ClubSport Universal Hub v2 stopped working

So I jump on my computer and fire up my game today and notice my wheel isn't working. I notice the display on the wheel isn't lit up, and the wheel base is cycling through RGB colors. I open up the Fanatec Boost Kit software and it just says "No Fanatec Device Found". Great! So I pull the wheel off the hub, cycle the power, and it now sees the wheel base and pedals connected and working. As soon as I re-attach the wheel, it crashes again and displays the "No Fanatec Device Found" error.

I've tried restarting, plugging into different USB ports, reinstalling the PC driver... nothing. Every time I try to attach the wheel, it just throws this error, so I'm not even able to flash the wheel hub firmware. Quite frustrating as it's only a few months old. Anyone else run into this problem and find a fix?


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