Polyphony Digital sad that the second round of the Gran Turismo world series 2024 in august will be with the fanatec cs dd+ , from now on. The next big GT7 update will come in 25 this mount and i have read will have improved FFB . And i am just thinking but if there is still disconection problems they will not star using DD+ , so maybe the next fanatec update 458 could be in the end of the mount ot in very near future
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Polyphony Digital sad that the second round of the Gran Turismo world series 2024 in august will be with the fanatec cs dd+ , from now on. The next big GT7 update will come in 25 this mount and i have read will have improved FFB . And i am just thinking but if there is still disconection problems they will not star using DD+ , so maybe the next fanatec update 458 could be in the end of the mount ot in very near future
Would be a disaster if they used the new equipment and there was a disconnect during the tournament.
You know how it goes. Some companies don't want to know anything about these things, the problems are always thrown onto others. The best example of this is Forza Motorsport 23. The developers don't say a word about the problems, the Forza Motorsport community is basically beta testers for Turn 10.
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You know how it goes. Some companies don't want to know anything about these things, the problems are always thrown onto others. The best example of this is Forza Motorsport 23. The developers don't say a word about the problems, the Forza Motorsport community is basically beta testers for Turn 10.
"Some companies don't want to know anything about these things, the problems are always thrown onto others..."
"Same goes for Fanatec......"
I don't think it's a fair comparison. Fanatec aren't turning a blind eye to these disconnect problems or trying to blame anyone else for them. They're actively trying to fix them, and are fixing them, and trying to find out why they happened in the first place.
The ad in GTWS event in Montreal last weekend was laughable and there were actually audiences posing thumbs down on live.
In the ad, the DD Extreme was described as GT's flagship racing wheel. The RGB LED lights around the sticks works, the OLED display of the GTX wheel shows detailed telemetry data, the Full Force was also clearly mentioned. All above are not supported now when playing GT7.
It's a GT7 tournament so the promotion is definitely for GT7, not PC. From the promotional perspective, if the wheel won't be the same as what it's promoted in Montreal, wouldn't it be considered as out-right false advertising? Or if GT7 goes to PC then I think it's fine...
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"Some companies don't want to know anything about these things, the problems are always thrown onto others..."
"Same goes for Fanatec......"
I don't think it's a fair comparison. Fanatec aren't turning a blind eye to these disconnect problems or trying to blame anyone else for them. They're actively trying to fix them, and are fixing them, and trying to find out why they happened in the first place.
Yeah it's not fair. I often contact Marcel about the issues I had and he always responds with patience and I really appreciate that. What I was trying to say is that the base itself is not usable for a lot of us and the fix is coming slow, the QC and the process to cross out the root cause were all around the place and we essentially turn out to be testers.
Maybe it's the hardware supply chain's fault, maybe it's other's, who knows.
My replacement wheel and the firmwares I used before are working great so that good. I think they're getting somewhere with it. For me it was worth the hassle, this wheelbase is pretty good.
I RMAed my 1st DD+ base a couple days ago due to grainy vibration and loud coil whine, and 2 weeks before that I purchased a 2nd one so I can continue to play. The main reason I made the 2nd purchase was that I play GT7 a lot, and DD+ is the only direct drive base that supports the PS5 and also has an ecosystem. Another reason is that I think the base is really great when it works properly. The 1st batch of DD+ they sent out this February seems to have the majority of issues. Luckily the new one is perfect, though I kinda not dare to upgrade the base FW to 457.
I sure wish they can overcome the difficulties around the products and the StaRUG so I can keep my passion towards sim racing and also can trust Fanatec as a reliable brand. But the fuss these past months were also really frustrating so I can't resist to vent a little bit every now and then.
Chasing electrical and software gremlins is not fun. It’s a long tedious process and requires a lot of testing. I for one appreciate the hard work, diligence and kindness the staff from Fanatec participating on this forum have shown. Thanks guys!
