Is the support usually so bad? problems on CSL DD


I opened a case 6 days ago because my CSL DD (8NM) purchased 4 months ago has stopped working. It turns on and works fine... for about 1 minute until it automatically shuts off. 

Leaving aside the worrying thing that it seems to have burned out in 4 months with no more than 2 hours of gaming a day on weekends.... NOBODY in support has replied yet....  

I was already considering selling this one in segundamano and jumping a podium or similar... but if the support is so horrendous I do not even think about it and I go to another brand... 

has anyone had a similar experience? (and that still have not given me or first response, having detailed point by point the incidence and accompanying it with a video ...)

Those of you having to manage a support or reparation, how long usually takes?

Thank you in advanced.




  • How did you contact the Support? You created a Support ticket for the Base in the "my Products" section?

    Do you receive an automatic reply email after you've send the Support ticket?

    In my case i've contacted the Support bevore christmas and instantly got the automatic reply. After 3 days the Support contacted me with some additional requests i should check. After i've checked everything i got the RMA label and send the Base Back to Fanatec.

    They have longer respomd Times then usuall, about 8 working days i guess, somtimes much longer.

    The whole process toke about 3 weeks (First contact to Support-> delivery of the new base) but to be honest, there was christmas and new year in between.

  • You just need to look here in the forum. Every day 5-10 complains about (missing) support. So yes, it's still the same for months now. Either be ok with it, or go another route.

    People are still buying a lot from Fanatec, so I don't expect the situation will get any better soon.

  • I just completed a journey through an RMA (warranty) repair on my CSL DD. The repair was completed properly - they actually sent me a new wheel base.

    It took 5-7 days between contacts with support at Fanatec. In other words, I opened a case with them, took about 5-7 days for first response. Each time I responded to them, it was 5-7 days till I would hear back.

    When I finally got approved for RMA, it took about a week to get the shipping labels.

    After they received the defective product, I think it was about 2 to 2/12 weeks till I received the new unit. Didn't ever get a tracking # on it, just said "handed over to warehouse"...Then all of the sudden one day it was delivered.

    Not complaining, just giving others infor on what I experienced and what they may expect/compare to their own situation.

  • Hi Manuel,

    Yep, I oepened the case trough my products sections, actrually I received a couple of confirmation emails, first one confirming the case oepened, the second one with a summary of the issue i described in the web form.

    I answered that second mail adding much more detail I could gather and a video showing the problem (following the instructions described in same email, not changing the subjet and so on). the actually specify in the email they could take up to 7 days to answer... I've been managing very very big help desk services and this SLA for first response is totally ridiculous, but what I'm concerned about is how much time will take after first response to have my product properly working?

    I dont have any espectations to have the problem solved in two days, I understand there are many processes involved and delivery of physical products. What I cannot understand how poorly the treat customer spending hundreds or thousands euros in new products and then giving no answer.

    I going to wait a couple of days but I'm sincerely considering to take legal actions as is their obligation to repair or replace their product during warranty. I promise to update this thread as soon as they answer and solve the problem, I wont have problems to admit if i'm wrong but by now, seeing the forum with so many customers with my same problem...

    Thanks for reading and share your thoughts.

    Regards, Carlos.

  • Thank you Peter for share your experience, that gives me a little hope.

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