Clubsport DD+ Issue

Just received the wheelbase a few days ago , When installed the Fanatec app shows the wheelbase as up to date

My formula V2 Wheel Sometimes shows up and sometimes not but says firmware up to date .

The quick release firmware shows uptake available but when I do it will not update .

Running Windows 10 I cannot find Fanatec under game controllers to go into properties . I am uploading some

screenshots for some help and direction .

Upon startup , the wheel does not make complete circle , its partial and erratic , I am able to toggle between PC

xbox and others . Tried installing the latest driver from fanatec . I have a pretty good understanding about PC and

built my own multiple times but I am seriously perprlexed with this issue .

I can play F1 23 almost with no issue

Iracing seems to be okay

Assetto Corsa & Competezione I am unable to make it work even in the control settings

Any help would be greatly appreciated


  • For Quick Release Update it seems to be important to have no wheel attached to wheel base.

    Other things to consider:

    • use original cable of this wheel base (for me not even original cable of a DD Pro worked)
    • connect directly to motherboard/ mainboard USB Port 3.0
  • Hi , Thanks I tried that also but I will try agin in a few minutes .

  • Yeah same thing for me.

    DD+, QR2 and a MClaren GT3 v2.

    Fanatec Manager says me that QR2 and steering wheel need an update. I click to do them. It ask me to unplug the steering wheel to upgrade the QR2, I do it and click OK, and finally it fail exactly like in your second picture.

    I tried many times, tried other USB ports, tried after reboot the PC, uninstall & reinstall the drivers... Fail, Fail, Fail.

    Firmware manager is a total garbage and a big shame about Fanatec which does nothing while many consumers have exactly the same problem.

  • I have another Wheel I needed to upgrade to the QR2 but its an old Hub and was unable to make the upgrade , I would need templates , a drill and 3D printer so I opted to buy a new hub , I am still waiting for up , Hopefully it will recognize that and correct everything but for now it seems to work okay not as expected I guess we can only wait for a new update and or software . Happy I am not alone. Hopefully there’s a better future

  • yeah same problem here but just bought dd+ and mcl=claren gt 3v2 how is this fixed how do i get older drivers

  • ive tryed everything in this forum and same result even tryed usb c to usb c cable straight to th emother board usb c and nothing i havent tried to use the new set up yet can i with all these issues or do i need to change the older drivers if so how do i do that

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