Did anyone read the recent news about endor ag ?If Not do and U wont wonder anymore about noreply..

Jus watch the recent news on yt...very concerning but sadly what i thought what wld Happen...


  • edited May 3

    Dont just watch and trust videos from some YouTubers who think they know everything - they dont. If you want the full picture, you should read ad-hoc news, press releases and especially economy forums. Only this can give anyone the full picture of what is going on - and even that is maybe not even fully full as a lot is going on behind closed doors which dont get communicated at all.

    Some videos are accurate and objective, yes, some, especially from one YouTuber, are just clickbaity to get views...

    The response times of over 3 weeks atm has not much to do with the current situation from the Endor AG - its because the support is massively overloaded with thousands of mails which just takes time to work through.

  • Sander DSander D Member

    The stock crashed 46% today. Earnings are coming up and investors don't want to be bag holders.

  • That's not true.

    The share price dropped 12.5% yesterday (Friday).

    Today it cant drop as it's weekend.

  • Not sure if that's a question you want to answer publicly, but are the majority of Fanatec employees on Thomas' side?

  • tiime to buy shares

  • Wasnt talking about some random influencer...starug is the Word...and still Same Problems since month i meant if u cant provide proper customer Service u in trouble right nowadays and fanatec is worst i ever exerpierenced ...Gotta say i got my wheel 2weeks after i claimed my Money Back from my Credit Card Happy since...but worry about customer Service in case i need it and signs Not looking good and keep getting worse...

  • With the Corsair tackover Fanatec as we know it is done. Corsair has already announced the showing of their new racing sim offerings for June. They will aquire the tech and customer base, develope their line of hardware in US and manufacture in Taoyuan City, Taiwan.

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