloader mode, press and hold the power button for 8 seconds while the wheel base is connected via USB to a Windows PC with the Fanatec driver installed.

    The Firmware Updater will then show up on the screen, and the update can be performed. When this is done, try and power on the wheel base once again."

    Following these instructions I was able to fix the issue in my case.

  • I've tried this in multiple PCs and I get nothing

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