DD+ Force Feedback - Settings Move

I just moved from a DD Pro 8Nm to a DD+ wheel base. I‘m overall happy with my FFB settings I set up for different games on my DD Pro but wanted them stronger and the higher peak endurable why I chose DD+.
I don’t want to start from scratch with FFB settings on my DD+ so I wondered how to move from a lower torque Wheel base to a higher torque wheel base.
Are ALL values affected by FFB or values like NDP, NIN, NFR are not?
i am also wondering about changing settings. Did the same step as Marcel. Took the settings from the Forum for the Podium F1 and switched the FFB Strength to 65%. Would love to hear other suggestions. Nonetheless im very fine with the current settings. Feels like a huge step. Also very pleased with the progression of QR1 to QR2. Maybe Fanatec can also add some official recommendations.
There is no official recommendations ?
I find that after FFB Strength the best settings to play with are:
If you play with those one at a time you'll get a feel for what they do and be able to adjust them to your liking.
Re-adjust FFB Strength after that.