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The ad in GTWS event in Montreal last weekend was laughable and there were actually audiences posing thumbs down on live.
In the ad, the DD Extreme was described as GT's flagship racing wheel. The RGB LED lights around the sticks works, the OLED display of the GTX wheel shows detailed telemetry data, the Full Force was also clearly mentioned. All above are not supported now when playing GT7.
It's a GT7 tournament so the promotion is definitely for GT7, not PC. From the promotional perspective, if the wheel won't be the same as what it's promoted in Montreal, wouldn't it be considered as out-right false advertising? Or if GT7 goes to PC then I think it's fine...
All of the things you mention do work. The issue with those isn’t Fanatec’s. The game developers have been give the API and they need to implement it into their updates. If I was a betting man I would put money on GT having most if not all those feature in the upcoming update.
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All of the things you mention do work. The issue with those isn’t Fanatec’s. The game developers have been give the API and they need to implement it into their updates. If I was a betting man I would put money on GT having most if not all those feature in the upcoming update.
I was thinking about the same thing. Although Maurice already said on Reddit that there will be no Full Force (https://www.reddit.com/r/Fanatec/comments/1dx8spj/comment/lc53tab/), I do hope other fancy things will be implemented. Otherwise the devices they'll use in Prague won't have a better look than DD Pro IMO.
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Chasing electrical and software gremlins is not fun. It’s a long tedious process and requires a lot of testing. I for one appreciate the hard work, diligence and kindness the staff from Fanatec participating on this forum have shown. Thanks guys!
Yes I agree that debugging can sometimes be very time-consuming and exhausting. I'm working in the software and internet industry so believe me I've seen lots of nasty bugs. Again I just hope everything get sorted out and I can enjoy my base, instead of checking for updates and replying to posts (both vent and help) on the forum every day as I do now.
I'm currently on day 36 of waiting for an answer to my RMA request. My base has grainy vibrations in it and gets pretty warm after 5 minutes of play. Is there any other way to get in contact? I have payed a good amount of money for nothing basically, I get that there may be many RMA requests but this is getting out of hand.
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I'm currently on day 36 of waiting for an answer to my RMA request. My base has grainy vibrations in it and gets pretty warm after 5 minutes of play. Is there any other way to get in contact? I have payed a good amount of money for nothing basically, I get that there may be many RMA requests but this is getting out of hand.
Unfortunately not. You just have to wait. I don’t know what the waiting times are now but once I got past the generic first email the process was really smooth and quick. I hope you don’t have to wait much longer.
Raymond Xu I have the 8nm GT DD Pro as a backup DD wheel. I was going to sell it but I think I'll just keep it as a backup. "Two is one, one is none" as the saying goes. It's still a great little DD wheelbase if you sort out the QR. But the QR base side and how it attaches to wheelbase is the achilles heel for that thing IMO. The FFB doesn't really compare to the ClubSport DD+ though, but it's still pretty good.
BTW I don't know if it was the "correct" thing to do but I installed the most up to date FW that I have access to on my new DD+, the same combo that what was working on my RMA'd DD+ from the GT DD Extreme package. It's been working great through several days of use. Maybe 12 to 15 hours now on PC and PS5 - GT7.
steering wheel:
I guess I never posted it here but as you can see (videos below), my old wheelbase even when working well with all the FW hotfixes installed and no disconnects or freezing or soft disconnects had a jumpy hand brake input.
The new base has smooth hand brake input. Old base had very slight coil whine, new base has none. If anything the new base FFB is smoother although old base was not grainy like some people have reported.
So that alone says that there was something wrong with old wheelbase other than FW since both wheelbases have/ had same FW versions.
I ordered GT DD X the day it was announced and had it within two weeks so I assume it was an early revision.
New wheelbase handbrake input (smooth, the way it's supposed to be):
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Original wheelbase handbrake input (jumpy and erratic):
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Thanks for sharing. I think I'll stick to 454 for my new base as it's performing quite well. No disconnects or freezes, that's the most important.
