QR1 Lite Stock Holding me back?

Is the QR1 Lite really the reason my ready to race bundle hasn’t shipped? I even ordered the QR2 because I heard the QR1 is garbage. And I just saw a post about it being out of stock and I checked…March 21st. I’ve been handover to warehouse for over two weeks(I know some have it worse) but if it’s really something I don’t need holding me back this is awful. I’m in the US.


  • Try contacting support, Dont go thru the website and directly email webshop@fanatec.com

    it took them 2 weeks to answer my emails but they actually helped me out today .

  • Maysor SternyMaysor Sterny Member
    edited February 4
    Handover to the warehouse
    This is correct if you ordered both as one is free.
    In the selection menu you can easily purchase the free QR1 and also the QR1 additionally.
    Yes, if your status is longer than 1-2 days, something is unavailable for you.
    Me2 BMW set qr1light
    even though it is in the packaging.
    January 31, 2024
    Order is being processed
    and I have to wait.
    And why do I have to wait Black F....
  • Same thing happened to me with he QR1 Lite being out of stock which said it was in stock when I ordered it. I just placed a new order but upgraded the QR1 to ensure they ship it out quickly so I'm hoping to get my stuff in by mid next week. I have PayPal refunding me on Monday for my first order.

  • That's not entirely true and the company has to defend it
    It was more like that.
    5 people order and there are only 3 available then 2 go out and have to wait because unfortunately the site is not that fast.
    I already had that with another company and no one can do anything about it.

  • Update

    Auf unbestimmte Zeit muss ich jetzt warten.

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