GT DD Pro (8Nm)

Hello all. I ordered the GT DD Pro (8Nm) bundle on February 9th and it has been showing as "Handover to warehouse" since February 12th. When I ordered on the 9th the wheel bundle was in stock, however the website shows that this wheel set is now a Pre-order for March 14th. My order number is 1916XXX. I have emailed them, posted in this forum and even inquired through their social media pages, however I have not received any response. Has any of you ordered this wheel set (GT DD Pro 8Nm) recently and have you received it yet? After reading all of these complaints about the company I'm starting to get concerned that I might not ever receive what I ordered. Any feedback is much appreciated. @James or anyone else from Fanatec...can you please look into this for me?
One of my orders was in status „handed to warehouse“ for 11 working days before being shipped.
I received all my orders over the last 11,5 years and even in the last couple months (~3.000€) including Black Friday.
So your situation MIGHT be „normal“ under these circumstances and - as disappointing as it truely is - you probably shouldn’t be concerned before end of next week
Ho il tuo stesso articolo e fattura del 12/3 ddpro 8 nm e ho il consegna a magazzino fino a oggi aspetto con speranza
Ciao a tutti
Anch'io ordinato il 16 marzo bundle per ps5 e sempre solo: consegna al magazzino. Ordine che dicevano di spedire in 4-6 gg . Nessuna risposta o indicazione sui tempi di spedizione. Mai vista una roba del genere in anni e anni di acquisti via web.
Buongiorno è passato 1 mese il mio ddpro 8 nm,in quanto pagato, purtroppo non è qui .Mi sconforta solo che il 5 /4 qualcuno del team fanatecrepair mi scrive "controllerò lo stato del tuo ordine a magazzino" e ti ricontatterò 😔 da quel giorno il nulla