As for my 1st and RMA'ed base, after it's back I'll just sell it. I think I don't need a $1000 paperweight. As long as I stay with 454, it seems fine. I'll check the feedback here for future FW update then decide whether to update my base or not.
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its actually very likely that the disconnect issue has to do with USB. Ive had this issue from many Fanatec bases going back to the original porsche belt driven wheel/base combos (had 3 of those). Switching to a USB directly on the motherboard helps. I also know that the Newest generation of AM5 AMD boards have alot of USB issues if the bus gets overwhelmed from too many things happening at the same time, (im almost willing to bet that the vast majority of people having issues are either on a AMD board or are not directly plugged into the back of the motherboard.)
Often just testing diffenrent usb's at the back of the motherboard will solve most issues
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its actually very likely that the disconnect issue has to do with USB. Ive had this issue from many Fanatec bases going back to the original porsche belt driven wheel/base combos (had 3 of those). Switching to a USB directly on the motherboard helps. I also know that the Newest generation of AM5 AMD boards have alot of USB issues if the bus gets overwhelmed from too many things happening at the same time, (im almost willing to bet that the vast majority of people having issues are either on a AMD board or are not directly plugged into the back of the motherboard.)
Often just testing diffenrent usb's at the back of the motherboard will solve most issues
Hope this helps at least some of you!
I have a AM5 board and have had zero issues with either my CS DD & CSL DD. Also, most here are having issues on PS5's which don't have those boards.
Was everything ok until today, never had any disconectiom or freeze probllems, and today i pluged in the ps5 and was stuck with red light, unable to change or turn off.
Pluged at the pc and received a messaged that is stuck in update mode, start the update, wait several minutes but stays stuck waiting for a response.
Attached some photos.
Tried with different wheels, with and without wheel, different usb ports, different driver versions, 454, 455, 456 and still the same.
I have a question about the basic firmware/driver update. I met someone through GT7 who bought the Gran Turismo DD Pro 5 nm over a year ago and has never installed an update. Unfortunately, he couldn't tell me the exact version number. Let's assume that it is version 452, could I then install version 457 directly on his Gran Turismo DD Pro 5 nm or do I have to install 453, 454, 455, 456 first? It would also be helpful to know which firmware/driver combination currently makes the most sense for the Gran Turismo DD Pro. I would be very grateful for detailed information.
No. You don’t need to update every version of the driver to keep up to the most recent version. You can update straight to 457 even if you’re on 454 or lower. I recently sold my DD Pro to a buddy of mine because I no longer need a back-up to my DD+. I loaded the firmware from PC driver 457 and ran it for a solid month with no issues at all. The DD Pro is solid on 457 IMO. Note: My DD Pro has QR2 installed so that was updated too with no issues at all. Hope this feedback helps.
Thank you for the information. The DD Pro on which I am supposed to do the update still has the original adapter, unfortunately no QR2. What problems can the original adapter cause during the update?
Hey fellas, I just ordered the Fanatec ClubSport Racing Wheel F1® bundle with the DD+. I also ordered the CSL Elite v2 pedals. This will be my first ever sim rig/sim equipment.
In preparation for the arrival (hopefully it's ASAP because I'm excited af), I wanted to confirm what the most -reliable- firmware would be to update everything to when I install it. I'm on a Windows 11 PC. I am using the PC I custom-built PC with an EKWB water cooling system, which has a z690 motherboard with a ton of USB ports.
I do not know what firmware version the wheel / DD / pedals will ship with. Should I update everything to 457?
What USB port are the PC players using? The one by the BIOS port, or the fastest one? (USB 3.0 or USB 3.1)?
I plan on plugging my pedals into the wheel base via RJ12, AFTER I update them via USB as I have heard to make sure and not plug the pedals into USB & RJ12 at the same time.
I know this might not be the best thread to ask these questions, but I have been keeping up here as I was thinking about pulling the trigger and the community seems incredibly nice, so figured I might as well try and ask. If it's not the right place, feel free to move my comment admins.
I would suggest you run the base, wheel and pedals as is from the factory loaded firmware. If you encounter problems update to the combo I listed below. It's what came with my second base and it's been rock solid on my PS5 for the last 2-3 weeks.
The DD+ base firmware from PC Driver 455 ( (That is likely what's loaded from the factory already) IF and only if, you're having soft disconnect issues, try the WQR firmware test hot fix ( that Fanatec had volunteer’s test from a few pages ago. If you're not having those issues just leave it alone for now. With regards to your F1 wheel, I have the same wheel. No issues with the latest firmware from PC Driver 457.
I can't comment on your pedal question. I mostly use my DD+ on my PS5.
Polyphony Digital sad that the second round of the Gran Turismo world series 2024 in august will be with the fanatec cs dd+ , from now on. The next big GT7 update will come in 25 this mount and i have read will have improved FFB . And i am just thinking but if there is still disconection problems they will not star using DD+ , so maybe the next fanatec update 458 could be in the end of the mount ot in very near future
Would be a disaster if they used the new equipment and there was a disconnect during the tournament.
Stefan Hinz
Maybe you haven't read my posts.
I have a csl dd and play on xbox series x.
Up until 2 weeks ago I had disconnection problems on Forza Motosport.
The shifter and buttons didn't work.
The FFB worked but I couldn't shift gears.
I solved the problem at the moment by tightening the screws on the steering wheel side where the connection pins are.
You know how it goes. Some companies don't want to know anything about these things, the problems are always thrown onto others. The best example of this is Forza Motorsport 23. The developers don't say a word about the problems, the Forza Motorsport community is basically beta testers for Turn 10.
Same goes for Fanatec. We are all testers.
"Some companies don't want to know anything about these things, the problems are always thrown onto others..."
"Same goes for Fanatec......"
I don't think it's a fair comparison. Fanatec aren't turning a blind eye to these disconnect problems or trying to blame anyone else for them. They're actively trying to fix them, and are fixing them, and trying to find out why they happened in the first place.
The ad in GTWS event in Montreal last weekend was laughable and there were actually audiences posing thumbs down on live.
In the ad, the DD Extreme was described as GT's flagship racing wheel. The RGB LED lights around the sticks works, the OLED display of the GTX wheel shows detailed telemetry data, the Full Force was also clearly mentioned. All above are not supported now when playing GT7.
It's a GT7 tournament so the promotion is definitely for GT7, not PC. From the promotional perspective, if the wheel won't be the same as what it's promoted in Montreal, wouldn't it be considered as out-right false advertising? Or if GT7 goes to PC then I think it's fine...
Yeah it's not fair. I often contact Marcel about the issues I had and he always responds with patience and I really appreciate that. What I was trying to say is that the base itself is not usable for a lot of us and the fix is coming slow, the QC and the process to cross out the root cause were all around the place and we essentially turn out to be testers.
Maybe it's the hardware supply chain's fault, maybe it's other's, who knows.
My replacement wheel and the firmwares I used before are working great so that good. I think they're getting somewhere with it. For me it was worth the hassle, this wheelbase is pretty good.
I RMAed my 1st DD+ base a couple days ago due to grainy vibration and loud coil whine, and 2 weeks before that I purchased a 2nd one so I can continue to play. The main reason I made the 2nd purchase was that I play GT7 a lot, and DD+ is the only direct drive base that supports the PS5 and also has an ecosystem. Another reason is that I think the base is really great when it works properly. The 1st batch of DD+ they sent out this February seems to have the majority of issues. Luckily the new one is perfect, though I kinda not dare to upgrade the base FW to 457.
I sure wish they can overcome the difficulties around the products and the StaRUG so I can keep my passion towards sim racing and also can trust Fanatec as a reliable brand. But the fuss these past months were also really frustrating so I can't resist to vent a little bit every now and then.
Chasing electrical and software gremlins is not fun. It’s a long tedious process and requires a lot of testing. I for one appreciate the hard work, diligence and kindness the staff from Fanatec participating on this forum have shown. Thanks guys!
All of the things you mention do work. The issue with those isn’t Fanatec’s. The game developers have been give the API and they need to implement it into their updates. If I was a betting man I would put money on GT having most if not all those feature in the upcoming update.
I was thinking about the same thing. Although Maurice already said on Reddit that there will be no Full Force (https://www.reddit.com/r/Fanatec/comments/1dx8spj/comment/lc53tab/), I do hope other fancy things will be implemented. Otherwise the devices they'll use in Prague won't have a better look than DD Pro IMO.
Yes I agree that debugging can sometimes be very time-consuming and exhausting. I'm working in the software and internet industry so believe me I've seen lots of nasty bugs. Again I just hope everything get sorted out and I can enjoy my base, instead of checking for updates and replying to posts (both vent and help) on the forum every day as I do now.
I'm currently on day 36 of waiting for an answer to my RMA request. My base has grainy vibrations in it and gets pretty warm after 5 minutes of play. Is there any other way to get in contact? I have payed a good amount of money for nothing basically, I get that there may be many RMA requests but this is getting out of hand.
Unfortunately not. You just have to wait. I don’t know what the waiting times are now but once I got past the generic first email the process was really smooth and quick. I hope you don’t have to wait much longer.
Raymond Xu I have the 8nm GT DD Pro as a backup DD wheel. I was going to sell it but I think I'll just keep it as a backup. "Two is one, one is none" as the saying goes. It's still a great little DD wheelbase if you sort out the QR. But the QR base side and how it attaches to wheelbase is the achilles heel for that thing IMO. The FFB doesn't really compare to the ClubSport DD+ though, but it's still pretty good.
BTW I don't know if it was the "correct" thing to do but I installed the most up to date FW that I have access to on my new DD+, the same combo that what was working on my RMA'd DD+ from the GT DD Extreme package. It's been working great through several days of use. Maybe 12 to 15 hours now on PC and PS5 - GT7.
steering wheel:
I guess I never posted it here but as you can see (videos below), my old wheelbase even when working well with all the FW hotfixes installed and no disconnects or freezing or soft disconnects had a jumpy hand brake input.
The new base has smooth hand brake input. Old base had very slight coil whine, new base has none. If anything the new base FFB is smoother although old base was not grainy like some people have reported.
So that alone says that there was something wrong with old wheelbase other than FW since both wheelbases have/ had same FW versions.
I ordered GT DD X the day it was announced and had it within two weeks so I assume it was an early revision.
New wheelbase handbrake input (smooth, the way it's supposed to be):
Original wheelbase handbrake input (jumpy and erratic):
Thanks for sharing. I think I'll stick to 454 for my new base as it's performing quite well. No disconnects or freezes, that's the most important.
As for my 1st and RMA'ed base, after it's back I'll just sell it. I think I don't need a $1000 paperweight. As long as I stay with 454, it seems fine. I'll check the feedback here for future FW update then decide whether to update my base or not.
Guys, it's been a long time.. But i'm still waiting for the promised test firmware with a solution to the dead zone on analogue pedals.......
I'm ready to test it….
You got it a few minutes ago ;)
its actually very likely that the disconnect issue has to do with USB. Ive had this issue from many Fanatec bases going back to the original porsche belt driven wheel/base combos (had 3 of those). Switching to a USB directly on the motherboard helps. I also know that the Newest generation of AM5 AMD boards have alot of USB issues if the bus gets overwhelmed from too many things happening at the same time, (im almost willing to bet that the vast majority of people having issues are either on a AMD board or are not directly plugged into the back of the motherboard.)
Often just testing diffenrent usb's at the back of the motherboard will solve most issues
Hope this helps at least some of you!
I have a AM5 board and have had zero issues with either my CS DD & CSL DD. Also, most here are having issues on PS5's which don't have those boards.
PS5 USB front and rear and old Intel Z170 Pro mobo on PC. Had discos on both with old wheel, no discos with new wheel. 🤷♂️
But i had more disconnects trying out rear USB on PS5 than front. Went back to the front USB on PS5, the USB-A, as USB-C is connected to PSVR2.
Hello, i need some help.
Was everything ok until today, never had any disconectiom or freeze probllems, and today i pluged in the ps5 and was stuck with red light, unable to change or turn off.
Pluged at the pc and received a messaged that is stuck in update mode, start the update, wait several minutes but stays stuck waiting for a response.
Attached some photos.
Tried with different wheels, with and without wheel, different usb ports, different driver versions, 454, 455, 456 and still the same.
any recomendation?
Hello everyone,
I have a question about the basic firmware/driver update. I met someone through GT7 who bought the Gran Turismo DD Pro 5 nm over a year ago and has never installed an update. Unfortunately, he couldn't tell me the exact version number. Let's assume that it is version 452, could I then install version 457 directly on his Gran Turismo DD Pro 5 nm or do I have to install 453, 454, 455, 456 first? It would also be helpful to know which firmware/driver combination currently makes the most sense for the Gran Turismo DD Pro. I would be very grateful for detailed information.
No. You don’t need to update every version of the driver to keep up to the most recent version. You can update straight to 457 even if you’re on 454 or lower. I recently sold my DD Pro to a buddy of mine because I no longer need a back-up to my DD+. I loaded the firmware from PC driver 457 and ran it for a solid month with no issues at all. The DD Pro is solid on 457 IMO. Note: My DD Pro has QR2 installed so that was updated too with no issues at all. Hope this feedback helps.
Hello Fred,
Thank you for the information. The DD Pro on which I am supposed to do the update still has the original adapter, unfortunately no QR2. What problems can the original adapter cause during the update?
Hey fellas, I just ordered the Fanatec ClubSport Racing Wheel F1® bundle with the DD+. I also ordered the CSL Elite v2 pedals. This will be my first ever sim rig/sim equipment.
In preparation for the arrival (hopefully it's ASAP because I'm excited af), I wanted to confirm what the most -reliable- firmware would be to update everything to when I install it. I'm on a Windows 11 PC. I am using the PC I custom-built PC with an EKWB water cooling system, which has a z690 motherboard with a ton of USB ports.
I do not know what firmware version the wheel / DD / pedals will ship with. Should I update everything to 457?
What USB port are the PC players using? The one by the BIOS port, or the fastest one? (USB 3.0 or USB 3.1)?
I plan on plugging my pedals into the wheel base via RJ12, AFTER I update them via USB as I have heard to make sure and not plug the pedals into USB & RJ12 at the same time.
I know this might not be the best thread to ask these questions, but I have been keeping up here as I was thinking about pulling the trigger and the community seems incredibly nice, so figured I might as well try and ask. If it's not the right place, feel free to move my comment admins.
Thanks, Jared
I would suggest you run the base, wheel and pedals as is from the factory loaded firmware. If you encounter problems update to the combo I listed below. It's what came with my second base and it's been rock solid on my PS5 for the last 2-3 weeks.
The DD+ base firmware from PC Driver 455 ( (That is likely what's loaded from the factory already) IF and only if, you're having soft disconnect issues, try the WQR firmware test hot fix ( that Fanatec had volunteer’s test from a few pages ago. If you're not having those issues just leave it alone for now. With regards to your F1 wheel, I have the same wheel. No issues with the latest firmware from PC Driver 457.
I can't comment on your pedal question. I mostly use my DD+ on my PS5.